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Reloading php-fpm on a production server without affecting current requests


我们有一台配置非常高的生产服务器,为了充分利用这些资源,我们想要更改默认的php-fpm设置,比如pm.max_children, pm.max_spare_servers, pm.start_servers和pm.min_spare_servers


systemctl reload命令是否可以在不影响当前请求的情况下完成这项任务?


编辑: 我还不太信任Chat-GPT。


We have a production server with very high specs and to utilize these resources, we want to change the default php-fpm settings like pm.max_children, pm.max_spare_servers, pm.start_servers, and pm.min_spare_servers.

We want to apply this change ASAP, but there are many requests, and we want to make the change without causing a mess.

Can systemctl reload command do this without affecting the current requests?
I'm confused about how the reload works actually, will it wait until all the active requests finish? in this case, I think we will wait a long time.

Is it safe to use reload command? Are there rather ways to do this task?

Edit: I don't trust Chat-GPT yet


得分: 2

根据man页面,'systemctl reload php-fpm' 应该是你要找的:

reload PATTERN...

要求命令行上列出的所有单元重新加载其配置。请注意,这将重新加载特定于服务的配置,而不是systemd的单元配置文件。如果您想要systemd重新加载一个单元的配置文件,请使用daemon-reload命令。换句话说,在Apache的示例中,这将重新加载Web服务器中的Apache的httpd.conf文件,而不是apache.service systemd单元文件。

restart PATTERN...

请注意,使用此命令重新启动一个单元不一定会在再次启动之前清除所有单元的资源。例如,只要单元有一个挂起的作业,每个服务文件描述符存储设施(请参见systemd.service(5)中的FileDescriptoreStoreMax=)将保持完整,并且仅在单元完全停止并不再挂起作业时才会清除。如果打算在重新启动操作期间刷新文件描述符存储,应该发出显式的systemctl stop命令,然后是systemctl start。



Based on the man page 'systemctl reload php-fpm' should be what you're looking for :

reload PATTERN...
>Asks all units listed on the command line to reload their
configuration. Note that this will reload the service-specific
configuration, not the unit configuration file of systemd. If you
want systemd to reload the configuration file of a unit, use the
daemon-reload command. In other words: for the example case of
Apache, this will reload Apache's httpd.conf in the web server, not
the apache.service systemd unit file.
This command should not be confused with the daemon-reload command.

restart PATTERN...
>Stop and then start one or more units specified on the command
line. If the units are not running yet, they will be started.
Note that restarting a unit with this command does not necessarily
flush out all of the unit's resources before it is started again.
For example, the per-service file descriptor storage facility (see
FileDescriptoreStoreMax= in systemd.service(5)) will remain intact
as long as the unit has a job pending, and is only cleared when the
unit is fully stopped and no jobs are pending anymore. If it is
intended that the file descriptor store is flushed out, too, during
a restart operation an explicit systemctl stop command followed by
systemctl start should be issued.

There's also this old post showing that php-fpm supports graceful restart on SysV systems using the reload option.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月20日 04:13:10
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