如何追踪错误 3228369022(0xc06d007e)’模块未找到’?

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How to trace error 3228369022 (0xc06d007e) 'Module not found'?


我正在开发一个C# Winforms CMS应用程序,该应用程序通过OleDb在Access数据库中维护数据,并将其元素发布到Web后端。我的问题似乎与在这里找到的问题相同:关于追踪“找不到模块”错误的SO问题,即我的应用程序运行约20秒后出现“找不到模块”的错误。


崩溃似乎完全是时间驱动的,即在UI中做什么都没有影响。在Program.cs中的“catch all” try...catch中没有捕获任何异常。


根据在MS论坛上找到的建议,我运行了“sfc /SCANNOW”,结果显示“找到损坏的文件并成功修复了它们”。这对问题似乎没有明显影响。



PS/ 这可能与此处描述的错误相同 here - 但我没有明确/知ingly调用任何新的dll,也没有使用c++。


I am developing a C# Winforms CMS application which maintains data in an Access database via OleDb and posts elements of it to a web backend. My issue seems to be the same as the one found here:
SO question on tracing a 'module not found' error
in that I too run my application then it bombs out after about 20 seconds with the 'module not found' error.

I can't identify anything that I have changed in the code that could have triggered this; I've basically been working on refining the population of a list in a form with data retrieved from the db - something I've been doing extensively throughout development - and besides the occasional application crash which I've "solved" by restarting VS2022, things have been going OK. No new classes have been created prior to the onset of the issue.

The crash seems to be entirely time driven - i.e. it makes no difference what I do in the UI. A "catch all" try...catch in Program.cs does not catch any exception.

The searches that I have done with the error number seem to reference an issue with Kernelbase.dll but alas I am sufficiently unskilled to establish how/where my code references this library. A contributor to the referenced question suggests "capture a crash dump and analyze it with WinDbg", but (having read the MS page on getting started with WinDbg) I literally have no idea how I would do this, or what I would be looking for.

On the advice found on an MS forum, I ran "sfc /SCANNOW" which "found corrupt files and successfully repaired them". This had no apparent impact on the issue.

Please could you point me in the direction where I might find out what is going on and how to fix it?


PS/ This may be the same error as described here too - but I'm not explicitly/knowingly calling any new dll, nor working in c++.


得分: -1


幸运!问题似乎出现在 MS Office 中的某个地方 - 可能在 mso.dll 内部。我相信有一种负责任的方式可以向 Microsoft 报告此问题,并提供一个可重现的代码示例 - 但我正专注于我的项目,所以我按照这里的说明将 Office 恢复到版本 16.2302 Build 16130.20332。这完全消除了崩溃。

非常感谢所有在此过程中帮助过我的人 - 特别是 @rene,他理解了我的问题。 如何追踪错误 3228369022(0xc06d007e)’模块未找到’?


附带说明/ 如果有人可以指点我如何报告此问题,也许我在完成项目后会回头处理。


It turns out that the issue lies somewhere in MS Office - probably within mso.dll. I'm sure there's a responsible way to go, reporting the issue to Microsoft along with a reproducible code example - but I'm on a mission with my project, so I sidestepped it by following the instructions here to revert Office to Version 16.2302 Build 16130.20332.
This has entirely eliminated the crash.

Many thanks to all who helped along the way - particularly @rene who got down to my level. 如何追踪错误 3228369022(0xc06d007e)’模块未找到’?


PS/ If anyone can give me a pointer as to how to report the issue, maybe I'll get back to it when I'm done.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月19日 17:24:21
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