GCP Bucket或Filestore可用作替代Azure Blob Storage,以挂载在Kubernetes Pod上。

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GCP Bucket or Filestore to use as a replacement for Azure Blob Storage to mount on kubernetes Pod


We are migrating from Azure to GCP. In Azure we use Azure Blob Storage to mount on k8s using PV-PVC.

在迁移时,我们从Azure迁移到GCP。在Azure中,我们使用Azure Blob Storage来挂载到k8s上,使用PV-PVC。

When learning GCP, I found that Azure Blob equivalent of GCP is Bucket, but it is not mountable using PV-PVC. But GCP Filestore can be used to mount on k8s Pod using PV-PVC.

在学习GCP时,我发现GCP的Azure Blob等效物是Bucket,但不能使用PV-PVC挂载。但是,GCP Filestore可以使用PV-PVC挂载到k8s Pod上。

Mounting of GCP Bucket is possible through gcsfuse / mount command as part of init script / app start shell script.

通过gcsfuse / mount命令作为init脚本/应用程序启动shell脚本的一部分,可以挂载GCP Bucket。

The mounted storage is used for application logging as well as storing some business-related data.


I tried both Bucket and Filestore, which is working for demo application.


Which is recommended to use with GKE to mount on Pod? Bucket or Filestore



We are migrating from Azure to GCP. In Azure we use Azure Blob Storage to mount on k8s using PV-PVC.

When learning GCP, I found that Azure Blob equivalent of GCP is Bucket, but it is not mountable using PV-PVC. But GCP Filestore can be used to mount on k8s Pod using PV-PVC.

Mounting of GCP Bucket is possible through gcsfuse / mount command as part of init script / app start shell script.

The mounted storage is used for application logging as well as storing some business related data.

I tried both Bucket and Filestore, which is working for demo application.

Which is recommended to use with GKE to mount on Pod? Bucket or Filestore


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GCS Fuse 适用于存储 日志 数据,如果您已准备好处理 延迟 的话。

当您有 业务相关 数据时,如果这很重要,您必须使用 GCS Fuse 处理 重试 策略

另一方面,对于 Filestore,我认为最低配置将是 1 TB,所以如果您负担得起并且有那么多数据的需求,这将是一个不错的选择。

此外,filestore 支持 ReadWriteMany,所以如果您有这个需求,请选择它。


GCS Fuse is good for storing the logging data if you are Ready with latency.

When you have business related data if it's essential you have to handle the retry strategy with the GCS fuse.

On the other side with Filestore i think the minimum provisioning will be 1 TB so if you can afford and have requirement of that much data it will be a good option.

Also, filestore supports ReadWriteMany so if you have that requirement go for it.


得分: 0

你可以使用 Google 的 Cloud Storage FUSE CSI 驱动程序在 GKE 上挂载 GCS 存储桶。官方文档中有示例。它还支持将 GCS 存储桶挂载为 CSI 临时卷。

另一个非官方选项是 csi-gcs。


You can mount GCS buckets with PV/PVC if the cluster is on GKE via Google's Cloud Storage FUSE CSI driver. It has examples in the official documentation. It also supports mounting GCS buckets as CSI ephemeral volumes.

Have a look at csi-gcs for another unofficial option.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月19日 17:19:07
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