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Calculate the swiss tennis ranking classification


The Swiss tennis ranking is calculated using the classification value C, which is the sum of the match value W and the risk value R. You want to calculate C with a function. Here's the function in R:

calculate_c = function(tibble, w0) {
  tibble_out <- tibble %>%
    mutate(e_pos_wi = case_when(result == "win" ~ exp(match_value_opponent),
                               TRUE ~ 1),
           e_neg_wj = case_when(result == "loss" ~ exp(-match_value_opponent),
                               TRUE ~ 1)) %>%
    summarise(sum_e_pos_wi = sum(e_pos_wi, na.rm = TRUE),
              sum_e_neg_wj = sum(e_neg_wj, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
    mutate(e_pos_w0 = exp(w0),
           e_neg_w0 = exp(-w0),
           W = (1/2) * (log(sum_e_pos_wi + e_pos_w0) - log(sum_e_neg_wj + e_neg_w0)),
           R = (1/6) * (log(sum_e_pos_wi + e_pos_w0) - log(sum_e_neg_wj + e_neg_w0)),
           C = W + R)
  return(tibble_out[, c("W", "R", "C")])

# Example usage:
results <- tibble(match = c(1, 2, 3), match_value_opponent = c(2.4, 4.5, 3.4), result = c("win", "loss", "win"))
w0 <- 2

calculate_c(tibble = results, w0 = w0)

Please note that this code includes some adjustments to handle cases where result is neither "win" nor "loss," as the formulas you provided seem to expect.


The Swiss tennis ranking is calculated using the classification value C

C is the sum of the match value W and the risk value R

I would like to calculate C with a function.



  1. W = your match value
  2. W0= your previous match value
  3. Wi= the match value of the player you defeated
  4. Wj= the match value of the player you lost to
  5. s= sum of the matches you won
  6. N= sum of the matches you lost

Now I would like to write a function that calculates C with a tibble input of the matches played and the match value of the opponents.
(I've already learned how to estimate a desired W)

results &lt;- tibble(match=c(1,2,3),match_value_opponent=c(2.4,4.5,3.4), result=c(&quot;win&quot;,&quot;loss&quot;,&quot;win&quot;))

The previous match value is a constant:
w0 &lt;- 2

I think the function would look like this, but I am not sure how to implement the two formulas in R

calculate_w= function(results)(...)


With the function from the kind answer from theN below I do not get the expected results, especially not expected W.

Reprex with the data from this accepted answer:


calculate_c= function(tibble,w0){
  tibble_out &lt;- tibble %&gt;%
    mutate(e_pos_wi = case_when(result == &quot;win&quot;  ~ exp(match_value_opponent)),
           e_neg_wj = case_when(result == &quot;loss&quot; ~ exp(-match_value_opponent))) %&gt;%
    summarise(sum_e_pos_wi = sum(e_pos_wi, na.rm = T),
              sum_e_neg_wj = sum(e_neg_wj, na.rm = T)) %&gt;%
    mutate(e_pos_w0 = exp(w0),
           e_neg_w0 = exp(w0),
           W = (1/2) * (log(sum_e_pos_wi + e_pos_w0) - log(sum_e_neg_wj + e_neg_w0)),
           R = (1/6) * (log(sum_e_pos_wi + e_pos_w0) - log(sum_e_neg_wj + e_neg_w0)),
           C = W + R)

# make a tibble with 15 wins vs a player with a W of 3400 (same input as described in the question/answer on Mathematica linked above) 
results &lt;- tibble(match=paste(1:15),match_value_opponent=c(rep(3.400,15)), result=c(rep(&quot;win&quot;,15)))

# calculate W with the same W0 as in the Mathematica question/answer
calculate_c(tibble = results, w0=2.354)
#&gt; # A tibble: 1 &#215; 3
#&gt;       W     R     C
#&gt;   &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;dbl&gt;
#&gt; 1  1.89 0.630  2.52

#expected output
# W at least 3.2

<sup>Created on 2023-04-22 with reprex v2.0.2</sup>


These are the formulas directly copied from the link above:



Because of the comments (the given formulas might not be unequivocal), I contacted Swiss Tennis for clarification. They sent me updated formulas (sorry for the quality, these are the originals):
Where WA = W0
Unfortunately, they did not provide an example of the formula in use.


得分: 1

This should work, feel free to modify the function to return intermediate parts of the calculation if needed.

calculate_c = function(tibble){
  tibble_out <- tibble %>%
    mutate(e_pos_wi = case_when(result == "win"  ~ exp(match_value_opponent)),
           e_neg_wj = case_when(result == "loss" ~ exp(-match_value_opponent))) %>%
    summarise(sum_e_pos_wi = sum(e_pos_wi, na.rm = T),
              sum_e_neg_wj = sum(e_neg_wj, na.rm = T)) %>%
    mutate(e_pos_w0 = exp(2),
           e_neg_w0 = exp(-2),
           W = (1/2) * (log(sum_e_pos_wi + e_pos_w0) - log(sum_e_neg_wj + e_neg_w0)),
           R = (1/6) * (log(sum_e_pos_wi + e_pos_w0) - log(sum_e_neg_wj + e_neg_w0)),
           C = W + R)

  return(tibble_out[, "C"])

calculate_c(tibble = results)

This should work, feel free to modify the function to return intermediate parts of the calculation if needed.

calculate_c= function(tibble){
  tibble_out &lt;- tibble %&gt;%
    mutate(e_pos_wi = case_when(result == &quot;win&quot;  ~ exp(match_value_opponent)),
           e_neg_wj = case_when(result == &quot;loss&quot; ~ exp(-match_value_opponent))) %&gt;%
    summarise(sum_e_pos_wi = sum(e_pos_wi, na.rm = T),
              sum_e_neg_wj = sum(e_neg_wj, na.rm = T)) %&gt;%
    mutate(e_pos_w0 = exp(2),
           e_neg_w0 = exp(-2),
           W = (1/2) * (log(sum_e_pos_wi + e_pos_w0) - log(sum_e_neg_wj + e_neg_w0)),
           R = (1/6) * (log(sum_e_pos_wi + e_pos_w0) - log(sum_e_neg_wj + e_neg_w0)),
           C = W + R)

  return(tibble_out[, &quot;C&quot;])

calculate_c(tibble = results)


得分: 1

Here's the translated code portion:

W = function(res, w0) {
    # 胜利时的分数
    wi = res$match_value_opponent[res$result == "win"]
    # W的前半部分
    w1 = log(sum(exp(wi)) + exp(w0))
    # 失败时的分数
    wj = res$match_value_opponent[res$result == "loss"]
    # W的后半部分
    w2 = log(sum(exp(-wj)) + exp(-w0))

    return(0.5*(w1 - w2))

R = function(res, w0) {
    # 胜利时的分数
    wi = res$match_value_opponent[res$result == "win"]
    # R的前半部分
    w1 = log(sum(exp(wi)) + exp(w0))
    # 失败时的分数
    wj = res$match_value_opponent[res$result == "loss"]
    # R的后半部分
    w2 = log(sum(exp(-wj)) + exp(-w0))
    return((1/6)*(w1 + w2))

C = function(res, w0) {
    w = W(res, w0)
    r = R(res, w0)
    return(w + r)

Please note that I've translated the comments as well for clarity.

W = function(res, w0) {
    # scores when you win
    wi = res$match_value_opponent[res$result == &quot;win&quot;]
    # first half of W
    w1 = log(sum(exp(wi)) + exp(w0))
    # scores when you lose
    wj = res$match_value_opponent[res$result == &quot;loss&quot;]
    # second half of W
    w2 = log(sum(exp(-wj)) + exp(-w0))

    return(0.5*(w1 - w2))

R = function(res, w0) {
    # scores when you win
    wi = res$match_value_opponent[res$result == &quot;win&quot;]
    # first half of W
    w1 = log(sum(exp(wi)) + exp(w0))
    # scores when you lose
    wj = res$match_value_opponent[res$result == &quot;loss&quot;]
    # second half of W
    w2 = log(sum(exp(-wj)) + exp(-w0))
    return((1/6)*(w1 + w2))

C = function(res, w0) {
    w = W(res, w0)
    r = R(res, w0)
    return(w + r)

I haven't written it in the most efficient way, but you have separate functions for calculating W and R if you need them.

If I run

results2 &lt;- tibble(match=paste(1:15),match_value_opponent=c(rep(3.400,15)), result=c(rep(&quot;win&quot;,15)))
C(results2, 2)

I get

[1] &quot;W&quot;
[1] 4.062178
[1] &quot;R&quot;
[1] 0.6873927
[1] 4.749571

I think this makes more sense - your W score should be greater than 2 after winning 15 matches against players with match values of 3.4.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月19日 15:27:01
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76051783.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
