禁用提交如果用户名不可用 PHP

huangapple go评论94阅读模式

Disable submit if the username is not available php



  1. 我正在尝试开发一个表单来创建一个类别。
  2. 我已经编写了一个代码来在用户输入类别名称时检查类别名称的可用性。
  3. 这是我在表单中使用的HTML代码。
  4. <div class="form-group">
  5. <label>类别名称<span class="text-danger">*</span></label>
  6. <input type="text" name="category_name" class="form-control" id="category_name">
  7. <div id="cat_name_status" class="mt-1"></div>
  8. </div>
  9. <button class="btn btn-primary" name="create" id="create" type="submit">创建</button>


  1. <script>
  2. $(document).ready(function(){
  3. $("#category_name").keyup(function(){
  4. var cat_name = $(this).val();
  5. var usernameRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/;
  6. if(cat_name != ''){
  7. $.ajax({
  8. url: 'cat_name_status.php',
  9. type: 'post',
  10. data: {cat_name: cat_name},
  11. success: function(response){
  12. $('#cat_name_status').html(response);
  13. }
  14. });
  15. }else{
  16. $("#cat_name_status").html("<span style='color: red;'> <i class='fas fa-times-circle'></i> 请输入一个有效的类别名称</span>");
  17. $("#create").attr("disabled", true);
  18. }
  19. });
  20. });
  21. </script>


  1. <?php
  2. require('../../dbc/dbconn.php');
  3. include('../../includes/scripts.php');
  4. include('../../includes/functions.php');
  5. if(isset($_POST['cat_name'])){
  6. $cat_name = clearInput($condb, $_POST['cat_name']);
  7. $check = mysqli_query($condb, "
  8. select cat_name
  9. from pos_categories
  10. where cat_name = '$cat_name'");
  11. if(mysqli_num_rows($check)>0){
  12. echo '<p class="text-danger"><strong><i class="fas fa-times-circle"></i> 类别名称已经存在</strong></p>';
  13. }
  14. }
  15. ?>

此代码目前可以成功在cat_name_status div中显示类别名称的可用性,但需要您的支持来修改它以在类别名称不可用时禁用提交按钮。


I am trying to develop a form to create a category.
<br>I have written a code to check the availability of the Category Name while user is typing the category name.
<br>This is the html code I have used in the form.

  1. &lt;div class=&quot;form-group&quot;&gt;
  2. &lt;label&gt;Category Name&lt;span class=&quot;text-danger&quot;&gt;*&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/label&gt;
  3. &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;category_name&quot; class=&quot;form-control&quot; id=&quot;category_name&quot;&gt;
  4. &lt;div id=&quot;cat_name_status&quot; class=&quot;mt-1&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
  5. &lt;/div&gt;
  6. &lt;button class=&quot;btn btn-primary&quot; name=&quot;create&quot; id=&quot;create&quot; type=&quot;submit&quot;&gt;Create&lt;/button&gt;

What i need is, if the Category name is not available (already taken) the submit button should be disable.
<br>This is the jquery script I am using.

  1. &lt;script&gt;
  2. $(document).ready(function(){
  3. $(&quot;#category_name&quot;).keyup(function(){
  4. var cat_name = $(this).val();
  5. var usernameRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/;
  6. if(cat_name != &#39;&#39;){
  7. $.ajax({
  8. url: &#39;cat_name_status.php&#39;,
  9. type: &#39;post&#39;,
  10. data: {cat_name: cat_name},
  11. success: function(response){
  12. $(&#39;#cat_name_status&#39;).html(response);
  13. }
  14. });
  15. }else{
  16. $(&quot;#cat_name_status&quot;).html(&quot;&lt;span style=&#39;color: red;&#39;&gt; &lt;i class=&#39;fas fa-times-circle&#39;&gt;&lt;/i&gt; Enter a valid category name&lt;/span&gt;&quot;);
  17. $(&quot;#create&quot;).attr(&quot;disabled&quot;, true);
  18. }
  19. });
  20. });
  21. &lt;/script&gt;

and this is the php code in cat_name_status.php

  1. &lt;?php
  2. require(&#39;../../dbc/dbconn.php&#39;);
  3. include(&#39;../../includes/scripts.php&#39;);
  4. include(&#39;../../includes/functions.php&#39;);
  5. if(isset($_POST[&#39;cat_name&#39;])){
  6. $cat_name = clearInput($condb, $_POST[&#39;cat_name&#39;]);
  7. $check = mysqli_query($condb, &quot;
  8. select cat_name
  9. from pos_categories
  10. where cat_name = &#39;$cat_name&#39;&quot;);
  11. if(mysqli_num_rows($check)&gt;0){
  12. echo &#39;&lt;p class=&quot;text-danger&quot;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&lt;i class=&quot;fas fa-times-circle&quot;&gt;&lt;/i&gt; Category Name already exists&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&#39;;
  13. }
  14. }
  15. ?&gt;

At this moment, this code successfully prints the availability of the category name in cat_name_status div but need your support to modify it to disable the submit button if the category name is not available.

At this moment, this code successfully prints the availability of the category name in cat_name_status div but need your support to modify it to disable the submit button if the category name is not available.


得分: 1

Here's the translated content:


如果(mysqli_num_rows($ check)> 0){
$ response =(object)[
'code' => 1,
'message' => '


echo json_encode($ response);

var result = $ .parseJSON(response);
if(result.code ==“1”){



rather than printing the error message as a string, you could use an object and encode it to JSON format to better communicate with client:

  1. if (mysqli_num_rows($check) &gt; 0) {
  2. $response = (object)[
  3. &#39;code&#39; =&gt; 1,
  4. &#39;message&#39; =&gt; &#39;&lt;p class=&quot;text-danger&quot;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&lt;i class=&quot;fas fa-times-circle&quot;&gt;&lt;/i&gt; Category Name already exists&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&#39;
  5. ];
  6. echo json_encode($response);
  7. }

then you can parse the JSON and take action based on the "code" property of the returned object:

  1. success: function(response){
  2. var result = $.parseJSON(response);
  3. if(result.code == &quot;1&quot;){
  4. $(&#39;#cat_name_status&#39;).html(result.message);
  5. $(&quot;#create&quot;).prop(&quot;disabled&quot;, true);
  6. }
  7. }

Why printing an object in JSON format makes the client-server communication better: because it provides a clean and flexible way to receive multiple data type structures in an AJAX call. In your specific case, you required two pieces of information from the server: an integer code indicating the scenario that occurred, and a string message containing the corresponding error message to be displayed to the user. By using JSON, you can easily receive both pieces of data in a clear and organized format that can be efficiently processed by the client-side code.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月19日 15:24:29
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76051761.html



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