Recursion in C++ leads to exit code
I'm coding a Magic Wand Tool that selects every pixel similar to a starting pixel. In the script where I mark all similar pixels I have an image, a tolerance T and the starting coordinates x and y. I used recursion to code my function. The code works with a small tolerance T but if I use a bigger tolerance I get a "The process exited with code -11" error. I think the problem is too much recursion going on. The program starts at the MWT function. Does anyone know how to solve this? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
#include "mwt.h"
using namespace std;
void checkSurroundings(const Image& image, vector<vector<bool>>& seen_pixels, const int& T,
const unsigned int& x, const unsigned int& y, int x0, int y0)
seen_pixels.at(x0).at(y0) = true;
if(x0 + 1 < 512 && seen_pixels.at(x0 + 1).at(y0) == false && abs(image.at(x).at(y) - image.at(x0 + 1).at(y0)) <= T)
checkSurroundings(image, seen_pixels, T, x, y, x0 + 1, y0);
if(x0 - 1 >= 0 && seen_pixels.at(x0 - 1).at(y0) == false && abs(image.at(x).at(y) - image.at(x0 - 1).at(y0)) <= T)
checkSurroundings(image, seen_pixels, T, x, y, x0 - 1, y0);
if(y0 + 1 < 512 && seen_pixels.at(x0).at(y0 + 1) == false && abs(image.at(x).at(y) - image.at(x0).at(y0 + 1)) <= T)
checkSurroundings(image, seen_pixels, T, x, y, x0, y0 + 1);
if(y0 - 1 >= 0 && seen_pixels.at(x0).at(y0 - 1) == false && abs(image.at(x).at(y) - image.at(x0).at(y0 - 1)) <= T)
checkSurroundings(image, seen_pixels, T, x, y, x0, y0 - 1);
vector<vector<bool>> MWT(const Image& image,
const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y,
const unsigned int T)
const unsigned int height = image.at(0).size();
const unsigned int width = image.size();
vector<vector<bool>> seen_pixels(width, vector<bool>(height, false));
checkSurroundings(image, seen_pixels, T, x, y, x, y);
return seen_pixels;
I'm coding a Magic Wand Tool that selects every pixel similar to a starting pixel. In the script where I mark all similar pixels I have an image, a tolerance T and the starting coordinates x and y. I used recursion to code my function. The code works with a small tolerance T but if I use a bigger tolerance I get a "The process exited with code -11" error. I think the problem is too much recursion going on. The program starts at the MWT function. Does anyone know how to solve this? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
#include "mwt.h"
using namespace std;
void checkSurroundings(const Image& image, vector<vector<bool>>& seen_pixels, const int& T,
const unsigned int& x, const unsigned int& y, int x0, int y0)
seen_pixels.at(x0).at(y0) = true;
if(x0 + 1 < 512 && seen_pixels.at(x0 + 1).at(y0) == false && abs(image.at(x).at(y) - image.at(x0 + 1).at(y0)) <= T)
checkSurroundings(image, seen_pixels, T, x, y, x0 + 1, y0);
if(x0 - 1 >= 0 && seen_pixels.at(x0 - 1).at(y0) == false && abs(image.at(x).at(y) - image.at(x0 - 1).at(y0)) <= T)
checkSurroundings(image, seen_pixels, T, x, y, x0 - 1, y0);
if(y0 + 1 < 512 && seen_pixels.at(x0).at(y0 + 1) == false && abs(image.at(x).at(y) - image.at(x0).at(y0 + 1)) <= T)
checkSurroundings(image, seen_pixels, T, x, y, x0, y0 + 1);
if(y0 - 1 >= 0 && seen_pixels.at(x0).at(y0 - 1) == false && abs(image.at(x).at(y) - image.at(x0).at(y0 - 1)) <= T)
checkSurroundings(image, seen_pixels, T, x, y, x0, y0 - 1);
vector<vector<bool>> MWT(const Image& image,
const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y,
const unsigned int T)
const unsigned int height = image.at(0).size();
const unsigned int width = image.size();
vector<vector<bool>> seen_pixels(width, vector<bool>(height, false));
checkSurroundings(image, seen_pixels, T, x, y, x, y);
return seen_pixels;
# 答案1
**得分**: 2
"Going through all pixels of an Image recursively is not advisable. If the Image is too large, this will overflow your stack. You should use a dynamic stack:
template <std::predicate<std::size_t, std::size_t> F>
std::vector<bool> checkSurroundings(Image const& image, F&& f, std::size_t x0, std::size_t y0) {
std::vector<std::array<std::size_t, 2>> stack;
stack.push_back({x0, y0});
if (image.empty()) return {};
std::size_t const w = image.size();
std::vector<bool> seen(w * image[0].size());
while (!stack.empty()) {
auto const expand = [&](std::size_t const x, std::size_t const y) {
if (x >= image.size()) return; // enough because of unsigned underflow
if (y >= image[x].size()) return; // same
if (seen[x + w * y]) return;
if (!f(x, y)) return;
stack.push_back({x, y});
seen[x + w * y] = true;
auto const [x, y] = stack.back();
expand(x + 1, y);
expand(x - 1, y);
expand(x, y + 1);
expand(x, y - 1);
return seen;
std::vector<bool> MWT(const Image& image, std::size_t x, std::size_t y, std::int32_t t) {
return checkSurroundings(image, [&](auto x0, auto y0){
return std::abs(image[x][y] - image[x0][y0]) <= t;
}, x, y);
I also took the liberty to change the type of your "seen" lookup to reduce the amount of allocations.
Going through all pixels of an Image recursively is not advisable. If the Image is too large, this will overflow your stack. You should use a dynamic stack:
template <std::predicate<std::size_t, std::size_t> F>
std::vector<bool> checkSurroundings(Image const& image, F&& f, std::size_t x0, std::size_t y0) {
std::vector<std::array<std::size_t,2>> stack;
if (image.empty()) return {};
std::size_t const w = image.size();
std::vector<bool> seen(w*image[0].size());
while (!stack.empty()) {
auto const expand = [&](std::size_t const x, std::size_t const y) {
if (x >= image.size()) return; // enough because of unsigned underflow
if (y >= image[x].size()) return; // same
if (seen[x+w*y]) return;
if (!f(x,y)) return;
seen[x+w*y] = true;
auto const [x,y] = stack.back();
return seen;
std::vector<bool> MWT(const Image& image,
std::size_t x, std::size_t y,
std::int32_t t) {
return checkSurroundings(image, [&](auto x0, auto y0){
return std::abs(image[x][y] - image[x0][y0]) <= t;
}, x, y);
I also took the liberty to change the type of your "seen" lookup to reduce the amount of allocations.