匹配 MaybeT 的 Monad 和 Applicative 的上下文:我实际上找到了一个反例。

huangapple go评论88阅读模式

Match the context of MaybeT's Monad and Applicative: I actually found a counter-example


I had a hard time finding out if MaybeT's Monad and Applicative have the same context. As you can see in the link above.

"same context" 的意思是

f <*> a = do
          x <- f
          y <- a
          return (x y)

我很难确定 MaybeT 的 Monad 和 Applicative 是否具有相同的上下文。正如您在上面的链接中所看到的。

"相同的上下文" 是指:

f <*> a = do
          x <- f
          y <- a
          return (x y)

I found a counter-example for MaybeT.

我找到了 MaybeT 的一个反例。

f = MaybeT [Nothing] :: MaybeT [] (Int -> Int)
a = MaybeT [Just 1, Just 2, Nothing] :: MaybeT [] Int

f <*> a = [Nothing, Nothing, Nothing]

  x <- f
  y <- a
  return (x y)

= [Nothing]

So, it seems like there's a discord in MaybeT's Applicative and Monad.

因此,看起来 MaybeT 的 Applicative 和 Monad 存在不一致。

How could we mix up >>, >, >>=, (<>) if there is a discord?

如果存在不一致,我们该如何混合使用 >>、>、>>=、(<>)?

I can't believe it. If there is such a discrepancy, shouldn't there be a bug in the many Haskell codes currently using MaybeT?

我难以相信。如果存在这样的不一致,那么目前使用 MaybeT 的许多 Haskell 代码中应该存在错误吗?



I had a hard time finding out if MaybeT's Monad and Applicative have the same context. As you can see in the link above.

The meaning of "same context" is

f &lt;*&gt; a = do
          x &lt;- f
          y &lt;- a
          return (x y)

I found a counter-example for MaybeT.

f = MaybeT [Nothing] :: MaybeT [] (Int -&gt; Int)
a = MaybeT [Just 1, Just 2, Nothing] :: MaybeT [] Int

f &lt;*&gt; a = [Nothing, Nothing, Nothing]

x &lt;- f
y &lt;- a
return (x y)

= [Nothing]

it seems like there's a discord in MaybeT's Applicative and Monad.

How could we mix up >> , > , >>= . (<>) if there is a discord?

I can't believe it.
If there is such a discrepancy, shouldn't there be a bug in the many Haskell codes currently using MaybeT?


得分: 4



> MaybeT(&lt;*&gt;)Compose m Maybe 不同


ghci&gt; import Data.Functor.Compose 
ghci&gt; import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe 
ghci&gt; f = MaybeT [Nothing] :: MaybeT [] (Int -&gt; Int)
ghci&gt; a = MaybeT [Just 1, Just 2, Nothing] :: MaybeT [] Int
ghci&gt; f &lt;*&gt; a
MaybeT [Nothing]
ghci&gt; Compose (runMaybeT f) &lt;*&gt; Compose (runMaybeT a)
Compose [Nothing,Nothing,Nothing]

至于它们的区别,Compose(&lt;*&gt;) 定义如下

Compose u &lt;*&gt; Compose v = Compose (liftA2 (&lt;*&gt;) u v)

如果 被组合的两个应用函子也是单子(就像 []Maybe 一样),我们可以根据它们的单子实例来表达:

Compose (liftA2 (&lt;*&gt;) u v)

Compose $ do
    ui &lt;- u  -- “i” 是“内部”的意思
    vi &lt;- v
    return (ui &lt;*&gt; vi)

Compose $ do
    ui &lt;- u
    vi &lt;- v
    return $ do
        f &lt;- ui
        a &lt;- vi
        return (f a)

而对于内部函子是 Maybe 的情况,变成了:

Compose $ do
    ui &lt;- u
    vi &lt;- v
    return $ do
        f &lt;- ui
        a &lt;- vi
        Just (f a)

MaybeT(&lt;*&gt;) 是:

mf &lt;*&gt; mx = MaybeT $ do
    mb_f &lt;- runMaybeT mf
    case mb_f of
        Nothing -&gt; return Nothing
        Just f  -&gt; do
            mb_x &lt;- runMaybeT mx
            case mb_x of
                Nothing -&gt; return Nothing
                Just x  -&gt; return (Just (f x))


MaybeT u &lt;*&gt; MaybeT v = MaybeT $ do
    ui &lt;- u
    case ui of
        Nothing -&gt; return Nothing
        Just f  -&gt; do
            vi &lt;- v
            case vi of
                Nothing -&gt; return Nothing
                Just x  -&gt; return (Just (f x))

Compose(&lt;*&gt;) 在运行外部效果之前运行内部效果,因此在您的示例中,您得到了通常的列表 (&lt;*&gt;) 在外部级别运行,获得了一个由1 * 3 = 3个元素组成的列表。然而,MaybeT(&lt;*&gt;) 运行其第一个参数(外部和内部的 Maybe)的效果,然后才转向第二个参数,仅在获得 Just 时才这样做,因此在您的示例中,f 中的 Nothing 仅产生另一个 Nothing,最终导致 [Nothing]


Quoting a comment:

> MaybeT's (&lt;*&gt;) is different from Compose m Maybe


ghci&gt; import Data.Functor.Compose 
ghci&gt; import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe 
ghci&gt; f = MaybeT [Nothing] :: MaybeT [] (Int -&gt; Int)
ghci&gt; a = MaybeT [Just 1, Just 2, Nothing] :: MaybeT [] Int
ghci&gt; f &lt;*&gt; a
MaybeT [Nothing]
ghci&gt; Compose (runMaybeT f) &lt;*&gt; Compose (runMaybeT a)
Compose [Nothing,Nothing,Nothing]

As for how they differ, (&lt;*&gt;) for Compose is defined as:

Compose u &lt;*&gt; Compose v = Compose (liftA2 (&lt;*&gt;) u v)

If the two applicative functors being composed are also monads (as [] and Maybe are), we can express that in terms of their monad instances:

Compose (liftA2 (&lt;*&gt;) u v)

Compose $ do
    ui &lt;- u  -- &quot;i&quot; is for &quot;inner&quot;
    vi &lt;- v
    return (ui &lt;*&gt; vi)

Compose $ do
    ui &lt;- u
    vi &lt;- v
    return $ do
        f &lt;- ui
        a &lt;- vi
        return (f a)

Which, with the inner functor being Maybe, becomes:

Compose $ do
    ui &lt;- u
    vi &lt;- v
    return $ do
        f &lt;- ui
        a &lt;- vi
        Just (f a)

Whereas (&lt;*&gt;) for MaybeT is

mf &lt;*&gt; mx = MaybeT $ do
    mb_f &lt;- runMaybeT mf
    case mb_f of
        Nothing -&gt; return Nothing
        Just f  -&gt; do
            mb_x &lt;- runMaybeT mx
            case mb_x of
                Nothing -&gt; return Nothing
                Just x  -&gt; return (Just (f x))

Let's rephrase the right-hand side in a style closer to the one above:

MaybeT u &lt;*&gt; MaybeT v = MaybeT $ do
    ui &lt;- u
    case ui of
        Nothing -&gt; return Nothing
        Just f  -&gt; do
            vi &lt;- v
            case vi of
                Nothing -&gt; return Nothing
                Just x  -&gt; return (Just (f x))

(&lt;*&gt;) for Compose runs the outer effects before the inner ones, and so in your example you get the usual list (&lt;*&gt;) at the outer level, obtaining a list of 1 * 3 = 3 elements. (&lt;*&gt;) for MaybeT, however, runs the effects of its first argument (both the outer and the inner Maybe) before moving on to the second one, and that only if a Just is obtained, and so the Nothing lying in f in your example gives rise to merely another Nothing, resulting in [Nothing] overall.


得分: 2

As mentioned in the comments, the question has a false premise. The two expressions in the question,

f <*> a


  x <- f
  y <- a
  return (x y)

both produce the same result, MaybeT [Nothing].

You shouldn't be able to find examples in the wild where these two expressions differ for a single type. One of the laws listed in the Monad class is

m1 <*> m2 = m1 >>= (\x1 -> m2 >>= (\x2 -> return (x1 x2)))

which is just a desugaring of the identity you're trying to disprove. There are probably some examples out there of monads that break this law, but they're not "supposed" to.


As mentioned in the comments, the question has a false premise. The two expressions in the question,

f &lt;*&gt; a


  x &lt;- f
  y &lt;- a
  return (x y)

both produce the same result, MaybeT [Nothing].

You shouldn't be able to find examples in the wild where these two expressions differ for a single type. One of the laws listed in the Monad class is

m1 &lt;*&gt; m2 = m1 &gt;&gt;= (\x1 -&gt; m2 &gt;&gt;= (\x2 -&gt; return (x1 x2)))

which is just a desugaring of the identity you're trying to disprove. There are probably some examples out there of monads that break this law, but they're not "supposed" to.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月17日 20:21:29
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76035115.html



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