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How to expect an element to have a specific string it the class attribute


I would like check if an element has a specific string in the class attribute.

The toHaveClass assertion looks promising but does not seem to allow to check for one specific class string.

Assuming the following element <div class="a b">, I would like to check for a using await expect(myLocator).toHaveClass('a') but this does not work because the api would expect class to be "a b".
假设以下元素 <div class="a b">,我想使用 await expect(myLocator).toHaveClass('a') 来检查是否包含 a,但这不起作用,因为 API 期望 class 为 "a b"。

Is there is a simple way to exist an element to have one specific string in its class list?


I would like check if an element has a specific string it the class attribute.
The toHaveClass assertion looks promising but does not seem to allow to check for one specific class string.

Assuming the following element &lt;div class=&quot;a b&quot;&gt;, I would like to check for a using await expect(myLocator).toHaveClass(&#39;a&#39;) but this does not work because the api would expect class to be "a b".

Is there is simple way to exist an element to have one specific string in its class list?


得分: 2



You can use a Regex if you want to do a partial match, see: https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-locatorassertions#locator-assertions-to-have-class


得分: 1

  1. 如果你正在按照[这个答案](https://stackoverflow.com/a/76034150/6243352)中描述的方式使用正则表达式进行测试,请确保在单词边界上使用 `\b`:
  2. ```js
  3. import {expect, test} from &quot;@playwright/test&quot;; // ^1.30.0
  4. test(&quot;has class &#39;a&#39;&quot;, async ({page}) =&gt; {
  5. await page.setContent(&#39;&lt;div class=&quot;a b&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;);
  6. await expect(page.locator(&quot;div&quot;)).toHaveClass(/\ba\b/);
  7. });
  8. test(&quot;does not have class &#39;a&#39;&quot;, async ({page}) =&gt; {
  9. await page.setContent(&#39;&lt;div class=&quot;aaa b&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;);
  10. await expect(page.locator(&quot;div&quot;)).not.toHaveClass(/\ba\b/);
  11. });

没有单词边界,测试 2 会失败,将类 a 检测为 aaa 的子字符串。

另请参阅如何在playwright中获取选择器的 classList使用playwright检查元素类是否包含字符串,这两者展示了如何测试多个类,无论顺序如何。


If you're testing with regex as described in this answer, make sure to use \b for word boundaries:

  1. import {expect, test} from &quot;@playwright/test&quot;; // ^1.30.0
  2. test(&quot;has class &#39;a&#39;&quot;, async ({page}) =&gt; {
  3. await page.setContent(&#39;&lt;div class=&quot;a b&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;);
  4. await expect(page.locator(&quot;div&quot;)).toHaveClass(/\ba\b/);
  5. });
  6. test(&quot;does not have class &#39;a&#39;&quot;, async ({page}) =&gt; {
  7. await page.setContent(&#39;&lt;div class=&quot;aaa b&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;);
  8. await expect(page.locator(&quot;div&quot;)).not.toHaveClass(/\ba\b/);
  9. });

Without the word boundaries, test 2 would fail, detecting the class a as a substring of aaa.

See also How to get classList on a selector in playwright? and Check if element class contains string using playwright which show how to test multiple classes in any order.


得分: 0

是的,您仍然可以使用 toHaveClass:

  1. await expect(locator).toHaveClass('a b');

toHaveClass 也允许在其函数参数中使用字符串。



Yes , you can still use toHaveClass:

  1. await expect(locator).toHaveClass(&#39;a b&#39;);

toHaveClass allows string as well in its function arguments.



得分: 0

Sure, here's the translated code snippet:

  1. (Tested!!) 验证在定位器的类属性中是否存在字符串
  2. let className = await this.page.$eval(locator, element => element.className);
  3. console.log("className--> " + className);
  4. await expect(className).toContain('SOMETHING');

Please note that I've only translated the code part as per your request.


(Tested!!) To verify presence of an string inside class property of locator:

  1. let className= await this.page.$eval(locator, element =&gt; element.className)
  2. console.log(&quot;className--&gt; &quot;+className)
  3. await expect(className).toContain(&#39;SOMETHING&#39;)

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月17日 18:12:22
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76034027.html



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