Detect iBeacon signals in iOS during terminated state.

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Detect iBeacon signals in iOS during terminated state



  1. 前台
  2. 后台
  3. 终止

iBeacons 在前台和后台正常工作并向用户发送通知。
在终止状态下,如何检测用户进入 iBeacon 的范围并向用户发送通知?
我正在用 Swift 编写代码。


There are three states for a app

  1. Foreground
  2. Background
  3. Terminated

iBeacons are working perfectly in Foreground and Background and sending notifications to the users.
In case, of terminated state, how can I detect users enter the range of iBeacon and send notification to the user?
I'm writing code in swift.


得分: 4



  1. LocationManager上调用startMonitoring(region: Region),并使用与您的信标匹配的CLBeaconRegion对象。

  2. 在AppDelegate的didFinishLaunching方法中开始监控。如果在此方法返回之前不触发监控的启动,自动启动将无法正常工作。

  3. 从用户获取“始终”位置权限。如果应用程序未从用户那里获得“始终”权限,而只获得“在使用时”或“仅一次”位置权限,那么自动启动将无法正常工作。

  4. 在设置中打开位置和蓝牙。

  5. 等待位置服务准备就绪。如果您重新启动了手机,必须等待一分钟左右,直到位置服务完全初始化。如果在位置服务完全初始化之前出现或消失信标,自动启动将无法立即正常工作。

  6. 确保区域状态发生变化。为了在检测到信标时自动启动,iOS必须先检测到匹配CLBeaconRegion的所有信标已消失。在测试中,这意味着您需要让您的应用程序运行(最好在前台运行)至少30秒,附近没有匹配的信标,以确保iOS知道它在测试自动启动时是“外部”的。在测试过程中不这样做通常会导致错误的结论,即检测到信标的自动启动不起作用。




You may use iBeacon transmissions to auto-launch an app from a terminated state on iOS (either after killing the app or a minute or so after reboot once everything is fully initialized.) This works for both a "region entry" (at least one beacon being detected after a period where none are detected) or a "region exit" (all beacons matching the region disappearing for > 30 seconds). Under ideal conditions, auto-launch on beacon detection happens in under one second.

In order for this to work, you must ensure that ALL of the following are done:

  1. Call startMonitoring(region: Region) on LocationManager with a CLBeaconRegion object that matches your beacons.

  2. Start Monitoring in the didFinishLaunching method of the AppDelegate. If you do not trigger a start to monitoring before the return of this method, auto-launch won't work.

  3. Obtain "always" location permission from the user. If the app does not obtain "always" permission from the user and only gets "when in use" or "just once" location permission, then auto-launch won't work.

  4. Location and Bluetooth must be turned on in settings.

  5. Wait for Location Services to be ready. If you have rebooted the phone, you must wait for a minute or so before location services are fully initialized. If a beacon appears or disappears before location services are fully initialized, auto-launch won't work right away.

  6. Make sure a region state change happens. In order to auto-launch upon detecting a beacon, iOS must have previously detected that all beacons matching the CLBeaconRegion had disappeared. In testing, this means that you need to let your app run (it's easiest to do this in the foreground) for at least 30 seconds with no matching beacons in the vicinity to ensure iOS knows it is "outside" the region before testing auto-launch on region entry. Failure to do this during testing often leads to the wrong conclusion that auto-launch on detection doesn't work.

In order to auto-launch upon not detecting a beacon, you must
similarly make sure that iOS sees at least one beacon before all
beacons disappear. Understand that it takes time for iOS to
determine that all beacons have disappeared. Under ideal conditions,
this is only 30 seconds, but it can be much longer if iOS is in a
low power state and is not doing any Bluetooth scanning.

Here's a deep dive that describes how auto launching works.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月17日 17:48:55
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