
huangapple go评论53阅读模式

How to find all the elements on a determined distance on a Binary Search Tree in Python?



  1. find_dist_k(self, n, k)。该方法接收两个参数n和k,它们都是正整数,将返回一个包含所有与元素n的节点距离为k的Python列表。两个节点之间的距离是必须遍历的链接数,不考虑链接的方向,即节点A和节点B之间的距离与节点B和节点A之间的距离相同。如果未在树中找到参数n,则该方法将返回一个空列表。



def find_dist_k(self, n: int, k: int) -> list:
    # 在这里写你的代码
    result = []
    node = self.search(n)
    if node is None:
        return result
    if n < 0 or k < 0:
    self._find_dist_k(node, k, result)
    return result

def _find_dist_k(self, node, k, result):
    if node is None:
    if k == 0:
        self._find_dist_k(node.left, k - 1, result)
        self._find_dist_k(node.right, k - 1, result)

input_list_01 = [5, 12, 2, 1, 3, 9]
如果我执行这个函数self.find_dist_k(5, 2),输出 = [1, 3, 9]
如果我执行这个函数self.find_dist_k(3, 2),输出 = [],但它应该是[5]。



Given the class BinarySearchTree, an implementation of the TAD Binary
SearchTree, using only references to the children of each node (_right, _left),
we are asked to implement a subclass of the class BinarySearchTree, which we
will call BST2, and which will include the following methods:

  1. find_dist_k(self, n, k). This method receives two parameters n and k which
    are positive integers and will return a Python list containing all nodes that
    are at a distance k from the node whose element is n. The distance between
    two nodes is the number of links that must be traversed to get from one to
    the other. The direction of the links is not taken into account, i.e. the
    distance between node A and node B is the same as between node B and
    node A. If the parameter n is not found in the tree, the method will return an
    empty list.

Notice that we cannot use the self.parent.

This is the code I obtained after some research:

def find_dist_k(self, n: int, k: int) -&gt; list:
    # Here your code
    result = []
    node = self.search(n)
    if node is None:
        return result
    if n &lt; 0 or k &lt; 0:
        print(&quot;parameters of the function must be positive&quot;)
    self._find_dist_k(node, k, result)
    return result

def _find_dist_k(self, node, k, result):
    if node is None:
    if k == 0:
        self._find_dist_k(node.left, k - 1, result)
        self._find_dist_k(node.right, k - 1, result)

It works perfectly. However, it only returns the elements that are down the element. Look at this example:
input_list_01 = [5, 12, 2, 1, 3, 9]
If I executed this function self.find_dist_k(5, 2), output = [1,3,9]
If I executed this function self.find_dist_k(3, 2), output = [], where it should be [5]

Any comments to fix this?


得分: 1



        /   \
       2     12
      / \   /
     1   3 9







def find_dist_k(self, n: int, k: int) -> list:
    result = []

    def collect_depth_k(node, k):
        if node:
            if k == 0:
            elif k > 0:
                collect_depth_k(node.left, k - 1)
                collect_depth_k(node.right, k - 1)
    def recur_dist_k(node, k):
        if not node:  # 未找到n
            return -1
        if n == node.elem:
            # 找到节点:收集深度为k的所有后代节点
            collect_depth_k(node, k)
            # 尚未找到,继续搜索
            child, sibling = [node.left, node.right] if n < node.elem else [node.right, node.left]
            k = recur_dist_k(child, k)
            # 如果k < 0,那么要么未找到节点,要么我们距离它太远
            if k == 0: # 我们位于发现节点的正上方的正确距离
            elif k > 0: # 检查另一个子树是否有剩余距离的子节点
                collect_depth_k(sibling, k - 1)
        return k - 1  # 返回父节点可用的剩余距离
    recur_dist_k(self._root, k)
    return result



The example tree you have used looks like this:

        /   \
       2     12
      / \   /
     1   3 9

When the input is node 3 with k=2, then not only should the solution return node 5, but also node 1 since that node is also 2 edges away from node 3.

The algorithm should trace back on the path it followed to the target node and retain how much distance is left to work with. So for the example, it should trace back from node 3 to node 2 and there visit the alternate subtree with k=0, since it already took 2 steps to get to the alternate subtree (with node 1).

Then it should trace back one step more (from node 2 to node 5), where it finds that the remaining distance is 0 and that node should be output.

This also means you cannot use self.search, as that method only returns the target node without any information about the path to that node. Instead implement a search-like algorithm, but use recursion, so the caller still has the parent node to work with. Then when the recursive call comes back, check how much distance is still available, and if any, collect the nodes at that depth in the sibling subtree.

NB: I didn't see how your BST implementation calls the root, but I will assume it has a _root attribute.

Here is a possible implementation:

    def find_dist_k(self, n: int, k: int) -&gt; list:
        result = []

        def collect_depth_k(node, k):
            if node:
                if k == 0:
                elif k &gt; 0:
                    collect_depth_k(node.left, k - 1)
                    collect_depth_k(node.right, k - 1)
        def recur_dist_k(node, k):
            if not node:  # n not found
                return -1
            if n == node.elem:
                # Found node: collect all descendants at depth k
                collect_depth_k(node, k)
                # Not yet found, continue search
                child, sibling = [node.left, node.right] if n &lt; node.elem else [node.right, node.left]
                k = recur_dist_k(child, k)
                # If k &lt; 0 then either the node was not found, or we are too far above it
                if k == 0: # we are at the right distance above the found node
                elif k &gt; 0: # Check other subtree for children at remaining distance
                    collect_depth_k(sibling, k - 1)
            return k - 1  # Return how much distance is remaining for parent to work with
        recur_dist_k(self._root, k)
        return result


得分: 0

你正在获取输入节点以下的元素,因为你的递归引用了 node.leftnode.right - 我假设它们是子元素。

为了考虑来自祖先节点的节点 - 你需要单独添加它们 -

def _find_dist_k(self, node, k, result):
    # ... 你的代码在这里
    current_node = node
    for i in range(k):
        current_node = current_node.parent
    if i == k:

You are getting only elements "down" the input node because your recursion references node.left and node.right - which I assume are child elements

To account for nodes from the ancestor nodes - you'll separately need to add them -

def _find_dist_k(self, node, k, result):
    # ... Your code goes here
    current_node = node
    for i in range(k):
        current_node = current_node.parent
    if i == k:

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月17日 17:40:34
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76033728.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
