Multiple errors when compiling a RPG ILE program

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Multiple errors when compiling a RPG ILE program


It seems that there are some issues with your RPG ILE program compilation. The error message "DFTACTGRP(*NO) must be specified for a prototype that does not have the EXTPGM keyword" suggests that there might be a problem with the prototype declaration.

You may need to review your code and check if you have specified the DFTACTGRP keyword correctly for the prototype. Make sure that it matches the requirements for your program.

Regarding changing the activation group to NO, it's possible that you need to have the necessary permissions to change the activation group settings. You may need to consult with your system administrator or follow specific procedures to change this configuration.

If you have any specific questions or need assistance with a particular part of your code or configuration, please let me know, and I'll do my best to help.


I'm trying to copy code of a RPG ILE program same as in the video:
<> (Minute 34:18)

This is the code I wrote:

 * Global variables (accessible to all sub procedures local to this pro 
D Sum             S              4P 0                                   
 * SubProcedure prototype OK                                            
DSubProcedure1    PR             4P 0                                   
D                                4P 0 VALUE                             
D                                4P 0 VALUE                             
      Sum = 0; // Initialize global variable                            
      Sum = SubProcedure1(5:10);                                        
      DSPLY Sum;                                                        
      *INLR = *ON;                                                      
 * SubProcedure Begin                                                   
PSubProcedure1    B                                                     
 * SubProcedure Input                                      
DSubProcedure1    PI             4P 0                      
D num1                           4P 0 VALUE                
D num2                           4P 0 VALUE                
 * local variable to this subprocedure only (scope limited)
D Sum             S              4P 0                      
      Sum = num1 + num2;                                    
      Return Sum;                                           

When compile, I get this message from the spooled file:

5770WDS V7R5M0  220415 RN        IBM ILE RPG             REUY851/ILEPGM1      
Command  . . . . . . . . . . . . :   CRTBNDRPG                               
Issued by  . . . . . . . . . . :     REUY85                                
Program  . . . . . . . . . . . . :   ILEPGM1                                 
Library  . . . . . . . . . . . :     REUY851                               
Text &#39;description&#39; . . . . . . . :   *SRCMBRTXT                              
Source Member  . . . . . . . . . :   ILEPGM1                                 
Source File  . . . . . . . . . . :   QRPGLESRC                               
Library  . . . . . . . . . . . :     REUY851                               
CCSID  . . . . . . . . . . . . :     273                                   
Text &#39;description&#39; . . . . . . . :   RPG ILE PROGRAM WITH SUBPROCEDURE       
Last Change  . . . . . . . . . . :   04/17/23  05:03:29                      
Generation severity level  . . . :   10                                      
Default activation group . . . . :   *YES                                    
Compiler options . . . . . . . . :   *XREF      *GEN       *NOSECLVL  *SHOWC 
Debugging views  . . . . . . . . :   *STMT                               
Debug encryption key . . . . . . :   *NONE                               
Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   *PRINT                              
Optimization level . . . . . . . :   *NONE                               
Source listing indentation . . . :   *NONE                               
Type conversion options  . . . . :   *NONE                               
Sort sequence  . . . . . . . . . :   *HEX                                
Language identifier  . . . . . . :   *JOBRUN                             
Replace program  . . . . . . . . :   *NO                                 
User profile . . . . . . . . . . :   *USER                               
Authority  . . . . . . . . . . . :   *LIBCRTAUT                          
Truncate numeric . . . . . . . . :   *YES                                
Fix numeric  . . . . . . . . . . :   *NONE                               
Target release . . . . . . . . . :   *CURRENT                            
Allow null values  . . . . . . . :   *NO                                 
Define condition names . . . . . :   *NONE                                  
Enable performance collection  . :   *PEP                                   
Profiling data . . . . . . . . . :   *NOCOL                                 
Licensed Internal Code options . :                                          
Generate program interface . . . :   *NO                                    
Include directory  . . . . . . . :                                          
Preprocessor options . . . . . . :   *NONE                                  
REQUIRE PROTOTYPE FOR EXPORT . . :   *NO                                    
-=* *=-  
5770WDS V7R5M0  220415 RN        IBM ILE RPG             REUY851/ILEPGM1     
Line   &lt;---------------------- Source Specifications -------------------------
Number ....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+.
S o u r c e   L i s t i n g                         
1 H                                                                      
2  * Global variables (accessible to all sub procedures local to this pro
3 D Sum             S              4P 0                                  
4  * SubProcedure prototype OK                                           
5 DSubProcedure1    PR             4P 0                                  
======&gt; aaaaaaaaaaaaa                                                         
*RNF3788 30 a      000500  DFTACTGRP(*NO) must be specified for a prototype th
not have the EXTPGM keyword.                       
6 D                                4P 0 VALUE                            
7 D                                4P 0 VALUE                            
8  /Free                                                                 
9       Sum = 0; // Initialize global variable                           
10       Sum = SubProcedure1(5:10);                                       
11       DSPLY Sum;                                                       
12       *INLR = *ON;                                                     
13  /End-Free                                                             
14  *                                                                     
15  * SubProcedure Begin                                                  
16 PSubProcedure1    B                                                    
17  * SubProcedure Input                                                  
18 DSubProcedure1    PI             4P 0                                  
19 D num1                           4P 0 VALUE                            
20 D num2                           4P 0 VALUE                            
21  * local variable to this subprocedure only (scope limited)            
22 D Sum             S              4P 0                                  
23  /Free                                                                 
24      Sum = num1 + num2;                                                
25      Return Sum;                                                       
26  /End-Free                                                             
*RNF1502 20     16 001600  The Procedure specification ending the previous pro
is missing.                                        
* * * * *   E N D   O F   S O U R C E   * * * * *                      
-=* *=-  
5770WDS V7R5M0  220415 RN        IBM ILE RPG             REUY851/ILEPGM1     
A d d i t i o n a l   D i a g n o s t i c   M e s s a g e s         
Msg id  Sv Number Seq     Message text                                       
*RNF7503 30     10 001000  Expression contains an operand that is not defined.
* * * * *   E N D   O F   A D D I T I O N A L   D I A G N O S T I C   M E S S
-=* *=-  
5770WDS V7R5M0  220415 RN        IBM ILE RPG             REUY851/ILEPGM1     
C r o s s   R e f e r e n c e                       
File and Record References:                                             
File              Device             References (D=Defined)          
No references in the source.                                         
Global Field References:                                                
Field             Attributes         References (D=Defined M=Modified
*INLR             N(1)                   12M                         
SUBPROCEDURE1     P(4,0)                  5D     10      16      18  
SUM               P(4,0)                  3D      9M     10M     11  
Field References for subprocedure SUBPROCEDURE1                          
Field             Attributes         References (D=Defined M=Modified 
NUM1              P(4,0)                 19D     24                   
NUM2              P(4,0)                 20D     24                   
SUM               P(4,0)                 22D     24M     25           
Indicator References:                                                    
Indicator                            References (D=Defined M=Modified 
LR                                       12M                          
* * * * *   E N D   O F   C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E   * * * * *     
-=* *=-   
5770WDS V7R5M0  220415 RN        IBM ILE RPG             REUY851/ILEPGM1      
E x t e r n a l   R e f e r e n c e s                    
Statically bound procedures:                                             
Procedure                            References                       
No references in the source.                                          
Imported fields:                                                         
Field             Attributes         Defined                         
No references in the source.                                         
Exported fields:                                                        
Field             Attributes         Defined                         
No references in the source.                                         
* * * * *   E N D   O F   E X T E R N A L   R E F E R E N C E S   * * * * *
-=* *=-  
5770WDS V7R5M0  220415 RN        IBM ILE RPG             REUY851/ILEPGM1     
M e s s a g e   S u m m a r y                       
Msg id  Sv Number Message text                                               
*RNF1502 20      1 The Procedure specification ending the previous procedure i
*RNF3788 30      1 DFTACTGRP(*NO) must be specified for a prototype that does 
not have the EXTPGM keyword.                               
*RNF7503 30      1 Expression contains an operand that is not defined.        
* * * * *   E N D   O F   M E S S A G E   S U M M A R Y   * * * * *    
-=* *=-   
5770WDS V7R5M0  220415 RN        IBM ILE RPG             REUY851/ILEPGM1      
F i n a l   S u m m a r y                          
Message Totals:                                                              
Information  (00) . . . . . . . :        0                                 
Warning      (10) . . . . . . . :        0                                 
Error        (20) . . . . . . . :        1                                 
Severe Error (30+)  . . . . . . :        2                                 
---------------------------------  -------                                 
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . :        3                                 
Source Totals:                                                               
Records . . . . . . . . . . . . :       26                                 
Specifications  . . . . . . . . :       15                                 
Data records  . . . . . . . . . :        0                                 
Comments  . . . . . . . . . . . :        6                                 
* * * * *   E N D   O F   F I N A L   S U M M A R Y   * * * * *       

Maybe is some about configuration for compiling, I don't know, but when I compile source member with 14 and press F4 and change activation group to NO, It doesn't save changes.


得分: 3



 H dftactgrp(*no)


H dftactgrp(*no)


 PSubProcedure1    E

When you compile with CRTBNDRPG and you have procedures in the body of the module, you must have DFTACTGRP set to *NO to compile.

There is multiple way to do it, you can set the value using the command like you did or

 H dftactgrp(*no)

You also can condition it's presence in the source depending on the command you use

H dftactgrp(*no)

The reason why it didn't work for you is that there was another error behing this one : is a missing line in the source that closes the procedure definition

 PSubProcedure1    E   


得分: 1

Sure, here's the translated portion:

所以您正在使用IBM i v7.5,并且编程时好像被困在v6.1,因此有几件事情您想在这里做。首先,完全停止使用固定格式的代码。您不再需要在固定格式中编写H、D和P规范。其次,您不再需要使用/Free/End-Free。只需将**free放在程序的第一行即可。但是,如果您坚持要混合使用固定格式和自由格式的代码,只需省略**free并编写代码行。仍然不需要使用/Free/End-Free,编译器可以区分它们,它们只会使代码混乱。


ctl-opt DatFmt(*iso) TimFmt(*iso)
DftActGrp(*No) ActGrp(*New)
Option(*NoDebugIo: *SrcStmt: *NoUnref)
// 全局变量(可供本程序内的所有子过程访问)
dcl-s Sum Packed(4:0) inz(0);
// 主过程
dcl-proc main;                       
Sum = SubProcedure1(5:10);                                        
dsply Sum;                                                        
// *INLR = *ON; 这是不必要的
// 子过程开始
dcl-proc SubProcedure1;                                     
dcl-pi *n Packed(4:0);
num1 Packed(4:0) value;
num2 Packed(4:0) value;
return num1 + num2; 




ctl-opt DatFmt(*iso) TimFmt(*iso)
DftActGrp(*No) ActGrp(*New)
Option(*NoDebugIo: *SrcStmt: *NoUnref)


dcl-s Sum Packed(4:0) inz(0);


dcl-proc main;                       
Sum = SubProcedure1(5:10);                                        
dsply Sum; 


dcl-proc SubProcedure1;                                     
dcl-pi *n Packed(4:0);
num1 Packed(4:0) value;
num2 Packed(4:0) value;
return num1 + num2; 



So you are using IBM i v7.5, and programming like you are stuck at v6.1 so there are several things you want to do here. First, stop using fixed format code all together. You no longer need to code H, D, and P specs in fixed format. Second you no longer need /Free and /End-Free. Just put **free as the first line of your program. But, if you insist on a mix of fixed format and free format code, just omit the **free and code the lines. You still do not need /Free or /End-Free, the compiler can tell the difference and they just clutter the code.

So it should look like this:

ctl-opt DatFmt(*iso) TimFmt(*iso)
DftActGrp(*No) ActGrp(*New)
Option(*NoDebugIo: *SrcStmt: *NoUnref)
// Global variables (accessible to all sub procedures local to this pro 
dcl-s Sum Packed(4:0) inz(0);
// Main procedure
dcl-proc main;                       
Sum = SubProcedure1(5:10);                                        
dsply Sum;                                                        
// *INLR = *ON; This is unnecessary
// SubProcedure Begin                                                   
dcl-proc SubProcedure1;                                     
dcl-pi *n Packed(4:0);
num1 Packed(4:0) value;
num2 Packed(4:0) value;
return num1 + num2; 

So lets look at this line by line:


This tells the compiler that the program is entirely free format, fixed format lines are not allowed, and that the cycle is not going to be involved. So, things that use or control the cycle like *INLR have no meaning. There is also no columnar importance at all for the code. Your code go from column 1 all the way to the end of the record line. There are no sequence or comment columns, and the record length can be greater than 80.

ctl-opt DatFmt(*iso) TimFmt(*iso)
DftActGrp(*No) ActGrp(*New)
Option(*NoDebugIo: *SrcStmt: *NoUnref)

This is what used to be the H spec. You can use this for every program, but modules will want NoMain instead of Main(). In addition you will want to use ActGrp(*Caller) for modules. I usually use the program name as the main procedure name. The reason for that is that if you are copying in program prototypes, every program needs a different prototype name. And you really want to use prototypes in a separate copy source to provide parameter checking in calling programs as Barbara said in the comments.

dcl-s Sum Packed(4:0) inz(0);

This is the D spec for the global variable, the variable is defined and initialized all in one step. There is no longer a need for a prototype for procedures defined in the program source, so that is dropped.

dcl-proc main;                       
Sum = SubProcedure1(5:10);                                        
dsply Sum; 

The main procedure source is now enclosed is a procedure definition. I named it main here, but I usually name it after my program. Notice it starts with a dcl-proc and ends with end-proc.

dcl-proc SubProcedure1;                                     
dcl-pi *n Packed(4:0);
num1 Packed(4:0) value;
num2 Packed(4:0) value;
return num1 + num2; 

Finally, the sub-procedure definition starts with dcl-proc and ends with end-proc just like the main procedure. These are the P specs in fixed format, one with a B and the other with an E. You don't even need the intermediate declaration of sum in this case because the expression is simple enough to just return the result.

Edit: The reported bug wasn't a bug, but there were a couple typos that occurred as a result of me coding recently in Java (, instead of : separating parameters), fixed now with a compile just to prove it works.
Multiple errors when compiling a RPG ILE program

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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
