
huangapple go评论75阅读模式

Can't Run program beyond a certain point using modules






  1. import time, sys, colorama, random
  2. from colorama import Fore, init, Back, Style
  3. from os import system, name


  1. import os, shutil, typing


  1. import time, sys, shutil, random
  2. from Lib import typing, clear, fileModification



In my terminal emulator I'm working on, I have 3 different modules, as well as the main program. One that prints text as if it was being typed, one to clear the screen, and one that offers simple terminal commands like ls and cd.

I had modified the terminal commands module so that it would have the delay between each character appearing on the screen, using the aforementioned typing module. It worked as it was intended, but when I would try to import both module into the main script, It appears to run fine, up until the terminal commands module is called, where it throws a undefined function. Then, if in both, I would get an error stating there was no typingPrint attribute in the typing module, when there is.

I tried to remove the import statement for the typing module from the terminal command module, and I get an error stating that typing is not defined, but then if I try removing typing from the main script and re-adding the import statement to the terminal command module, I get the same thing
If both the main script and the terminal command module have the typing module imported, then an AttributeError, which I thought was a circular import error, but it wasnt.

Typing Module import statement:

  1. import time, sys, colorama, random
  2. from colorama import Fore, init, Back, Style
  3. from os import system, name

Terminal command (fileModification) import statement:

  1. import os, shutil, typing

Main script import statement:

  1. import time, sys, shutil, random
  2. from Lib import typing, clear, fileModification

Edit: If I revert the whole script to not use the delay, it works fine. The only error I was getting was that there was supposedly not an attribute for the typing module.


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然而,第二个更深层次的问题是,即使您对您的typing模块使用了一个非模棱两可的名称,导入仍然会失败,因为您没有指定正确的路径来获取您的自定义typing模块。换句话说,您无法仅通过import typingfileModification模块访问到Lib.typing


  1. import os, shutil
  2. from Lib import typing



There are two issues, both related to the import statement of the fileModification module.

The first issue is that Python has a built-in module called typing. Hence, when you import typing in the fileModification module, Python imports the built-in version, not your version.

However, the second, deeper issue is that even if you had used a non-ambiguous name for your typing module, the import would still fail because you did not specify the correct path to fetch your custom typing module. In other words, you will not reach Lib.typing from the fileModification module just by import typing.

To resolve the issue, you can change the import statements of your fileModification module to

  1. import os, shutil
  2. from Lib import typing

But better yet, I'd recommend you change the name of your typing module to something less ambiguous.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月17日 03:29:09
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76029926.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
