
huangapple go评论103阅读模式

MySQL datediff function not available in SQLite used for unit tests


  1. $statisticsInRangeDate = $myModel->selectRaw(
  2. "floor((julianday(created_at) - julianday('{$dateInfo['currentRangeDate']}')) / {$dateInfo['daysRange']}) * {$dateInfo['daysRange']} AS diff_days_range, count(*) as total_clicks, ".
  3. 'min(created_at), max(created_at)'
  4. )
  5. ->where('sdk_clicks.application_id', '=', 1)
  6. ->whereNotNull('sdk_clicks.application_id')
  7. ->where('created_at', '>=', '2023-04-01')
  8. ->where('created_at', '<', '2023-04-07')
  9. ->whereNull('sdk_clicks.deleted_at')
  10. ->groupByRaw('diff_days_range')
  11. ->orderByRaw('diff_days_range DESC')
  12. ->get();

I have used the following Raw query in my Laravel project.

  1. $statisticsInRangeDate = $myModel-&gt;selectRaw(
  2. &quot;floor(datediff(created_at, &#39;{$dateInfo[&#39;currentRangeDate&#39;]}&#39;)&quot;.
  3. &quot; / {$dateInfo[&#39;daysRange&#39;]}) * {$dateInfo[&#39;daysRange&#39;]} AS diff_days_range, count(*) as total_clicks, &quot;.
  4. &#39;min(created_at) ,max(created_at)&#39;
  5. )
  6. -&gt;groupByRaw(&#39;diff_days_range&#39;)
  7. -&gt;orderByRaw(&#39;diff_days_range DESC&#39;)
  8. -&gt;get();

The raw query is:

  1. select
  2. floor(datediff(created_at, &#39;2023-04-04&#39;) / 3) * 3 AS diff_days_range,
  3. count(*) as total_install,
  4. min(created_at),
  5. max(created_at)
  6. from sdk_clicks
  7. where sdk_clicks.application_id = 1
  8. and sdk_clicks.application_id is not null
  9. and created_at &gt;= &#39;2023-04-01&#39;
  10. and created_at &lt; &#39;2023-04-07&#39;
  11. and sdk_clicks.deleted_at is null
  12. group by diff_days_range
  13. order by diff_days_range

The database of the project is mysql and I get the necessary output, but I get the following error when running the phpunit tests which use a sqlite memory database for speed.

> Illuminate\Database\QueryException : SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such function: datediff (SQL: select floor...

I have the knowledge that this function does not exist in sqlite and julianday(&#39;now&#39;) - julianday(DateCreated) should be used for the time difference, but I am looking for the best solution to solve this problem automatically by detecting the type of database and the appropriate function be used.

Note: Due to the need for high speed test, I want to use memory and sqlite database


得分: 3

Considering the possibility of using Laravel中的宏,它允许我向Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder添加新的功能。


  1. Builder::macro('rangeDateDiff',
  2. function ($firstDate, $secondDate, $daysRange = 1, string $as = 'diff_days_range') {
  3. if ($this->getConnection()->getDriverName() == 'sqlite') {
  4. $this->addSelect(\DB::raw(
  5. "floor (cast (julianday(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', {$firstDate})) - julianday(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', {$secondDate})) As Integer)"
  6. . " / {$daysRange}) * {$daysRange} AS {$as}")
  7. );
  8. } else {
  9. $this->addSelect(\DB::raw(
  10. "floor(datediff({$firstDate}, {$secondDate})"
  11. . " / {$daysRange}) * {$daysRange} AS {$as}")
  12. );
  13. }
  14. return $this;
  15. });


  1. $sdkClicks = $this->application->sdkClicks()
  2. ->where('created_at', '>=', $dateInfo['previousRangeDate'])
  3. ->where('created_at', '<', $dateInfo['toDate']->format('Y-m-d'));
  4. $sdkClicks->rangeDateDiff('created_at', "'{$dateInfo['currentRangeDate']}'", $dateInfo['daysRange'])
  5. ->groupByRaw('diff_days_range')
  6. ->orderByRaw('diff_days_range DESC')->get();



Considering the possibility of using Macro in laravel, it allows me to add new functions to Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder.

On my AppServiceProvider.php I create the macro rangeDateDiff() :

  1. Builder::macro(&#39;rangeDateDiff&#39;,
  2. function ($firstDate, $secondDate, $daysRange = 1, string $as = &#39;diff_days_range&#39;) {
  3. if ($this-&gt;getConnection()-&gt;getDriverName() == &#39;sqlite&#39;) {
  4. $this-&gt;addSelect(\DB::raw(
  5. &quot;floor (cast (julianday(strftime(&#39;%Y-%m-%d&#39;, {$firstDate})) - julianday(strftime(&#39;%Y-%m-%d&#39;, {$secondDate})) As Integer)&quot;
  6. . &quot; / {$daysRange}) * {$daysRange} AS {$as}&quot;)
  7. );
  8. } else {
  9. $this-&gt;addSelect(\DB::raw(
  10. &quot;floor(datediff({$firstDate}, {$secondDate})&quot;
  11. . &quot; / {$daysRange}) * {$daysRange} AS {$as}&quot;)
  12. );
  13. }
  14. return $this;
  15. });

then use this new function globaly in Eloquent model :

  1. $sdkClicks = $this-&gt;application-&gt;sdkClicks()
  2. -&gt;where(&#39;created_at&#39;, &#39;&gt;=&#39;, $dateInfo[&#39;previousRangeDate&#39;])
  3. -&gt;where(&#39;created_at&#39;, &#39;&lt;&#39;, $dateInfo[&#39;toDate&#39;]-&gt;format(&#39;Y-m-d&#39;));
  4. $sdkClicks-&gt;rangeDateDiff(&#39;created_at&#39;, &quot;&#39;{$dateInfo[&#39;currentRangeDate&#39;]}&#39;&quot;, $dateInfo[&#39;daysRange&#39;])
  5. -&gt;groupByRaw(&#39;diff_days_range&#39;)
  6. -&gt;orderByRaw(&#39;diff_days_range DESC&#39;)-&gt;get();

The advantage of this method is that it's more clean, and most importantly, if another type of database needs to be used in the project, the code is more maintainable.


得分: 2




  1. $pdo = DB::connection()->getPdo();
  2. // 仅当使用sqlite时执行以下操作。
  3. if ($pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) != 'sqlite') {
  4. return;
  5. }
  6. $pdo->sqliteCreateFunction(
  7. 'datediff', // 要创建的sqlite函数的名称
  8. function ($first, $second) {
  9. $dateFirst = Carbon\Carbon::parse($first)->startOfDay();
  10. $dateSecond = Carbon\Carbon::parse($second)->startOfDay();
  11. return $dateSecond->diffInDays($dateFirst, false);
  12. }, // PHP回调函数的实现
  13. 2 // sqlite函数所需的参数数量
  14. );



PHP provides the ability to create user defined functions in sqlite. This is done using the PDO::sqliteCreateFunction() function.

Basically, you're defining a function inside of sqlite that will call the PHP code you provide.

Your code would look something like:

  1. $pdo = DB::connection()-&gt;getPdo();
  2. // Only do this if using sqlite.
  3. if ($pdo-&gt;getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) != &#39;sqlite&#39;) {
  4. return;
  5. }
  6. $pdo-&gt;sqliteCreateFunction(
  7. &#39;datediff&#39;, // name of the sqlite function to create
  8. function ($first, $second) {
  9. $dateFirst = Carbon\Carbon::parse($first)-&gt;startOfDay();
  10. $dateSecond = Carbon\Carbon::parse($second)-&gt;startOfDay();
  11. return $dateSecond-&gt;diffInDays($dateFirst, false);
  12. }, // PHP callback function implementation
  13. 2 // number of parameters the sqlite function takes
  14. );

Add this somewhere in your test suite before the query is executed, and you should be good.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月13日 20:07:15
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