
huangapple go评论87阅读模式

I am looking for a shorter function to group similar datasets from a list



mydata12<-data.frame(Age=c(12,13),Sex=c("F","H"), Weight=c(70,75),year=c(2012))
mydata13<-data.frame(Age=c(14,15),Sex=c("F","H"), Weight=c(70,75),year=c(2013))
mydata14<-data.frame(Age=c(16,17),Sex=c("F","H"), Weight=c(70,75),year=c(2014))
mydata2012<-data.frame(Age=c(18,19),Sex=c("F","H"), Weight=c(70,75),year=c(2012))
mydata2013<-data.frame(Age=c(20,13),Sex=c("H","H"), Weight=c(70,75),year=c(2013))
mydata2014<-data.frame(Age=c(22,13),Sex=c("F","F"), Weight=c(70,75),year=c(2014))





但我想要让它更简洁(不需要为每一年编写一行代码),因为我们已经有模式 2012:2021,可以这样做:


I have scattered databases in a list. I would like to group databases of the same year;

mydata12&lt;-data.frame(Age=c(12,13),Sex=c(&quot;F&quot;,&quot;H&quot;), Weight=c(70,75),year=c(2012))
mydata13&lt;-data.frame(Age=c(14,15),Sex=c(&quot;F&quot;,&quot;H&quot;), Weight=c(70,75),year=c(2013))
mydata14&lt;-data.frame(Age=c(16,17),Sex=c(&quot;F&quot;,&quot;H&quot;), Weight=c(70,75),year=c(2014))
mydata2012&lt;-data.frame(Age=c(18,19),Sex=c(&quot;F&quot;,&quot;H&quot;), Weight=c(70,75),year=c(2012))
mydata2013&lt;-data.frame(Age=c(20,13),Sex=c(&quot;H&quot;,&quot;H&quot;), Weight=c(70,75),year=c(2013))
mydata2014&lt;-data.frame(Age=c(22,13),Sex=c(&quot;F&quot;,&quot;F&quot;), Weight=c(70,75),year=c(2014))



I can do it with this function


but I would like to make it shorter (without a line of code for each year), since we already have patterns 2012:2021,



得分: 3

We could use bind_rows with group_split:


bind_rows(mydatalist) %>%
  split(f = as.factor(.$year))
  Age Sex Weight year
1  12   F     70 2012
2  13   H     75 2012
7  18   F     70 2012
8  19   H     75 2012

   Age Sex Weight year
3   14   F     70 2013
4   15   H     75 2013
9   20   H     70 2013
10  13   H     75 2013

   Age Sex Weight year
5   16   F     70 2014
6   17   H     75 2014
11  22   F     70 2014
12  13   F     75 2014

We could use bind_rows with group_split:


bind_rows(mydatalist) %&gt;% 
  split(f = as.factor(.$year))

  Age Sex Weight year
1  12   F     70 2012
2  13   H     75 2012
7  18   F     70 2012
8  19   H     75 2012

   Age Sex Weight year
3   14   F     70 2013
4   15   H     75 2013
9   20   H     70 2013
10  13   H     75 2013

   Age Sex Weight year
5   16   F     70 2014
6   17   H     75 2014
11  22   F     70 2014
12  13   F     75 2014


得分: 3

In base R, 使用以下方式之一来处理列表名称的子串,即最后两位数字,或者在列表名称仅包含2个字符的情况下添加20作为前缀,然后执行splitrbind

out <- lapply(split(mydatalist, sub("^(\\d{2})$", "20\", names(mydatalist))), \(x) `row.names<-`(do.call(rbind, x), NULL))


> out
  Age Sex Weight year
1  12   F     70 2012
2  13   H     75 2012
3  18   F     70 2012
4  19   H     75 2012

  Age Sex Weight year
1  14   F     70 2013
2  15   H     75 2013
3  20   H     70 2013
4  13   H     75 2013

  Age Sex Weight year
1  16   F     70 2014
2  17   H     75 2014
3  22   F     70 2014
4  13   F     75 2014

In base R, use either the substring of the list names i.e. the last 2 digits or add 20 as prefix to those have only 2 characters in the list name, then split the list and rbind

out &lt;- lapply(split(mydatalist, sub(&quot;^(\\d{2})$&quot;, &quot;20\&quot;, 
  names(mydatalist))), \(x) `row.names&lt;-`(do.call(rbind, x), NULL))


&gt; out
  Age Sex Weight year
1  12   F     70 2012
2  13   H     75 2012
3  18   F     70 2012
4  19   H     75 2012

  Age Sex Weight year
1  14   F     70 2013
2  15   H     75 2013
3  20   H     70 2013
4  13   H     75 2013

  Age Sex Weight year
1  16   F     70 2014
2  17   H     75 2014
3  22   F     70 2014
4  13   F     75 2014


# 答案3
**得分**: 3


> split(row.names&lt;-(do.call(rbind, mydatalist), NULL), ~year)
Age Sex Weight year
1 12 F 70 2012
2 13 H 75 2012
7 18 F 70 2012
8 19 H 75 2012

Age Sex Weight year
3 14 F 70 2013
4 15 H 75 2013
9 20 H 70 2013
10 13 H 75 2013

Age Sex Weight year
5 16 F 70 2014
6 17 H 75 2014
11 22 F 70 2014
12 13 F 75 2014


I am not sure how &quot;short&quot; you are happy with, but below might be an option

> split(row.names&lt;-(do.call(rbind, mydatalist), NULL), ~year)
Age Sex Weight year
1 12 F 70 2012
2 13 H 75 2012
7 18 F 70 2012
8 19 H 75 2012

Age Sex Weight year
3 14 F 70 2013
4 15 H 75 2013
9 20 H 70 2013
10 13 H 75 2013

Age Sex Weight year
5 16 F 70 2014
6 17 H 75 2014
11 22 F 70 2014
12 13 F 75 2014


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月13日 20:06:38
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76005206.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
