Should I close time.After channel if waiting result from goroutine?

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Should I close time.After channel if waiting result from goroutine?



type resultWrapper struct {
	result Result
	err    error

func (e executor) Execute(ctx context.Context) Result {
	ch := make(chan ResultWrapper, 1)

	go func() {
		defer close(ch)
		// base also returns type Result
		res := e.base.Execute(ctx)
		if res.IsError() {
			ch <- resultWrapper{
				result: &e.defaultResponse,
				err:    nil,
		ch <- wrapper{
			result: &res,
			err:    nil,

	select {
	case <-time.After(e.timeout):
		return e.defaultResponse
	case res := <-ch:
		return res.result

我的问题是,我是否应该以某种适当的方式关闭由 time.After 创建的通道?如果我通过超时从主 Execute 函数退出,那么调用 e.base.Execute 的 goroutine 会发生什么情况?

关于第一个问题,不需要显式关闭由 time.After 创建的通道。根据 Go 语言的规范,只有在发送方知道没有更多的值要发送时才需要关闭通道。在这种情况下,time.After 会在指定的时间后向通道发送一个值,因此不需要手动关闭它。

关于第二个问题,如果从主 Execute 函数中的超时退出,那么调用 e.base.Execute 的 goroutine 将继续运行,直到它完成或被中断。这是因为 goroutine 是独立于主函数的并发执行的。超时退出只会影响主函数的返回值,不会直接影响其他正在运行的 goroutine。


Let's assume following code

type resultWrapper struct {
  result Result
  err    error

func (e executor) Execute(ctx context.Context) Result {
  ch := make(chan ResultWrapper, 1)

  go func() {
	  defer close(ch)
	  // base also returns type Result
	  res := e.base.Execute(ctx)
	  if res.IsError() {
		  ch &lt;- resultWrapper{
			  result: &amp;e.defaultResponse,
			  err:    nil,
	  ch &lt;- wrapper{
		  result: &amp;res,
		  err:    nil,

  select {
  case &lt;-time.After(e.timeout):
	  return e.defaultResponse
  case res := &lt;-ch:
	  return res.result

My question is if I should close created by time.After channel in some proper way?
And I don't fully understand what will happen with goroutine calling e.base.Execute if I exit from main Execute function by timeout?


得分: 3

time.After() 返回一个只能接收的通道:

func After(d Duration) <-chan Time







func (e executor) Execute(ctx context.Context) Result {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, e.timeout)
    defer cancel()

    res := e.base.Execute(ctx)
    if res.IsError() {
        return e.defaultResponse,

    return res.result



time.After() returns a receive-only channel:

func After(d Duration) &lt;-chan Time

Which cannot be closed. Quoting from Spec: Built-in functions: Close:

> For an argument ch with a core type that is a channel, the built-in function close records that no more values will be sent on the channel. It is an error if ch is a receive-only channel.

Documentation of time.After() also states:

> The underlying Timer is not recovered by the garbage collector until the timer fires. If efficiency is a concern, use NewTimer instead and call Timer.Stop if the timer is no longer needed.

So you could use time.NewTimer() which you can "free" earlier using Timer.Stop().

But! Since the operation you're calling e.base.Execute(ctx) already supports a context, the easiest and most idiomatic solution would be to create a new, derived context with timeout (using context.WithTimeout()):

func (e executor) Execute(ctx context.Context) Result {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, e.timeout)
    defer cancel()

    res := e.base.Execute(ctx)
    if res.IsError() {
        return e.defaultResponse,

    return res.result

If e.base.Execute() is properly implemented, it must monitor the passed context, which will be cancelled after e.timeout. Note the deferred cancel() call which will free used resources if e.base.Execute() should finish before e.timeout.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月12日 16:34:41
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