PrimeFaces: 将Excel表粘贴到带有InputNumber的DataTable

huangapple go评论88阅读模式

PrimeFaces: Paste Excel table to DataTable with InputNumber


<p:column width="80" headerText="Januar">
	<p:inputNumber value="#{mto.month01}" symbol="€" symbolPosition="s" decimalPlaces="0"
		disabled="#{((mto.year eq indexController.currentYear) and (indexController.currentMonth gt 1)) or (mto.year lt indexController.currentYear) or (indexController.isComponentDisabled('fieldPMForecastOutflow', 'PM'))}">
		<p:ajax process="@this" partialSubmit="true"
			update=":contentform:dt-PMDetail contentform:blockButtonDeletePMYear"
			listener="#{indexController.updateWorkingCopyProjectManagementFinancesDTO}" />
$('input').bind('paste', function (e) {
    var $start = $(this);
    var source

    //check for access to clipboard from window or event
    if (window.clipboardData !== undefined) {
        source = window.clipboardData
    } else {
        source = e.originalEvent.clipboardData;
    var data = source.getData("Text");
    if (data.length > 0) {
        if (data.indexOf("\t") > -1) {
            var columns = data.split("\n");
            $.each(columns, function () {
                var values = this.split("\t");
                $.each(values, function () {
                    if ($'input')) {
						$start = $'input');
                    if ($start.closest('td').next('td').find('input')) {
						$start = $start.closest('td').next('td').find('input');
						return false;  
                $start = $start.closest('td').parent().next('tr').children('td:first').find('input');

If you need further assistance, feel free to ask.


I have a p:dataTable that has multiple columns for month values like this:

&lt;p:column width=&quot;80&quot; headerText=&quot;Januar&quot;&gt;
	&lt;p:inputNumber value=&quot;#{mto.month01}&quot; symbol=&quot;€&quot; symbolPosition=&quot;s&quot; decimalPlaces=&quot;0&quot;
		disabled=&quot;#{((mto.year eq indexController.currentYear) and (indexController.currentMonth gt 1)) or (mto.year lt indexController.currentYear) or (indexController.isComponentDisabled(&#39;fieldPMForecastOutflow&#39;, &#39;PM&#39;))}&quot;&gt;
		&lt;p:ajax process=&quot;@this&quot; partialSubmit=&quot;true&quot;
			update=&quot;:contentform:dt-PMDetail contentform:blockButtonDeletePMYear&quot;
			listener=&quot;#{indexController.updateWorkingCopyProjectManagementFinancesDTO}&quot; /&gt;

My users want to be able to paste excel cells into this DataTable.

I tried different javascript snippets, e. g. this and adapted it like this:

$(&#39;input&#39;).bind(&#39;paste&#39;, function (e) {
    var $start = $(this);
    var source

    //check for access to clipboard from window or event
    if (window.clipboardData !== undefined) {
        source = window.clipboardData
    } else {
        source = e.originalEvent.clipboardData;
    var data = source.getData(&quot;Text&quot;);
    if (data.length &gt; 0) {
        if (data.indexOf(&quot;\t&quot;) &gt; -1) {
            var columns = data.split(&quot;\n&quot;);
            $.each(columns, function () {
                var values = this.split(&quot;\t&quot;);
                $.each(values, function () {
                    if ($;input&#39;)) {
						$start = $;input&#39;);
                    if ($start.closest(&#39;td&#39;).next(&#39;td&#39;).find(&#39;input&#39;)) {
						$start = $start.closest(&#39;td&#39;).next(&#39;td&#39;).find(&#39;input&#39;);
						return false;  
                $start = $start.closest(&#39;td&#39;).parent().next(&#39;tr&#39;).children(&#39;td:first&#39;).find(&#39;input&#39;);

When I paste data, the currency symbol is lost, no validation happens (I can paste letters) and as soon as I hover over a field with the mouse, the value is reset to its original value.

What I am looking for is a solution that 'tabs' to the next field and inputs the value like I would via the keyboard (e. g. numbers only). If too many columns are pasted, they can be omitted. A new line in the excel data should result in a new line in the DataTable (if I paste a 3x3 table in column 4 of line 1, columns 4 to 6 in rows 1 to 3 should be filled).


得分: 2

使用小部件 API 并使用其 setValue 函数来设置组件输入字段的值,而不是直接将值写入组件的输入字段。




Instead of directly writing the value to the component's input field, use the widget API and use its setValue function to set the value.

From the documentation:

> Sets the value of this input number widget to the given value. Makes sure that the number is formatted correctly.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月11日 16:12:01
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
