Azure DevOps 变量与 dotnet publish(或 msbuild)有何关联?

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How are Azure Dev Ops variables related to dotnet publish (or msbuild)?


我们的.NET Core Web项目不包含web.config文件。我们知道,如果它不存在,dotnet publish将创建该文件



我不清楚这个变量是如何传递给发布命令的。我发现ADO变量会加载为环境变量。但是发布是否会查找与环境变量匹配的环境变量以用作默认值呢?在“Transform web.config”文档中有这些有点模糊的引用:




Our .net core web project contained no web.config. We are aware of that dotnet publish will create the file if it does not exist.

However, we found it odd that the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable was also being set in this new web.config, even when we were NOT specifying it with the p:EnvironmentName parameter in the publish option of the dotnet/DotNetCoreCLI@2 command.

Azure DevOps 变量与 dotnet publish(或 msbuild)有何关联?

We discovered that we had a variable group in ADO with an EnvironmentName variable defined and publish was implicitly using this variable.

Azure DevOps 变量与 dotnet publish(或 msbuild)有何关联?

It is not clear to me how this variable is being transfered to the publish command. I did find that ADO variables are loaded as environment variables. But does publish look for environment variables that match environment vars to use as defaults? In a "Transform web.config" documentation there are these somewhat obscure references:

Azure DevOps 变量与 dotnet publish(或 msbuild)有何关联?

It references a build "property" but demonstrates a variable syntax.

How is this EnvironmentName parameter being inferred from this ADO variable?


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在Azure DevOps管道中,预定义的系统变量和自定义用户变量都被设置为环境变量。任务(例如DotNetCoreCLIMSBuildPowerShell)在这个环境中运行。

dotnet publish命令使用msbuild来执行发布操作。



  • Azure DevOps变量组定义了一个名为EnvironmentName的变量。
  • 将该变量组添加到管道中,从而创建一个名为EnvironmentName的管道变量。
  • 管道变量被设置为环境变量。
  • 环境变量被设置为MSBuild属性。
  • web.config的转换逻辑查找并使用名为EnvironmentName的属性。





Variables in Azure DevOps pipelines, both predefined system variables and custom user variables, are set as environment variables. Tasks (e.g. DotNetCoreCLI, MSBuild, PowerShell) are run with this environment.

The dotnet publish command uses msbuild to perform the publish.

MSBuild maps all environment variables to MSBuild properties. (See "Use environment variables in a build" in the MSBuild docs.)

So to summarize:

  • The Azure DevOps variable group defines a variable named EnvironmentName.
  • The variable group is added to the pipeline creating a pipeline variable named EnvironmentName.
  • The pipeline variable is set as an environment variable.
  • The environment variable is set as an MSBuild property.
  • The web.config transform logic looks for and uses the property named EnvironmentName

Variable groups can easily be used to set and control MSBuild without explicitly setting properties on the command line. Which is nice unless there is an unintentional name collision.

As a practice you may want to adopt a prefix for naming user variables that are not overrides, to lessen the chances of a name collision.

A note on syntax: In MSBuild a property reference is $(EnvironmentName) and in pipeline definitions (YAML and otherwise) a variable substitution is also $(EnvironmentName). The documentation for the web.config transform is talking about an MSBuild property and not a pipeline variable substitution.

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