`MessageFwdHeader` 类型中 `saved_from_peer` 和 `saved_from_msg_id` 的含义。

huangapple go评论52阅读模式

Meaning of `saved_from_peer` and `saved_from_msg_id` inside `MessageFwdHeader` type


电报中的消息可以从用户/聊天/频道转发到其他用户/聊天/频道。消息类型具有 fwd_from 字段,类型为 messageFwdHeader - 此对象内部的 from_id 字段描述消息的来源(用户或频道)。如果我们谈论的是发布此消息的频道,我们将在 channel_post 字段中得到消息ID。


但也有 saved_from_peersaved_from_msg_id 字段。引用自文档

saved_from_peer [...] 仅适用于转发到当前用户(inputPeerSelf)的消息,包含最初发送消息的用户/频道的完整信息

saved_from_msg_id [...] 仅适用于转发到当前用户(inputPeerSelf)的消息,消息从原始用户/频道转发的ID

但是... from_idchannel_post 字段中,我们似乎已经获得了这两个数据,不是吗?

我们可以比较 from_idsaved_from_peer 的定义:最初发送消息的用户的ID 对比 [...] 最初发送消息的用户/频道的完整信息




The message in telegram can be forwarded from users/chats/channels to other users/chats/channels. The message type has a fwd_from field with type messageFwdHeader - the from_id field inside of this object describes where the message comes from (user or channel). If we're talking about a channel who posted this message, we would have channel_post field populated with the message ID.

All seems to make sense. Someone posted a message, it got forwarded or re-forwarded any number of times, but we still have the ID of the original author as well as message's ID.

But there are also saved_from_peer and saved_from_msg_id fields. Citing from the docs:

saved_from_peer	[...] Only for messages forwarded to the current user (inputPeerSelf), full info about the user/channel that originally sent the message
saved_from_msg_id [...] Only for messages forwarded to the current user (inputPeerSelf), ID of the message that was forwarded from the original user/channel

But... we already seem to get both of these pieces of data inside from_id and channel_post fields, don't we?

We can compare the definitions of from_id vs saved_from_peer: The ID of the user that originally sent the message vs [...] full info about the user/channel that originally sent the message.

The types of the fields are the same, the definitions have no significant difference.

What do these fields actually mean?


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它会在saved_from peer中提供消息ID和保存的peer信息。

from_id字段用作发送消息的用户的圆形头像,有时它可能等于saved_from peer(当消息在广播中发送时,没有可见的发送者,所以会是频道本身)。


As the docs state saved_from* fields are utilized on forwarded messages to yourself, the "Saved Messages".

Not much more into it, ignore it if you're not dealing with saved messages, this exists incase you wanted to go back to the context in joined groups too, since channel_post is only for channels if forwarded outside of saved message.

it gives you the message id in the saved_from peer and naturally the saved from peer.

the from_id is utilized as the circular avatar of user who sent the message, which can be equal to saved_from peer sometimes (when message was sent in broadcast, no sender is visible so will be the channel itself)


得分: 0




  "from_id": "频道A的ID",
  "channel_post": "在A内的M1的ID",
  "saved_from_msg_id": None,
  "saved_from_peer": None



  "from_id": "频道C的ID",
  "channel_post": "在C内的M2的ID",
  "saved_from_msg_id": "在A内的M2的ID",
  "saved_from_peer": "频道A的ID"

你看出发生了什么了吗? from_idchannel_post总是指向原始作者,而saved_from_peersaved_from_msg_id则指向此消息的最后来源,即在我们的情况下是频道A由于A不是帖子的原始作者,我们不会在from_id字段内收到它


  "from_id": "用户U的ID",
  "channel_post": None,
  "saved_from_msg_id": "在A内的M3的ID",
  "saved_from_peer": "频道A的ID"



@MustA got the main part of it, I noticed some pecurialities.

Imagine we've got channel A, which has discussion group B linked to it. Every time we're gonna be adding a new message to A and seeing what's happened to B.

We post message M1 to A, it automatically gets forwarded to B, thus creating a copy of M1 inside B. This copy would have fwd_from set to:

  "from_id": "channel A id",
  "channel_post": "id of M1 inside A",
  "saved_from_msg_id": None,
  "saved_from_peer": None

It's easy.

But let's add channel C to the mix. We'd forward message M2 from C into A, and it gets auto-forwarded to B. The fwd_from would then look like:

  "from_id": "channel C id",
  "channel_post": "id of M2 inside C",
  "saved_from_msg_id": "id of M2 inside A",
  "saved_from_peer": "channel A id"

Do you see what happened? from_id and channel_post always point to the original author, whilst saved_from_peer and saved_from_msg_id point to the last source of this message, in our case channel A. And since A isn't the original author of the post, we don't receive it inside the from_id field.

The same goes for forwarding user U's message M3 to the channel:

  "from_id": "user U id",
  "channel_post": None,
  "saved_from_msg_id": "id of M3 inside A",
  "saved_from_peer": "channel A id"

So in the end the field actually has more capabilities than the official docs say.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月10日 21:46:45
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75977677.html



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