How to make backend as a bridge between external url and frontend for retrieving files?
I am trying to get a .pbf file from a map server. (but the question expands to pdf, jpg or csv)
I wanna obtain that .pbf file and return it in a GET request.
The file comes from a private server: http:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/geometrictiles/${source.layername}/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf
And want to return the exact same file to a get API in mi backend, like:
并希望将完全相同的文件返回给后端的GET API,例如:
So to use my backend as a bridge between mi react app, and the geometrictiles server.
I generated and endpoint in my controller like:
async getGeoTiles(){
const data = await this.geomService.getPBF('layername',11,585,783);
// const file = createReadStream(join(stringdata, 'package.json'));
// return
// new StreamableFile(file);
return stringdata;
And in my service:
```async getPBF (layername, z, x, y){
// just using a json route in order to test any file
return this.httpService
//here should be this URL, but for testing reasons
map((res) => {
// console.log('res', res);
return res.data;
catchError(() => {
throw new ForbiddenException('API not available');
But this is not returning the file json, csv nor PBF as I need.
How is this is done?
I am trying to get a .pbf file from a map server. (but the question expands to pdf, jpg or csv)
I wanna obtain that .pbf file and return it in a GET request.
The file comes from a private server: `http:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/geometrictiles/${source.layername}/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf`
And want to return the exact same file to a get API in mi backend, like:
So to use my backend as a bridge between mi react app, and the geometrictiles server.
I generated and endpoint in my controller like:
async getGeoTiles(){
const data = await this.geomService.getPBF('layername',11,585,783);
// const file = createReadStream(join(stringdata, 'package.json'));
// return
// new StreamableFile(file);
return stringdata;
And in my service:
async getPBF (layername, z, x, y){
// just using a json route in order to test any file
return this.httpService
//here should be this URL, but for testing reasons
map((res) => {
// console.log('res', res);
return res.data;
catchError(() => {
throw new ForbiddenException('API not available');
But this is not returning the file json, csv nor PBF as I need.
How is this is done?
# 答案1
**得分**: 0
To get file using HttpService you should inject response in getGeoTiles method and write result of HttpService GET method to it response. Also, you should write 'Content-Disposition' header to response object.
Here's example of this logic to retrieve file from a specific URL:
export class AppController {
constructor(private readonly httpSerivce: HttpService) {}
async getGeoTiles(@Res() response: Response) {
const { data } = await firstValueFrom(
.get<ArrayBuffer>('https://api.coindesk.com/v1/bpi/currentprice.json', {
// get the content as ArrayBuffer
responseType: 'arraybuffer',
catchError(() => {
throw new ForbiddenException('API not available');
// Here write filename instead of 'currentprice.json'
`attachment; filename=${encodeURI('currentprice.json')}`,
// write content to response object
// finalize
To get file using HttpService you should inject response in getGeoTiles method and write result of HttpService GET method to it response. Also, you should write 'Content-Disposition' header to response object.
Here's example of this logic to retreive file from specific url:
export class AppController {
constructor(private readonly httpSerivce: HttpService) {}
async getGeoTiles(@Res() response: Response) {
const { data } = await firstValueFrom(
.get<ArrayBuffer>('https://api.coindesk.com/v1/bpi/currentprice.json', {
// get the content as ArrayBuffer
responseType: 'arraybuffer',
catchError(() => {
throw new ForbiddenException('API not available');
// Here write filename instead of 'currentprice.json'
`attachment; filename=${encodeURI('currentprice.json')}`,
// write content to response object
// finalize