
huangapple go评论51阅读模式

UPDATE doesn't update all the rows



UPDATE items
SET quantity = items.quantity - (subquery.order_quantity * subquery.join_quantity)
    SELECT x.id_recipe as id_recipe,
    x.quantity as order_quantity, 
    join_recipes_items.quantity as join_quantity,
    join_recipes_items.id_item as id_item
    FROM json_to_recordset(${JSON.stringify(recipes_fixed)}::json) as x("id_recipe" int, "quantity" decimal(30,10))
    JOIN join_recipes_items USING(id_recipe)
) as subquery
WHERE items.id_item = subquery.id_item;



SELECT x.id_recipe as id_recipe,
    x.quantity as order_quantity, 
    join_recipes_items.quantity as join_quantity,
    join_recipes_items.id_item as id_item
FROM json_to_recordset(${JSON.stringify('[ { "id_recipe": 2, "quantity": 3 }, { "id_recipe": 3, "quantity": 2 } ]')}::json) as x("id_recipe" int, "quantity" decimal(30,10))
JOIN join_recipes_items USING(id_recipe);

使用'[ { "id_recipe": 2, "quantity": 3 }, { "id_recipe": 3, "quantity": 2 } ]'作为示例输入:




I&#39;m making an UPDATE that should update as many rows as the SELECT query returns.

UPDATE items
SET quantity = items.quantity - (subquery.order_quantity * subquery.join_quantity)
SELECT x.id_recipe as id_recipe,
x.quantity as order_quantity,
join_recipes_items.quantity as join_quantity,
join_recipes_items.id_item as id_item
FROM json_to_recordset(${JSON.stringify(recipes_fixed)}::json) as x("id_recipe" int, "quantity" decimal(30,10))
JOIN join_recipes_items USING(id_recipe)
) as subquery
WHERE items.id_item = subquery.id_item;

The last UPDATE should update all rows that achieve the WHERE condition with the values given by the SELECT but it only does some updates.

If you take the SELECT statement apart to see its result:

SELECT x.id_recipe as id_recipe,
x.quantity as order_quantity,
join_recipes_items.quantity as join_quantity,
join_recipes_items.id_item as id_item
FROM json_to_recordset(${JSON.stringify('[ { "id_recipe": 2, "quantity": 3 }, { "id_recipe": 3, "quantity": 2 } ]')}::json) as x("id_recipe" int, "quantity" decimal(30,10))
JOIN join_recipes_items USING(id_recipe);

Using `&#39;[ { &quot;id_recipe&quot;: 2, &quot;quantity&quot;: 3 }, { &quot;id_recipe&quot;: 3, &quot;quantity&quot;: 2 } ]&#39;` as an example input:

[![Result of the SELECT query](https://i.stack.imgur.com/UFiRB.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/UFiRB.png)

That result is correct but the UPDATE is only using the rows 1,2,5 to update items when it should use all the rows.

What could be happening?


# 答案1
**得分**: 2

以下是从[PostgreSQL 15文档,Update命令][1]中的内容:

> 当存在FROM子句时,基本上发生的情况是目标表与from_item列表中提到的表进行连接,连接的每个输出行表示目标表的更新操作。在使用FROM时,应确保连接为每个要修改的行生成最多一个输出行。换句话说,目标行不应与其他表中的多行连接。如果是这样,那么只有一个连接行将用于更新目标行,但不容易预测将使用哪个连接行。

> 由于这种不确定性,只在子查询内引用其他表通常更安全,尽管通常比使用连接更难阅读和较慢。


  id integer PRIMARY KEY,
  quantity integer

INSERT INTO items (id, quantity)
  VALUES (1, 5);

UPDATE items
   SET quantity = quantity + delta
  FROM (VALUES (1, -1), (1, -2)) deltas (id, delta)
 WHERE items.id = deltas.id;

SELECT * FROM items;



UPDATE items
   SET quantity = items.quantity - subquery.used_quantity
    (SELECT SUM(x.quantity * join_recipes_items.quantity) AS used_quantity,
            join_recipes_items.id_item AS id_item
       FROM json_to_recordset(${JSON.stringify(recipes_fixed)}::json) AS x("id_recipe" int, "quantity" decimal(30, 10))
       JOIN join_recipes_items USING (id_recipe)
      GROUP BY join_recipes_items.id_item) AS subquery
 WHERE items.id_item = subquery.id_item;

The following is from PostgreSQL 15 Documention, Update Command:

> When a FROM clause is present, what essentially happens is that the target table is joined to the tables mentioned in the from_item list, and each output row of the join represents an update operation for the target table. When using FROM you should ensure that the join produces at most one output row for each row to be modified. In other words, a target row shouldn't join to more than one row from the other table(s). If it does, then only one of the join rows will be used to update the target row, but which one will be used is not readily predictable.
> Because of this indeterminacy, referencing other tables only within
> sub-selects is safer, though often harder to read and slower than
> using a join.

This code demonstrates the behavior:

  id integer PRIMARY KEY,
  quantity integer

INSERT INTO items (id, quantity)
  VALUES (1, 5);

UPDATE items
   SET quantity = quantity + delta
  FROM (VALUES (1, -1), (1, -2)) deltas (id, delta)
 WHERE items.id = deltas.id;

SELECT * FROM items;

The end result will be that quantity is either 4 or 3, depending on which of the tuples in deltas is matched first. For this example, it is all but certain that quantity will be 4.

The following aggregates the values to be returned by subquery so that the final values for quantity will be correct:

UPDATE items
   SET quantity = items.quantity - subquery.used_quantity
    (SELECT SUM(x.quantity * join_recipes_items.quantity) AS used_quantity,
            join_recipes_items.id_item AS id_item
       FROM json_to_recordset(${JSON.stringify(recipes_fixed)}::json) AS x(&quot;id_recipe&quot; int, &quot;quantity&quot; decimal(30, 10))
       JOIN join_recipes_items USING (id_recipe)
      GROUP BY join_recipes_items.id_item) AS subquery
 WHERE items.id_item = subquery.id_item;

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月7日 04:24:19
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75953486.html



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