ASP.NET Core 6 项目在 10 到 20 分钟后自动注销。

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ASP.NET Core 6 project auto logout after 10~20 minutes




我观看了这个教程 并对我的项目进行了身份验证和授权。在本地主机上,一切正常,但当我切换到在线主机,即 Windows 主机与 Plesk(我认为它是 IIS,但我不确定),用户将在 10~20 分钟后注销,无论我使用什么 - IsPersistent 或不使用(保持用户登录)。

builder.Services.AddAuthentication("MyAuth").AddCookie("MyAuth", options =>
    options.Cookie.Name = "MyAuth";
    options.LoginPath = "/login";
    options.LogoutPath = "/logout";
    options.ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(30);

List<Claim> claims = new()
    new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, user.ID.ToString()),

ClaimsIdentity identity = new(claims, "MyAuth");

ClaimsPrincipal principal = new(identity);

AuthenticationProperties properties = new() { IsPersistent = login.RememberMe };

await HttpContext.SignInAsync("MyAuth", principal, properties);

我尝试了来自这个教程 的一切,但都没有起作用。而且我不知道如何修复它。我搜索了很多,大多数教程都是针对 ASP.NET Framework 而不是 ASP.NET Core。


  1. 添加 options.SlidingExpiration = true;AddAuthentication().AddCookie
  2. 添加 builder.Services.Configure<SecurityStampValidatorOptions>(o => o.ValidationInterval = TimeSpan.FromHours(10));program.cs
  3. 添加 ExpiresUtcAuthenticationProperties

更新:我找到了这个,但不知道该怎么办?我找不到这些设置在 Plesk 中。

神秘的 IIS 服务器注销问题

尽管你可能会在本地开发应用程序时不会注意到这个问题,但你可能会发现用户在一段时间后注销,例如 20 分钟。这很可能与 IIS 上的一些设置有关。

要修复这个问题,首先你需要进入应用程序池的高级设置。你会看到一个名为“空闲超时(分钟)”的设置,必须将其设置为 0。它的默认值是 20 分钟。这意味着如果在 20 分钟内没有新的请求,工作进程将被关闭。


基于 Cookie 的身份验证令牌将无效,用户将需要重新登录。

因此,为了保持密钥持久,我们需要在应用程序池的高级设置中设置另一个设置;必须将 "Load User Profile" 设置为 True。这样密钥将存储在操作系统的一个文件夹中。 (%LOCALAPPDATA%/ASP.NET/DataProtection-Keys)


I Just Want to Know Why I Get Banned for Asking Questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????????????????????

This problem only exist in Online Host not Local Host.

I watched this tutorial and do authentication and authorization of my project. On localhost, it's okay, but when I switch to online host that is Windows Host with Plesk (I think it is IIS but I'm not sure), user will get logged out after 10~20 minutes, no matter what I use - IsPersistent or not (keep user log in).

builder.Services.AddAuthentication(&quot;MyAuth&quot;).AddCookie(&quot;MyAuth&quot;, options =&gt;
    options.Cookie.Name = &quot;MyAuth&quot;;
    options.LoginPath = &quot;/login&quot;;
    options.LogoutPath = &quot;/logout&quot;;
    options.ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(30);

List&lt;Claim&gt; claims = new()
    new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, user.ID.ToString()),

ClaimsIdentity identity = new(claims, &quot;MyAuth&quot;);

ClaimsPrincipal principal = new(identity);

AuthenticationProperties properties = new() { IsPersistent = login.RememberMe };

await HttpContext.SignInAsync(&quot;MyAuth&quot;, principal, properties);

I tried everything that is from this tutorial, but nothing works. And I don't know how to fix it. I searched a lot and most of tutorial is for ASP.NET Framework - not for ASP.NET Core.

What I tried:

> 1. add options.SlidingExpiration = true; to AddAuthentication().AddCookie
> 2. add builder.Services.Configure&lt;SecurityStampValidatorOptions&gt;(o =&gt; o.ValidationInterval = TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); to program.cs
> 3. ExpiresUtc to AuthenticationProperties.

Update: I find this but don't know what to do? i can't find those setting is Plesk.

> Mysterious Logout on IIS Server
> Despite all of these settings you may experience that users are loging
> out after some minutes eg 20mins. Most probably you will not catch
> this behaviour on local while developing your application. It is
> related with some settings on IIS.
> To fix this behaviour, first you need to go to advanced settings of
> application pool. You will see a setting called “Idle Time-out
> (minutes)” and must set as 0. Its default value is 20mins. It means
> that if no new request comes for 20 mins, worker process will be shut
> down.
> When an app restarted or worker process restarted and If the keys
> related with authentication kept in memory;
> Cookie based authentication tokens will be invalid and users will need
> to log in again.
> So to keep keys persistent, we need to set one more setting on
> advanced settings of Application Pool; Load User Profile must be set
> to True. So keys will be stored in a folder on operation system.
> (%LOCALAPPDATA%/ASP.NET/DataProtection-Keys)


得分: 0

var app = builder.Build(); 之前,只需添加以下代码行:

builder.Services.AddDataProtection().PersistKeysToFileSystem(new DirectoryInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())).SetDefaultKeyLifetime(TimeSpan.FromDays(30));

I found the solution. Just add this line of code before var app = builder.Build();:

builder.Services.AddDataProtection().PersistKeysToFileSystem(new DirectoryInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())).SetDefaultKeyLifetime(TimeSpan.FromDays(30));

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