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Parse/Replace Text that contains conditional placeholders






{{if sale.type == abc}} 打印这个 {{else if sale.type == 123}} 打印那个 {{else}} 打印foo {{end}}

而用户决定不需要"else if",只需使用

{{if sale.type == abc}} 打印这个 {{else}} 打印foo {{end}}



我想应该有模板引擎可以做到这一点,但我还没有找到一个是当前、相关或其他 - 但也许我遗漏了一些东西或对术语不了解。


  • 基本的替换占位符
  • 条件分支(if/elseif/else,in/contains)
  • 条件嵌套
  • 要么可以直接使用,要么可扩展,以便我可以让具有中等能力的用户使用它。




{{if obj.isReady == true}} 我看到你准备好了。{{else}}很抱歉,你还没准备好。{{end}}


{{if obj.Color IN [blue,red]}} 我也喜欢那个颜色。{{else}}嗯,不是我最喜欢的。{{end}}

#3-if/else if/else/end

{{if obj.Type == rock}} 滚动!{{else if obj.Type == paper}} 盖住!{{else}}剪,剪!{{end}}


{{if obj.Happy == true}} 很高兴你开心!{{if obj.Season == summer}}好温暖!{{else}} 哦!{{end}}{{else}}很抱歉,你不开心。{{end}}


Looking for a little advice or knowledge of 3rd party libraries that may help with this.

For a user-generated set of template text, such as those found below, how would you go about (automatically as possible) parsing and replacing to get the logical output?

The overall concept: the user will be inputting information about a sale into my API. I then need to mail merge the sale properties (name, address, features of what they bought) into a plain text, contract of sorts. The contract is user-editable, and their responsibility to populate and maintain. The contract has many conditional blocks of text, and the conditions are met/judged based on the sale's data, and the permutation of sale property and conditions vary by contract and user.

I've already built a couple C# factories for this that work fine. The factories use a combination of RegEx matching and good ol' substring and splitting, but with each iteration I'm finding more flexibility deficiencies. For example, if there's a predefined placeholder like

{{if sale.type == abc}} print this {{else if sale.type == 123}} print that {{else}} print foo {{end}}

and the user decides they don't need the "else if", remove it, and just use

{{if sale.type == abc}} print this {{else}} print foo {{end}}

the combination of RegEx matching, substring, splitting, etc starts falling apart.

Additionally, I'm considering using reflection instead of predefining all the possible conditions based on the properties of the sale. Instead, I'd just give the user a list of the property names, and allow them to construct their own conditional placeholders based on whatever property(s) of the sale they want.

I'd imagine that must be templating engines out there that can do this, but I've yet to run into one that is current, relevant, or otherwise - but maybe I'm missing something or ignorant of the terminology.

Ideally, I'd like this templating to support things like

  • basic, replace placeholders
  • conditional branching (if/elseif/else, in/contains)
  • nesting of conditions
  • either use to use out of the box, or extensible so that I have a user of moderate ability use it.

Thanks! Open to any/all suggestions, comments, and idea.

Template Examples:

#1-basic placeholder and an if/else/end

Hi. Today is {{datetime}}.
{{if obj.isReady == true}} I see you are ready. {{else}} I'm sorry you're not ready. {{end}}

#2-an if in/else/end

{{if obj.Color IN [blue,red]}} I love that color too. {{else}} Eh, not my favorite. {{end}}

#3-an if/else if/else/end

{{if obj.Type == rock}} ROLL! {{else if obj.Type == paper}} COVER! {{else}} SNIP, SNIP! {{end}}

#4-nested conditions
{{if obj.Happy == true}} Great you're happy! {{if obj.Season == summer}} So warm! {{else}} Burr! {{end}} {{else}} I'm sorry you're not happy. {{end}}


得分: 1


using RazorEngine;
using RazorEngine.Templating;
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var template = @"Hi. 今天是 @DateTime.Now。 @if (Model.IsReady) { <text>我看到你已经准备好了。</text> } else {<text>很抱歉,你还没准备好。</text>}";
        var model = new { IsReady = true };
        var result = Engine.Razor.RunCompile(template, "template", null, model);
        result = Regex.Replace(result, "<.*?>", string.Empty);




You can use various methods, one of them is RazorEngine.

using RazorEngine;
using RazorEngine.Templating;
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var template = @&quot;Hi. Today is @DateTime.Now. @if (Model.IsReady) { &lt;text&gt;I see you are ready.&lt;/text&gt; } else {&lt;text&gt;I&#39;m sorry you&#39;re not ready.&lt;/text&gt;}&quot;;
        var model = new { IsReady = true };
        var result = Engine.Razor.RunCompile(template, &quot;template&quot;, null, model);
		result = Regex.Replace(result, &quot;&lt;.*?&gt;&quot;, string.Empty);

The problem with this is just that you need to hack the errors when RazorEngine expects html tags. Not sure if this is the most efficient way also.


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
