PDE系统具有不同维度的变量 – 使用FiPy的多孔电极理论

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PDE system with variables of different dimensions - Porous electrode theory with FiPy



# 我试图解决描述多孔电极中稳态电荷守恒的四个偏微分方程系统。方程如下:

1.  **𝑖**<sub>1</sub> + ∇ ⋅ **𝑖**<sub>2</sub> = 0,

2. **𝑖**<sub>1</sub> = −𝜎 ∇𝜙<sub>1</sub>,

3. **𝑖**<sub>2</sub> = −𝜅 ∇𝜙<sub>2</sub>,

4.   **𝑖**<sub>1</sub> = 𝑖<sub>rxn</sub>,或者替代地 ∇ ⋅ **𝑖**<sub>2</sub> = -𝑖<sub>rxn</sub>。

我想使用 FiPy 在 1D 网格上解这些方程作为耦合的偏微分方程组

# 以下是系统参数、常量和数值参数的代码…

# PDE 变量和系数…

# 边界条件…

# 解方程的函数…

# 运行方程求解…

# 请问是否有其他疑问?

I'm trying to solve a system of four PDEs describing steady-state charge conservation in a porous electrode. The equations are

  1. ∇ ⋅**𝑖**<sub>1</sub> + ∇ ⋅ 𝑖<sub>2</sub> = 0,

  2. 𝑖<sub>1</sub> = −𝜎 ∇𝜙<sub>1</sub>,

  3. 𝑖<sub>2</sub> = −𝜅 ∇𝜙<sub>2</sub>,

  4. ∇ ⋅ 𝑖<sub>1</sub> = 𝑖<sub>rxn</sub>, or alternatively ∇ ⋅ 𝑖<sub>2</sub> = -𝑖<sub>rxn</sub>.

I want to use FiPy to solve these equations as a set of coupled PDEs on a 1D grid.

import fipy.tools.numerix as nrx
from fipy import Grid1D, CellVariable, PowerLawConvectionTerm, DiffusionTerm, Matplotlib1DViewer


cd = 4        # operating current density, A/cm2
T = 333       # operating temperature, K
L = 10*1e-4   # electrode thickness, cm
iEx = 1e-2    # exchange current density, A/cm2
Er = 0        # reaction activation energy, V
nr = 4        # number of electrons in reaction
F = 96485     # faraday&#39;s constant, C/mol
R = 8.3145    # molar gas constant, J/Kmol


nx = 100                          # number of mesh points
dx = L/nx                         # distance between mesh points
mesh = Grid1D(nx = nx, dx = dx)   # 1D grid of length L
tol = 1e-3                        # tolerance for residual
itmax = 100                       # max no. of sweeps to break convergence loop


irxn = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = iEx, name = r&#39;$i_\mathrm{rxn}$&#39;)  # reaction current density (i_rxn), A/cm2

sigma = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = 50, name = r&#39;$\sigma$&#39;)       # electron conductivity, S/cm
kappa = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = 100e-3, name = r&#39;$\kappa$&#39;)   # proton conductivity, S/cm

phi1 = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, name = r&#39;$\Phi_1$&#39;)   # porous electrode matrix potential, V
phi2 = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, name = r&#39;$\Phi_2$&#39;)   # porous electrode electrolyte potential, V
i1 = -sigma*phi1.grad                                  # porous electrode matrix current, A/cm2
i2 = -kappa*phi2.grad                                  # porous electrode electrolyte current, A/cm2
i1.name = r&#39;$i_1$&#39;
i2.name = r&#39;$i_2$&#39;


phi1.constrain(0, where=mesh.facesLeft)       # matrix potential at x=0
i1.constrain(0, where=mesh.facesRight)        # matrix current at x=L
i2.constrain(0, where=mesh.facesLeft)         # electrolyte current at x=0
i2.constrain(cd, where=mesh.facesRight)       # electrolyte current at x=L


def solveEquations():

  # equations

  # charge conservation ∇ ⋅ &#119894;_1 + ∇ ⋅ &#119894;_2 = 0 (as ∇ ⋅ [−&#120590; ∇&#120601;_1] + ∇ ⋅ [−&#120581; ∇&#120601;_2] = 0)
  #chargeConservationEq = (DiffusionTerm(coeff = -sigma, var = phi1) + DiffusionTerm(coeff = -kappa, var = phi2) == 0) - this is commented out for testing but gives a similar error
  chargeConservationEq = (PowerLawConvectionTerm(coeff = (1,), var = i1) + PowerLawConvectionTerm(coeff = (1,), var = i2) == 0)

  # matrix potential ∇ ⋅ &#119894;_1 = &#119894;_rxn
  matrixPotEq = (PowerLawConvectionTerm((1,), var = i1) == irxn)
  # electrolyte potential ∇ ⋅ &#119894;_2 = -&#119894;_rxn
  electrolytePotEq = (PowerLawConvectionTerm((1,), var = i2) == -irxn)

  # matrix current &#119894;_1 = −&#120590; ∇&#120601;_1 (divergence taken on both sides)
  matrixCurrentEq = (PowerLawConvectionTerm((1,), var = i1) == DiffusionTerm(coeff = -sigma, var = phi1))

  # electrolyte current &#119894;_2 = −&#120581; ∇&#120601;_2 (divergence taken on both sides)
  electrolyteCurrentEq = (PowerLawConvectionTerm((1,), var = i2) == DiffusionTerm(coeff = -kappa, var = phi2))

  eq = ( chargeConservationEq
    &amp; matrixPotEq
    #&amp; electrolytePotEq
    &amp; matrixCurrentEq
    &amp; electrolyteCurrentEq) 

  res = eq.sweep()
  it = 0

  while ((res &gt; tol) and (it &lt; itmax)):

    # increment
    it += 1

    # solve equations
    res = eq.sweep()


However when I try to run I get the error message: ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions, but the array at index 0 has 2 dimension(s) and the array at index 2 has 1 dimension(s). The error occurs when eq.sweep() is called.

I understand that sigma, kappa, irxn, phi1 and phi2 have shape (100,) while i1 and i2 have shape (1,100). Is this why I get this error? If so, how do I write the equations in a way that can be solved?

I have also tried to combine the equations to get

∇ ⋅ (−𝜎 ∇𝜙<sub>1</sub>) + ∇ ⋅ (−𝜅 ∇𝜙<sub>2</sub>) = 0 and ∇ ⋅ (−𝜎 ∇𝜙<sub>1</sub>) = i<sub>rxn</sub>

in order to simplify the problem to only two variables. In this case I did not get this error, but I also did not get a stable solution and for some reason charge was not conserved even though the first equation should ensure this - when plotting the currents i<sub>1</sub> and i<sub>2</sub> their sum was not constant as it should be. The boundary conditions were also less stable as there were boundary conditions on the gradients of 𝜙<sub>2</sub> on either side, following from eq. 3.

Any help is appreciated!

EDIT: a new version of the code implementing the suggested changes, with more math details. This code runs without the error originally mentioned, but some new questions/issues have appeared.

A summary of the governing equations boundary conditions that should be implemented.:

  1. ∇ ⋅ (−𝜎 ∇𝜙<sub>1</sub>) + ∇ ⋅ (−𝜅 ∇𝜙<sub>2</sub>) = 0,

  2. ∇ ⋅ (−𝜎 ∇𝜙<sub>1</sub>) = 𝑖<sub>rxn</sub>

At x=0

  • 𝜙<sub>1</sub> = 0 at x=0,
  • ∇𝜙<sub>1</sub> = -I<sub>cell</sub>/𝜎 (i.e. 𝑖<sub>1</sub>=I<sub>cell</sub>)
  • ∇𝜙<sub>2</sub> = 0 (i.e. 𝑖<sub>2</sub>=0)

At x=L

  • ∇𝜙<sub>1</sub> = 0 (i.e. 𝑖<sub>1</sub>=I<sub>cell</sub>)
  • ∇𝜙<sub>2</sub> = -I<sub>cell</sub>/𝜅 (i.e. 𝑖<sub>2</sub>=I<sub>cell</sub>)

The results here are closer to what I would expect, but something is still not right

  • No matter how low or high I set the exchange current density, nothing seems to happen to the currents i1 and i2. This should not be the case, as a lower magnitude of the exchange current density should mean less generated current at a given overpotential.
  • Constraining phi2 to be zero at the x=0 boundary implies that there are no reactions there, as the reaction current 𝑖<sub>rxn</sub> is defined by the Butler-Volmer equation and is zero if the overpotential is zero. This is however not super important.
  • The gradient of 𝜙<sub>2</sub> does not appear to be zero at x=0 as specified?

    from fipy import Grid1D, CellVariable, DiffusionTerm, Matplotlib1DViewer
    cd = 4        # operating current density, A/cm2
    T = 333       # operating temperature, K
    L = 10*1e-4   # electrode thickness, cm
    iEx = 1e-2    # exchange current density, A/cm2
    Er = 0        # reaction activation energy, V
    nr = 4        # number of electrons in reaction
    F = 96485     # faraday&#39;s constant, C/mol
    R = 8.3145    # molar gas constant, J/Kmol
    beta = 0.5    # symmetry factor for reaction
    nx = 100                          # number of mesh points
    dx = L/nx                         # distance between mesh points
    mesh = Grid1D(nx = nx, dx = dx)   # 1D grid of length L
    tol = 1e-3                        # tolerance for residual
    itmax = 100                       # max no. of sweeps to break convergence loop
    irxn = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = iEx, name = r&#39;$i_\mathrm{rxn}$&#39;)  # reaction current density (i_rxn), A/cm2
    sigma = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = 50, name = r&#39;$\sigma$&#39;)       # electron conductivity, S/cm
    kappa = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = 100e-3, name = r&#39;$\kappa$&#39;)   # proton conductivity, S/cm
    phi1 = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, name = r&#39;$\Phi_1$&#39;)   # porous electrode matrix potential, V
    phi2 = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, name = r&#39;$\Phi_2$&#39;)   # porous electrode electrolyte potential, V
    phi1.constrain(0, where=mesh.facesLeft)                                       # matrix potential grounded at x=0
    phi2.constrain(0, where=mesh.facesLeft)                                       # electrolyte potential grounded at x=0
    phi1.faceGrad.constrain(-cd/sigma.faceValue[0], where=mesh.facesLeft)         # matrix current at x=0
    phi2.faceGrad.constrain([0], where=mesh.facesLeft)                            # electrolyte current at x=0
    phi1.faceGrad.constrain([0], where=mesh.facesRight)                           # matrix current at x=L
    phi2.faceGrad.constrain([-cd/kappa.faceValue[-1]], where=mesh.facesRight)     # electrolyte current at x=L
    def rcd(phiM, phiE):
      # calculate reaction current density
      # inputs: phiM (potential in solid electron-conducting phase) &amp; phiE (potential in proton-conducting electrolyte)
      # overpotential
      overPotential = phiM-phiE-Er
      # Butler-Volmer equation for reaction current density
      i = iEx*(nrx.exp((beta*nr*F)/(R*T)*overPotential)-nrx.exp(-((1-beta)*nr*F)/(R*T)*overPotential))
      return i
    def solveEquations():
      # equations
      # charge conservation ∇ ⋅ &#119894;_1 + ∇ ⋅ &#119894;_2 = 0 (as ∇ ⋅ [−&#120590; ∇&#120601;_1] + ∇ ⋅ [−&#120581; ∇&#120601;_2] = 0)
      chargeConservationEq = (DiffusionTerm(coeff = -sigma, var = phi1) + DiffusionTerm(coeff = -kappa, var = phi2) == 0)
      # matrix potential ∇ ⋅ &#119894;_1 = &#119894;_rxn
      matrixPotEq = (DiffusionTerm(coeff = -sigma, var = phi1) == irxn)
      eq = (matrixPotEq &amp; chargeConservationEq)
      res = eq.sweep()
      it = 0
      while ((res &gt; tol) and (it &lt; itmax)):
        # update value of irxn based on overpotential from previous iteration
        irxn.value = rcd(phi1.value, phi2.value)
        # increment
        it += 1
        # solve equations
        res = eq.sweep()
    def plotPotentials():
      viewer = Matplotlib1DViewer(vars = (phi1, phi2), title = r&#39;Potential [V]&#39;, legend = &#39;best&#39;)
      input(&#39;Press return to continue&#39;)
    def plotCurrents():
      i1 = -sigma.faceValue*phi1.faceGrad                                  # porous electrode matrix current, A/cm2
      i2 = -kappa.faceValue*phi2.faceGrad                                  # porous electrode electrolyte current, A/cm2
      i1.name = r&#39;$i_1$&#39;
      i2.name = r&#39;$i_2$&#39;
      x = mesh.faceCenters.value[0]
      plt.legend(loc = &#39;best&#39;)



# 答案1
**得分**: 1

`i1` 和 `i2` 都是一阶的,这是问题的一部分,但它们也由以下公式定义:
i1 = -sigma*phi1.grad                                  # 多孔电极矩阵电流,A/cm2
i2 = -kappa*phi2.grad                                  # 多孔电极电解质电流,A/cm2


即使将 i1i2 保留为一阶的 CellVariables,ConvectionTerm 也不是以这种方式设计的。

> ∇ ⋅ (−𝜎 ∇𝜙1) + ∇ ⋅ (−𝜅 ∇𝜙2) = 0 和 ∇ ⋅ (−𝜎 ∇𝜙1) = irxn

这是 FiPy 的正确方法。我不知道你尝试了什么,但我会写成以下之一:

chargeConservationEq = (DiffusionTerm(coeff = -sigma, var = phi1) + DiffusionTerm(coeff = -kappa, var = phi2) == 0) 
matrixPotEq1 = (DiffusionTerm(coeff=-sigma, var = phi1) == irxn)
eq = (matrixPotEq1 & chargeConservationEq)


matrixPotEq1 = (DiffusionTerm(coeff=-sigma, var = phi1) == irxn)
matrixPotEq2 = (DiffusionTerm(coeff=-kappa, var = phi2) == -irxn)
eq = (matrixPotEq1 & matrixPotEq2)



  • eq = (chargeConservationEq & matrixPotEq1)(颠倒第一组方程的顺序)对我来说行不通,至少在使用 PETSc 时如此。我理解原因,但我认为我们已经考虑到了这一点。
  • phi2 也必须接地:phi2.constrain(0, where=mesh.facesLeft)

i1 and i2 are both rank-1, which is part of the problem, but they are also defined by formulae:

i1 = -sigma*phi1.grad                                  # porous electrode matrix current, A/cm2
i2 = -kappa*phi2.grad                                  # porous electrode electrolyte current, A/cm2

which makes them unusable as solution variables.

Even if i1 and i2 were left as rank-1 CellVariables, ConvectionTerm is not designed to work this way.

> ∇ ⋅ (−𝜎 ∇𝜙1) + ∇ ⋅ (−𝜅 ∇𝜙2) = 0 and ∇ ⋅ (−𝜎 ∇𝜙1) = irxn

This is the correct approach for FiPy. I don't know what you tried, but I would write either:

chargeConservationEq = (DiffusionTerm(coeff = -sigma, var = phi1) + DiffusionTerm(coeff = -kappa, var = phi2) == 0) 
matrixPotEq1 = (DiffusionTerm(coeff=-sigma, var = phi1) == irxn)
eq = (matrixPotEq1 &amp; chargeConservationEq)


matrixPotEq1 = (DiffusionTerm(coeff=-sigma, var = phi1) == irxn)
matrixPotEq2 = (DiffusionTerm(coeff=-kappa, var = phi2) == -irxn)
eq = (matrixPotEq1 &amp; matrixPotEq2)

Either works and either conserves charge to machine precision.


  • eq = (chargeConservationEq &amp; matrixPotEq1) (reversing the order of the first set of equations) does not work for me, at least with PETSc. I understand why, but I thought we had accounted for this.
  • phi2 must also be grounded: phi2.constrain(0, where=mesh.facesLeft)

Edit: Revised for revised final question

You are trying to apply six boundary conditions for two 2nd-order PDEs. This is over-constrained. Moreover, trying to set the value and the gradient at the same boundary amounts to a shooting method, which FiPy doesn't readily deal with.

If I change the boundary conditions to:

phi1.constrain(0, where=mesh.facesRight)                                       # matrix potential grounded at x=L
phi2.constrain(0, where=mesh.facesLeft)                                       # electrolyte potential grounded at x=0
phi1.faceGrad.constrain([-cd/sigma.faceValue], where=mesh.facesLeft)         # matrix current at x=0
phi2.faceGrad.constrain([-cd/kappa.faceValue], where=mesh.facesRight)     # electrolyte current at x=L

then I get

PDE系统具有不同维度的变量 – 使用FiPy的多孔电极理论

which makes some sort of sense.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月6日 21:37:01
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75950188.html



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