
huangapple go评论99阅读模式

Create a GO struct only if a certain condition is satisfied



type MyStruct struct {
   a int

if a == nil {
    cond = 0
    var A_mystruct_obj MyStruct  // 只有在满足这个条件时才创建 A_mystruct_obj 对象
} else if b == nil {
    cond = 1
    var B_mystruct_obj MyStruct  // 只有在满足这个条件时才创建 B_mystruct_obj 对象

} else {
    cond = 2 // 如果满足这个条件,则同时创建上述两个结构对象 A_mystruct_obj 和 B_mystruct_obj。
    // 在 else 中再次声明以下内容是否是有效的GO代码?
    var A_mystruct_obj MyStruct
    var B_mystruct_obj MyStruct



var A_mystruct_obj MyStruct
var B_mystruct_obj MyStruct









My GO code snippet is as follows:

    type MyStruct struct {
       a int

    if a == nil {
    		cond = 0
            var A_mystruct_obj MyStruct  // If this condition is satified then ONLY create this A_mystruct_obj obj
    	} else if b == nil {
    		cond = 1
            var B_mystruct_obj MyStruct  // If this condition is satified then ONLY create this B_mystruct_obj obj
    	} else {
    		cond = 2 // // If this condition is satified then create BOTH the above structure objects  A_mystruct_obj &amp; B_mystruct_obj.
             // Is having the below declaration again in else a valid GO code ?
            var A_mystruct_obj MyStruct
            var B_mystruct_obj MyStruct
I&#39;m from a C++ background. This would have been simple in C++. Do we have dynamic memory allocation in GO. And how do I achieve this in GO ?

Is having the 2 declaration again in else a valid GO code ?

        var A_mystruct_obj MyStruct
        var B_mystruct_obj MyStruct

Or do I need to have some sort of run time polymorphism here. 


I tried doing this way, but it didn&#39;t even compile as expected.


**Updated Again** 

I tried this and it seems to work. Is this fine ?



# 答案1
**得分**: 1


1. 变量在封闭作用域中声明使得在该作用域外部无法访问`if`/`else`子句
2. 变量被声明为值类型


    var A_mystruct_obj MyStruct
    var B_mystruct_obj MyStruct
    if a == nil {
        cond = 0
        // 初始化 A_mystruct
    } else if b == nil {
        cond = 1
        // 初始化 B_mystruct
    } else {
        cond = 2
        // 初始化 A_mystruct 和 B_mystruct



    var A_mystruct_obj *MyStruct
    var B_mystruct_obj *MyStruct
    if a == nil {
        cond = 0
        A_mystruct_obj = &MyStruct{}
    } else if b == nil {
        cond = 1
        B_mystruct_obj = &MyStruct{}
    } else {
        cond = 2
        A_mystruct_obj = &MyStruct{}
        B_mystruct_obj = &MyStruct{}


    var A_mystruct_obj *MyStruct
    var B_mystruct_obj *MyStruct

    areq := a == nil || (..condition 2..) 
    breq := b == nil || (..condition 2..) 
    if areq {
        A_mystruct_obj = &MyStruct{}
    if breq {
        B_mystruct_obj = &MyStruct{}


注意:根据你发布的代码,无法更具体地表达condition 2是什么条件。


You have two problems in your code:

  1. your variables are declared within an enclosing scope, making them unreachable from outside that scope (the if/else clauses)
  2. your variables are declared as values

The second problem arises when you address the first, i.e by moving your variable declarations outside of the if clause scopes, to make them accessible to code following the if statement:

    var A_mystruct_obj MyStruct
    var B_mystruct_obj MyStruct
    if a == nil {
        cond = 0
        // initialise A_mystruct
    } else if b == nil {
        cond = 1
        // initialise B_mystruct
    } else {
        cond = 2
        // initialise A_mystruct and B_mystruct

Now both variables are declared but also both variables are initialised with a newly allocated MyStruct, regardless of which clause in the if statement is reached.

To solve that problem, change the variables to pointers and allocate the values required in the corresponding branch of the if statement:

    var A_mystruct_obj *MyStruct
    var B_mystruct_obj *MyStruct
    if a == nil {
        cond = 0
        A_mystruct_obj = &amp;MyStruct{}
    } else if b == nil {
        cond = 1
        B_mystruct_obj = &amp;MyStruct{}
    } else {
        cond = 2
        A_mystruct_obj = &amp;MyStruct{}
        B_mystruct_obj = &amp;MyStruct{}

Bonus tip: Future You will thank you for refactoring this to a pair of statements that determine whether a is required or b or both and then simplifying your compound if statement as two separate statements that initialise an a or b respectively:

    var A_mystruct_obj *MyStruct
    var B_mystruct_obj *MyStruct

    areq := a == nil || (..condition 2..) 
    breq := b == nil || (..condition 2..) 
    if areq {
        A_mystruct_obj = &amp;MyStruct{}
    if breq {
        B_mystruct_obj = &amp;MyStruct{}

The intent being to avoid repetition of logic (the DRY principle: Don't Repeat Yourself) and separation of concerns. i.e. separating the question of whether a and/or b are required from the process of initialising a and b when they are required.

NOTE: It isn't possible to be more specific as to how to express condition 2 as it is not clear from your posted code what that condition is.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月3日 01:56:08
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75913707.html



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