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What's the use of having a loop block inside Thread.new in ruby?


The part you want to be translated is:

我是一个初学者,当涉及到多线程时。我正在尝试理解 Ruby 中的 Thread 如何工作,并从这个网站的示例中看到这个示例(线程安全数据结构

require 'thread'

queue = Queue.new

producer = Thread.new do
  10.times do
    sleep 1

consumers = []

3.times do
  consumers << Thread.new do
    loop do
      unix_timestamp = queue.pop
      formatted_timestamp = unix_timestamp.to_s.reverse.
                            gsub(/(\d\d\d)/, ',').reverse

      puts "It's been #{formatted_timestamp} seconds since the epoch!"


The part you want to be translated into Chinese is:

我不理解的部分是最后的 Thread.new do 内部的 loop do 的使用

consumers << Thread.new do
  loop do


ruby thread_safe.rb
It's been 1,680,277,028 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,029 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,030 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,031 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,032 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,033 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,034 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,035 seconds since the epoch!

如果我移除 loop,我只看到它被打印 3 次:

 ruby thread_safe.rb
It's been 1,680,277,037 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,038 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,039 seconds since the epoch!

我理解 Ruby 的 Queue 实现了一个线程安全的数据结构(类似于在数组周围包装 mutex.synchronize),并且队列会等待直到它有东西才会弹出它。

我的最初期望是看到文本 "It's been X seconds since the epoch!" 打印 3 次,因为我们正在生成 3 个线程,并在每个线程中弹出队列一次。但不知何故,添加 loop 会弹出和打印它 10 次。


  • 针对这个示例代码的问题:为什么将 loop 包装在代码块内会导致队列总共弹出 10 次?
  • 一个更通用的问题:在处理多线程环境时,是否习惯于在 Thread.new 内部使用 loop?(我注意到在一些地方看到了 loop 代码块在 Thread.new 内部的使用,如 Ruby 多线程(TutorialsPoint)、Ruby 中的线程循环 (Stackoverflow) 以及我在问题中引用的代码 线程安全数据结构,我开始注意到一种模式。如果在多线程代码中使用 loop 是一种惯例,那为什么会这样?)

I am a beginner when it comes to multi-threading. I am trying to understand how Thread in ruby works, and saw this example from this website (Thread-safe Data Structures)

require 'thread'

queue = Queue.new

producer = Thread.new do
  10.times do
    sleep 1

consumers = []

3.times do
  consumers << Thread.new do
    loop do
      unix_timestamp = queue.pop
      formatted_timestamp = unix_timestamp.to_s.reverse.
                            gsub(/(\d\d\d)/, ',').reverse

      puts "It's been #{formatted_timestamp} seconds since the epoch!"


The part that I don't understand is the use of loop do inside the last Thread.new do

consumers << Thread.new do
  loop do

When I run the code above, I get

ruby thread_safe.rb
It's been 1,680,277,028 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,029 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,030 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,031 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,032 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,033 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,034 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,035 seconds since the epoch!

If I remove the loop, I only see it printed 3x:

❯ ruby thread_safe.rb
It's been 1,680,277,037 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,038 seconds since the epoch!
It's been 1,680,277,039 seconds since the epoch!

I understand that Ruby's Queue implements a thread-safe data structure (akin to wrapping a mutex.synchronize around an array), and that queue will wait until it has something before it pops it.

My initial expectation is to see the text "It's been X seconds since the epoch!" printed 3x, because we are spawning 3 threads and in each thread we pop the queue once. But somehow adding the loop pops and prints it 10x.

I have two questions:

  • A question specific to this code example: why is it that wrapping the loop block caused the queue to be popped a total of 10 times?
  • A more generic question: when dealing with multi-threaded environment, is it the convention to use loop inside Thread.new? (I've seen the loop block used inside Thread.new in a few places like Ruby Multithreading(TutorialsPoint), Thread loop in Ruby (Stackoverflow), and the code that I referenced in the question, Thread-safe Data Structures, that I begin to notice a pattern. If using loop is the convention in multi-thread code, why is that?)


得分: 3

> why is it that wrapping the loop block caused the queue to be popped a total of 10 times?


Each of the consumer threads executes an infinite loop, reading messages from the queue as they arrive.


They collectively read 10 messages because 10 messages were placed in the queue. They would collectively read 20 messages if 20 messages were placed in the queue.


How many messages each consumer thread receives is unknown. It depends on how fast the thread can process them compared to the rate at which they produced. And if multiple threads are waiting for work (as constantly happens here), then one of the threads "at random" will receive the message.


> A more generic question: when dealing with multi-threaded environment, is it the convention to use loop inside Thread.new?


This is called the worker model. It allows a single thread to be used to process multiple jobs. This avoids the overhead of creating a new thread for each job. It also naturally caps the number of threads.


The code in the OP is missing one detail however. It needs to exit if no jobs are available and no jobs will ever become available again.


Right now, the program exits the moment the producer is done. This is a bug, as it can leave some jobs unprocessed or incompletely processed. To fix this, you should also join the consumers. But for that to happen, the consumers can't use an infinite loop. This is easy to solve by adding queue.close outside the loop in the producer, and handling that accordingly in the consumers.


So three changes are needed:


  • Add queue.close to the producer.

  • Handle a closed queue in the consumers.

  • Wait for the consumers to complete by joining them.

  • 在生产者中添加queue.close

  • 在消费者中处理关闭的队列。

  • 通过加入消费者等待消费者完成。

I don't know Ruby, so the implementation is left to you.



> why is it that wrapping the loop block caused the queue to be popped a total of 10 times?

Each of the consumer threads executes an infinite loop, reading messages from the queue as they arrive.

They collectively read 10 messages because 10 messages were placed in the queue. They would collectively read 20 messages if 20 messages were placed in the queue.

How many messages each consumer thread receives is unknown. It depends on how fast the thread can process them compared to the rate at which they produced. And if multiple threads are waiting for work (as constantly happens here), then one of the threads "at random" will receive the message.

> A more generic question: when dealing with multi-threaded environment, is it the convention to use loop inside Thread.new?

This is called the worker model. It allows a single thread to be used to process multiple jobs. This avoids the overheard of creating a new thread for each job. It also naturally caps the number of threads.

The code in the OP is missing one detail however. It needs to exit if no jobs are available and no jobs will ever become available again.

Right now, the program exits the moment the producer is done. This is a bug, as it can leave some jobs unprocessed or incompletely processed. To fix this, you should also join the consumers. But for that to happen, the consumers can't use an infinite loop. This is easy to solve by adding queue.close outside the loop in the producer, and handling that accordingly in the consumers.

So three changes are needed:

  • Add queue.close to the producer.
  • Handle a closed queue in the consumers.
  • Wait for the consumers to complete by joining them.

I don't know ruby, so the implementation is left to you.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月1日 00:01:19
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75900572.html



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