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Offline Authentication



In an Angular PWA I'm using firebase security rules to restrict access to nearly all of my data to authenticated users. In an auth-guard I check if the user is authenticated and if not, the user is signed in anonymously (signInAnonymously()) so I ensure that I have a user-id that I can use to flag objects that the user creates. This flag is necessary so I know if the user is the creator and if he is allowed to delete his own comment.

This all works fine - also when I lose connectivity. But if I close the PWA, enable flight-mode and then open the PWA (without connectivity) - signInAnonymously returns an error (because of course the user cannot be signed in on the server). I on the other hand expect to either get the user from LocalStorage / IndexedDb returned or that after opening the app the onAuthStateChanged-Event fires with the locally stored user.

None of this happens (although I see, that the user is in fact stored in indexeddb by Firebase). Docs: Authentication State Persistence also state, that

For a web application, the default behavior is to persist a user's session even after the user closes the browser.

What am I missing? What should I do differently to achieve my goal of:

The PWA should behave like a native app. If I have no connectivity, as I use enableIndexedDbPersistence() for Firestore, the app should load whichever data is in cache and as soon as connectivity is restored, the app should seamlessly use online data.

This is the code of my AuthService:

export class AuthService {
private authState: User = null;

private _isAuthenticated = new ReplaySubject<boolean>();
public isAuthenticated$ = this._isAuthenticated.asObservable();

public get userId() {
    if this.authState)
        return this.authState.uid;

    throw "No User-Id!";

constructor(private fAuth: Auth) {
    onAuthStateChanged(this.fAuth, async (user) => {
        AdminConsoleDialogComponent.addLogLine(`onAuthStateChanged: ${user?.uid}`);

        this.authState = user;
        try {
            if (!this authState) {
                this authState = (await signInAnonymously(this fAuth)).user;
        } catch (e) {
            AdminConsoleDialogComponent.addLogLine(`onAuthStateChanged Error: ${e}`);
        } finally {
            this _isAuthenticated.next(this.authState != null);


Output as follows (from addLogLine-Calls):

  • Open the PWA with connectivity:

onAuthStateChanged: tszjaBTtltVo9XV5B4kHAHnNNt22

  • Close/Kill the PWA, go into Flight-Mode and reopen PWA without connectivity:

onAuthStateChanged: undefined

onAuthStateChanged Error: FirebaseError: Firebase: Error (auth/internal-error).

  • Close/Kill the PWA, go out of Flight-Mode and reopen PWA with connectivity:

onAuthStateChanged: undefined

onAuthStateChanged: D54ENbliWVhyYc9izXjFbtzXhUG2

I just realized that I even get a new anonymous user.


In an Angular PWA I'm using firebase security rules to restrict access to nearly all of my data to authenticated users. In an auth-guard I check if the user is authenticated and if not, the user is signed in anonymously (signInAnonymously()) so I ensure that I have a user-id that I can use to flag objects that the user creates. This flag is necessary so I know if the user is the creator and if he is allowed to delete his own comment.

This all works fine - also when I lose connectivity. But if I close the PWA, enable flight-mode and then open the PWA (without connectivity) - signInAnonymously returns an error (because of course the user cannot be signed in on the server). I on the other hand expect to either get the user from LocalStorage / IndexedDb returned or that after opening the app the onAuthStateChanged-Event fires with the locally stored user.

None of this happens (although I see, that the user is in fact stored in indexeddb by Firebase). Docs: Authentication State Persistence also state, that

> For a web application, the default behavior is to persist a user's session even after the user closes the browser.

What am I missing? What should I do differently to achieve my goal of:

> The PWA should behave like a native app. If I have no connectivity, as I use enableIndexedDbPersistence() for Firestore, the app should load whichever data is in cache and as soon as connectivity is restored, the app should seamlessly use online data.

This is the code of my AuthService:

export class AuthService {
    private authState: User = null;

    private _isAuthenticated = new ReplaySubject&lt;boolean&gt;();
    public isAuthenticated$ = this._isAuthenticated.asObservable();

    public get userId() {
        if (this.authState)
            return this.authState.uid;

        throw &quot;No User-Id!&quot;;

    constructor(private fAuth: Auth) {
        onAuthStateChanged(this.fAuth, async (user) =&gt; {
            AdminConsoleDialogComponent.addLogLine(`onAuthStateChanged: ${user?.uid}`);

            this.authState = user;
            try {
                if (!this.authState) {
                    this.authState = (await signInAnonymously(this.fAuth)).user;
            } catch (e) {
                AdminConsoleDialogComponent.addLogLine(`onAuthStateChanged Error: ${e}`);
            } finally {
                this._isAuthenticated.next(this.authState != null);

Output as follows (from addLogLine-Calls):

  • Open the PWA with connectivity:
    > onAuthStateChanged: tszjaBTtltVo9XV5B4kHAHnNNt22
  • Close/Kill the PWA, go into Flight-Mode and reopen PWA without connectivity:
    > onAuthStateChanged: undefined
    > onAuthStateChanged Error: FirebaseError: Firebase: Error (auth/internal-error).
  • Close/Kill the PWA, go out of Flight-Mode and reopen PWA with connectivity:
    > onAuthStateChanged: undefined
    > onAuthStateChanged: D54ENbliWVhyYc9izXjFbtzXhUG2

I just realized that I even get a new anonymous user.


得分: 0

这似乎是你的代码在页面加载时总是调用 signInAnonymously 来匿名登录用户。实际上,这是一种反模式,因为这意味着 SDK 会向服务器发出调用,这就解释了为什么你的代码失败。

恢复用户的登录状态的惯用方法是使用 onAuthStateChanged 监听器,如文档中的第一个代码示例所示,用于获取当前用户的信息(https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/web/manage-users#get_the_currently_signed-in_user):

import { getAuth, onAuthStateChanged } from "firebase/auth";

const auth = getAuth();
onAuthStateChanged(auth, (user) => {
  if (user) {
    // 用户已登录,查看文档以获取可用属性的列表
    // https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.User
    const uid = user.uid;
    // ...
  } else {
    // 用户已注销
    // ...

只有在没有当前用户时,才需要调用 signInAnonymously(或任何其他登录提供者)来首次登录。

更新 2022-04-04:我尝试在这里复制问题:https://stackblitz.com/edit/auth-v9-restore。

当我使用右侧的小 ↻ 图标刷新预览面板时,它会重新加载匿名用户,无论是在我的没有Wi-Fi连接的笔记本电脑上,还是在飞行模式下的手机上。


It sounds like your code always calls signInAnonymously when the page loads, to sign in the user anonymously. That's actually an anti-pattern, as it means the SDK will call to the server, which explains why your code fails.

The idiomatic way to restore the sign-in state of your user is to use an onAuthStateChange listener, as shown in this first code sample from the documentation on getting the current user:

import { getAuth, onAuthStateChanged } from &quot;firebase/auth&quot;;

const auth = getAuth();
onAuthStateChanged(auth, (user) =&gt; {
  if (user) {
    // User is signed in, see docs for a list of available properties
    // https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.User
    const uid = user.uid;
    // ...
  } else {
    // User is signed out
    // ...

Then only when there is no current user, will you want to call signInAnonymously (or any other sign-in provider) to sign in for the first time.

Update 2022-04-04: I tried to reproduce the problem here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/auth-v9-restore.

When I refresh the preview panel with the little ↻ icon on the right, it reloads the anonymous user for me both on my laptop with the wifi disabled, and on my phone in airplane mode.



得分: 0



I cannot pinpoint it exactly but after deleting node_modules/package-lock.json (and with this updating @angular/* packages from 12.2.5 to 15.2.7) it seems to work fine. There must have been a bugfix recently.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月31日 18:04:39
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75897248.html



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