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definedness constraint on parametrized roles



"Should it be possible to add a definedness constraint on parameterized roles? The following attempt:

class C {
	method m ( R[Str]:D $a ) { }
results in:
> Invalid typename 'D' in parameter declaration.
> at ... scratch.raku:4
> -------> method m ( R[Str]:D⏏ $a ) { }

and declaring a variable:
```role R[::T] { }
class S does R[Str] { }
my R[Str]:D $r = S.new;```
results in:
> Malformed my
> at ... scratch.raku:8
> -------> my R[Str]⏏:D $r = S.new;"



Should it be possible to add a definedness constraint on parameterized roles?  The following attempt:

role R[::T] { }
class C {
method m ( R[Str]:D $a ) { }

results in:
&gt; Invalid typename &#39;D&#39; in parameter declaration.  
&gt; at ... scratch.raku:4  
&gt; ------&gt;         method m ( R[Str]:D⏏ $a ) { }

and declaring a variable:

role R[::T] { }
class S does R[Str] { }
my R[Str]:D $r = S.new;

results in:
&gt; Malformed my  
&gt; at ... scratch.raku:8  
&gt; ------&gt; my R[Str]⏏:D $r = S.new;


# 答案1
**得分**: 5

**TL;DR** @wamba的回答假定了您的问题的“确定性”解释(这似乎是您实际上想要的),并为此提供了一个简洁的解决方案。这个答案解释了您的问题为什么模棱两可,并为两种解释提供了解决方案。我的解决方案都不同于@wamba的,因此这个答案可以作为他们答案的补充。

# 您的问题是模棱两可的


&gt; 是否应该能够对参数化角色添加“确定性”约束?


&gt; 是否应该能够对参数化角色添加“明确定义性”约束?


# 明确定义性





role R[::T] { }
class C {
method m ( R[Str] $a where .DEFINITE) { 42 }

say C.new.m: R[Str].new; # 42
say C.new.m: R[Str]; # 在绑定到参数'$a'时,约束类型检查失败

# 定义



&gt; 是否应该能够对参数化角色添加“定义性”约束?


role R[::T] { }
class C {
method m ( R[Str] $a where .defined) { 42 }

say C.new.m: R[Str].new; # 42
say C.new.m: R[Str]; # 在绑定到参数'$a'时,约束类型检查失败




# 确定性与定义性



1. *用户*可以为他们的类/对象覆盖`.defined`。这使得编写外部语言适配器以允许Raku与具有与Raku不同的定义性概念的另一种编程语言进行互操作变得容易(这几乎是唯一的用例。通常不建议普通的Raku代码覆盖`.defined`)。

2. 内置的`Failure`类覆盖了`.defined`。它对类型对象(正常情况下)和实例都返回*`False`*。因此:

say "{.DEFINITE.gist}\t{.defined.gist}\t{.gist}"
for (Mu, Mu.new, Int, 42, Failure, Failure.new)


False False (Mu)
True True Mu.new
False False (Int)
True True 42
False False (Failure)
True False (HANDLED) Failed


# 脚注

&#185; 我认为不应该为使`Type[Type]:D`工作而提出问题。类似地,如果已经提出了问题,我预计它将在可预见的未来被忽略,除非非核心开发人员为其创建了合适的PR(这仍然可能会被拒绝)。

&#178; 明确定义性是Raku渐进类型系统的静态类型基础的重要部分,以及“对象”是一种既可以是类型对象又可以是对象实例的概念。为了允许编译器在编译时依赖于这个简单的二选一布尔值,即“确定性”的行为以及`.DEFINITE`宏不能被用户代码覆盖-与`.defined`方法不同。


**TL;DR** @wamba&#39;s answer assumes the &quot;definiteness&quot; interpretation of your question (which seems likely to be what you actually meant) and provides a nice succinct solution for that. This answer explains why your question is ambiguous, and provides a solution for both interpretations. Neither of my solutions are @wamba&#39;s, so this answer serves as a complement to theirs.

# Your question is ambiguous

Here&#39;s what you wrote at the start:

&gt; Should it be possible to add a *definedness* constraint on parameterized roles?

Here instead is the implicit question:

&gt; Should it be possible to add a **definiteness** constraint on parameterized roles?

I&#39;ll address them in reverse order, given that it&#39;s near certain you meant *definite*, not *defined*.

# Definite

Definiteness corresponds to the `:D` type constraint or `.DEFINITE` compiler macro.

This is what the code in your question is about.

The fact that `R[Str]:D` is invalid syntax may be due to an oversight, or lack of tuits, or lack of consensus, or a deliberate decision. I have not researched that. Someone may have filed an issue about it.&#185; Again, I have not researched that.

Here&#39;s a way to add an equivalent *definiteness* constraint that works for your example:

role R[::T] { }
class C {
method m ( R[Str] $a where .DEFINITE) { 42 }

say C.new.m: R[Str].new; # 42
say C.new.m: R[Str]; # Constraint type check failed in binding to parameter '$a'

# Defined

Definedness corresponds to the `.defined` method call, as tested by features such as `with` and infix `//`.

This is what your question&#39;s title and opening sentence refer to, taken literally.

&gt; Should it be possible to add a *definedness* constraint on parameterized roles?

Here&#39;s one way:

role R[::T] { }
class C {
method m ( R[Str] $a where .defined) { 42 }

say C.new.m: R[Str].new; # 42
say C.new.m: R[Str]; # Constraint type check failed in binding to parameter '$a'


Note how the result is the same as for `.DEFINITE` (and would have been if `Type[Type]:D` was valid syntax).

But they aren&#39;t *always* the same for *all* objects, which reflects the fact that a definiteness constraint is not exactly the same as a definedness constraint -- `:D` and `.DEFINITE` correspond to *definiteness* whereas `.defined` corresponds to *definedness*.

# Definite vs Defined

The similarity between definiteness and definedness is deliberate. If a given object has not got a `.defined` method (and almost none do) it will inherit `Mu`&#39;s. And that `.defined` method just returns `self.DEFINITE`.

But while the `DEFINITE` method cannot be overridden&#178;, the `.defined` one can be:

1. *Users* may override `.defined` for their classes/objects. This makes it easy for someone writing a foreign language adaptor to allow Raku interop with another PL which has a different notion of definedness than Raku&#39;s. (This is pretty much the only use case. It is generally ill-advised for ordinary Raku code to override `.defined`.)

2. The built in `Failure` class overrides `.defined`. It returns *`False`* for *both* the type object (as normal) *and instances*. Thus:

say "{.DEFINITE.gist}\t{.defined.gist}\t{.gist}"
for (Mu, Mu.new, Int, 42, Failure, Failure.new)


False False (Mu)
True True Mu.new
False False (Int)
True True 42
False False (Failure)
True False (HANDLED) Failed

The last line, which corresponds to `Failure.new`, has `True` in the first column (its `.DEFINITE` is `True`) but `False` in the *second* column (its `.defined` is `False`).

# Footnotes

&#185; I don&#39;t think an issue should be filed for making `Type[Type]:D` work. Similarly, if an issue has been filed, then I would anticipate it being ignored for the foreseeable future unless a non-core-dev creates a suitable PR for it (which may still be rejected).

&#178; Definiteness is fundamental to the static typing foundation of Raku&#39;s gradual type system *and* its notion that an &quot;object&quot; is something that can be either a type object or an object instance. To allow the compiler to rely on this simple either/or boolean at compile time, the behavior of &quot;definiteness&quot;, and thus the `.DEFINITE` macro, cannot be overridden by user code -- unlike the `.defined` method.


# 答案2
**得分**: 3

可以在参数化角色上使用 `R:D[Str]` 语法添加一个*确定性*约束。所以,你的例子会是这样的:

role R[::T] { }
class S does R[Str] { }
my R:D[Str] $r = S.new;

但是请注意,$r 可能是确定但是未定义的(参见 @raiph 的回答):

role R[::T] { method defined { False} }
class S does R[Str] { }
my R:D[Str] $r = S.new; 
say $r // 'undefined';

It is possible add a definiteness constraint on parameterized roles using R:D[Str] syntax.

So, your example would look like this:

role R[::T] { }
class S does R[Str] { }
my R:D[Str] $r = S.new;

However keep in mind that $r could be definite yet undefined (see @raiph's answer):

role R[::T] { method defined { False} }
  class S does R[Str] { }
  my R:D[Str] $r = S.new; 
  say $r // &#39;undefined&#39;;

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月31日 04:26:10
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75892714.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
