有没有在 MAUI Blazor 中构建的真实移动应用程序?

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Are there any real life mobile apps built in MAUI Blazor?


如果不是,我们如何知道 MAUI Blazor 是否适合移动开发?我特别指的是带有 Blazor webview 的 MAUI 混合移动应用程序。目前是否有公司正在实施它?我已经搜索过并查看了微软的网页以获取更多信息,但似乎 MAUI Mobile 只是一个概念。


If not, how can we know if MAUI Blazor is suitable for mobile development? I'm talking specifically about MAUI hybrid mobile apps with a Blazor webview. Are there any companies currently implementing it?

Googled it and looked on Microsoft's webpage for more info, but MAUI Mobile seems to be just a concept


得分: 1

Googled it and looked on Microsoft's webpage for more info, but MAUI Mobile seems to be just a concept

你指的是你没有找到关于 MAUI Mobile for Blazor 的官方文档吗?

你可以参考这篇文档:构建 .NET MAUI Blazor 应用程序。关于 Blazor 的信息在 ASP.NET Core 文档中。


> Googled it and looked on Microsoft's webpage for more info, but MAUI Mobile seems to be just a concept

You mean you didn't find any official documentation about MAUI Mobile for Blazor?

You can refer to this doc: Build a .NET MAUI Blazor app. Things about Blazor is in ASP.NET Core documentation.


得分: 0



在其当前状态下,.NET MAUI 仍然存在许多问题,使其对公司来说不是一个很好的选择(内存泄漏、设计问题等),尤其是在市场上已经存在非常稳定和成熟的技术(例如 Flutter)。

请记住,.NET MAUI 仍然很年轻,仍在开发中(.NET 8 版本试图修复大部分当前问题)。我也认为,只要微软(或其他一些大公司)不将 MAUI 用于实际项目,它将永远不会真正起飞,因为没有人推动它前进,确保该框架能够有效地在实际环境中使用。Flutter 就是一个很好的例子,由 Google 自己开发的移动应用程序“Google Ads”。

我仍然认为它非常有前途,大部分工作已经完成,我很有希望在 1 或 2 年内它将成为一个完全可行的选项(只要微软不决定放弃它)。"


There is certainly companies that are using it (mine is actually thinking about using it soon) but none that I know / could find that are publicly stating it.

In it's actual state maui still have a lot of problems that make it a not so good choice for companies (memory leaks, design issues, ...) even more then you have really solid and mature technologies existing on the market (flutter for example).

Keep in mind that .NET maui is still young and that it's still under developpement (.NET 8 version is trying to fix most of the current issue). I also think that as long as microsoft (or some other major company) doesn't use maui for a concrete project it will never really take off, since there will be no one to push it forward and ensure that the framework can efficiently be used in a real environement. Flutter is a good exemple of that with the mobile app "Google Ads" developped by google itself.

I still think it's really promising and that most of the work is done, I have good hope that in 1 or 2 years it will be a totally viable option (as long as Microsoft doesn't decide to throw it out).

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月31日 02:54:23
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