Why am I getting a deadlock when a function call that populates a channel is not embedded in a goroutine?

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Why am I getting a deadlock when a function call that populates a channel is not embedded in a goroutine?




package main

import (

func main() {


	jobs := make(chan int)
	processStarted := make(chan struct{}, 1)
	processCompleted := make(chan struct{}, 1)


	go func() {
		worker(jobs, processStarted, processCompleted)

	go func() {
		sync(processStarted, processCompleted)

	time.Sleep(3600 * time.Second)
	fmt.Print("\nend of main...")

	interrupt := make(chan os.Signal)


func createJobs(jobs chan<- int) {
	defer close(jobs)
	for i := 1; i < 20; i++ {
		jobs <- i

func worker(jobs <-chan int, processStarted <-chan struct{}, processCompleted <-chan struct{}) {

	for {
		select {
		case i := <-jobs:
			fmt.Printf("\nFetching job #%d from channel", i)
			time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
		case <-processStarted:
			fmt.Print("\nProcess Started. Waiting for it to be completed")
			fmt.Print("\nProcess completed")


func sync(processStarted chan<- struct{}, processCompleted chan<- struct{}) {

	// acquire semaphore. Send signal to channel to indicate that it is busy
	processStarted <- struct{}{}

	for i := 1; i < 5; i++ {
		fmt.Printf("\nprocessing %d", i)
		time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

	// release semaphore
	processCompleted <- struct{}{}




fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!


go func() {


我只是想理解为什么会发生这种情况。我的意思是:main例程正在执行,然后它调用createJobs(没有包装),所以main例程应该被阻塞,直到此调用结束。一旦createJobs结束,就意味着通道中有元素。main继续执行并启动其他goroutine workersync来完成它们的工作。在main结束之前,我只是添加了一个睡眠器,以便给之前创建的goroutine足够的时间来完成。



I'm aware of the sync package and its waitgroup options, I don't want to use it for this test. I'm testing a kind of semaphore.

So I've got:

package main
import (
func main() {
jobs := make(chan int)
processStarted := make(chan struct{}, 1)
processCompleted := make(chan struct{}, 1)
go func() {
worker(jobs, processStarted, processCompleted)
go func() {
sync(processStarted, processCompleted)
time.Sleep(3600 * time.Second)
fmt.Print(&quot;\nend of main...&quot;)
interrupt := make(chan os.Signal)
func createJobs(jobs chan&lt;- int) {
defer close(jobs)
for i := 1; i &lt; 20; i++ {
jobs &lt;- i
func worker(jobs &lt;-chan int, processStarted &lt;-chan struct{}, processCompleted &lt;-chan struct{}) {
for {
select {
case i := &lt;-jobs:
fmt.Printf(&quot;\nFetching job #%d from channel&quot;, i)
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
case &lt;-processStarted:
fmt.Print(&quot;\nProcess Started. Waiting for it to be completed&quot;)
fmt.Print(&quot;\nProcess completed&quot;)
func sync(processStarted chan&lt;- struct{}, processCompleted chan&lt;- struct{}) {
// acquire semaphore. Send signal to channel to indicate that it is busy
processStarted &lt;- struct{}{}
for i := 1; i &lt; 5; i++ {
fmt.Printf(&quot;\nprocessing %d&quot;, i)
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
// release semaphore
processCompleted &lt;- struct{}{}

What I'm trying to test is fairly simple: I've got a createJobs function whose only purpose is to add elements to a channel, in this case an int channel. Then I've got a worker that is going to pull out objects from that channel and sleep for 2 seconds before pulling the next element.

Now, there's also a sync function. The sole purpose of this function is to simulate a process that was initiated while worker was running. If this process is active, then processing of jobs elements should be stopped while sync ends, reason why I've got two channels, one to indicate that the process started and one that the process ended.

When running my code I'm getting the following error:

> fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!

If I modify the way createJobs is called by wrapping it out in a goroutine like this:

go func() {

then my code runs correctly.

I just want to understand why this is happening. I mean: main routine is being executed, then it hits the call to createJobs (no wrap) so main routine is supposed to be blocked until this call ends. Once createJobs has ended, it means there are elements in the channel. main continues execution and spin up the other goroutines worker and sync to do their stuff. Before main ends, I'm simply adding a sleeper to give time to the previously created goroutines to finish.

I'm not asking to other solutions to this problem, I just want to know what's going on when createJobs occurs outside a goroutine.


得分: 3



	jobs := make(chan int, 20)


编辑 - 在评论中请求的澄清:



+------------------+     +------------+      +-------------+
| PRODUCER         |     | PIPE       |      | CONSUMER    |
|                  +---->|            +----->|             |
| createJobs(jobs) |     | 无缓冲通道 |      | worker(...) |
|                  |     |            |      |             |
+------------------+     +------------+      +-------------+





You are declaring jobs as an unbuffered channel and then trying to push synchronously 20 values into it. This will block your main function when you call createJobs(jobs).

Changing line 13 to:

	jobs := make(chan int, 20)

...will solve the deadlock.

EDIT - clarifications requested in the comments:

Unbuffered channels have no capacity and block the execution of the producer until a consumer receives the message.

A pretty good analogy for an unbuffered channel is a pipe and in this example the process looks like this:

+------------------+     +------------+      +-------------+
| PRODUCER         |     | PIPE       |      | CONSUMER    |
|                  +----&gt;|            +-----&gt;|             |
| createJobs(jobs) |     | unbuffered |      | worker(...) |
|                  |     | channel    |      |             |
+------------------+     +------------+      +-------------+

The deadlock occurs because createJobs(jobs) is invoked synchronously, and there's no consumer yet running.

> It is working when the function(PRODUCER) is called within a goroutine because basically the insertion into the channel and the read from it are happening in parallel?

Yes. If the producer is invoked asynchronously, it won't block the main() function and therefore the consumer will get the chance to be invoked as well. In this case the producer will push all its tasks, one by one, as they are consumed by the worker, one by one.


得分: 0


	go func() {

Previous solution totally working. But you can also use

	go func() {

If you still want to keep default channel size.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月29日 06:28:34
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75871589.html



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