
huangapple go评论81阅读模式

How to loop multiple Normal distributions with Bartlett tests and ANOVAs?



我试图通过从假定ANOVA中的3个组的正态分布模拟数据来模拟单因素ANOVA的数据,每个组中有n=10个观测值。这三个组的均值分别为{5, 5, 5},标准差分别为{5, 10, 15}。然后,我想使用Bartlett's检验来测试同方差性的假设,然后进行F检验。



v <- 100000 # 创建一个包含100,000的向量

# 创建用于存储for循环中重复值的空向量
Storage <- c()
Group1 <- c() 
Group2 <- c()
Group3 <- c()
b.test2 <- c()
f.test2 <- c()
fit2 <- c()

# 循环100,000次,对3个组进行正态分布
for (i in 1:v) {
  # 为每个组生成来自正态分布的随机数据
  Group1[i] <- rnorm(n = 10, mean = 5, sd = 5)
  Group2[i] <- rnorm(n = 10, mean = 5, sd = 10)
  Group3[i] <- rnorm(n = 10, mean = 5, sd = 15)

  # 将这三个组合并成一个数据框
  data2 <- data.frame(Group1, Group2, Group3)

  # 在运行ANOVA和Bartlett检验之前,将模拟数据转化为长数据集
  data.long2 <- data2 %>%
    pivot_longer(cols = c("Group1":"Group3"), names_to = "group", values_to = "num" )

  # 使用Bartlett检验检查残差的同方差性,并将结果保存到向量中
  b.test2[i] <- bartlett.test(data2)

  # 为模拟数据创建第一个模型拟合
  fit2[i] <- lm(num~group, data = data2)

  # 将F检验的p值保存到向量中
  f.test2[i] <- Anova(fit2, type=3)[1,4]

I am trying to simulate data for a single factor ANOVA by simulating data from a Normal distribution assuming 3 groups in the ANOVA with n=10 observations at each group. The following means {5,5,5} and standard deviations {5,10,15} are used for the three groups. I then want to test the assumption of homoscedasticity using a Bartlett's test, followed by an F-test.

I want to repeat these steps 100,000 times in a for loop while also saving the results for the Bartlett's test and F-test in a vectors.

I've run the below code in R, however the normal distributions are only saving 1 observation per group instead of 10 observations per group. This is stopping the rest of the code from running properly.

v &lt;- 100000 #create a vector for 100000 to be used in the for loop

#create empty vectors to store the repeated values from the for loop in
Storage &lt;- c()
Group1 &lt;- c() 
Group2 &lt;- c()
Group3 &lt;- c()
b.test2 &lt;- c()
f.test2 &lt;- c()
fit2 &lt;- c()

# Loop through a normal distribution for 3 groups 100,000 times
for (i in 1:v) {
  # Generate random data from a normal distribution for each group
  Group1[i] &lt;- rnorm(n = 10, mean = 5, sd = 5)
  Group2[i] &lt;- rnorm(n = 10, mean = 5, sd = 10)
  Group3[i] &lt;- rnorm(n = 10, mean = 5, sd = 15)

  # Combine the three groups into a single data frame
  data2 &lt;- data.frame(Group1, Group2, Group3)

  # Pivot the simulated data into a long data set prior to running the ANOVA and Bartlett test
      data.long2 &lt;- data2 %&gt;%
        pivot_longer(cols = c(&quot;Group1&quot;:&quot;Group3&quot;), names_to = &quot;group&quot;, values_to = &quot;num&quot; )

  # Check for homoscedasticity of the residuals using a Bartlett test and save the results into a     vector
  b.test2[i] &lt;- bartlett.test(data2)

  # Create the first model fit for the simulated data
  fit2[i] &lt;- lm(num~group, data = data2)

  # Save the p-value from the F-test in a vector
  f.test2[i] &lt;- Anova(fit2, type=3)[1,4]



得分: 1


"since you are trying to do these analyses on individual groups you need to store your data in lists (or subgroups)

here is a different approach that is dependent on using purrr and dplyr - it avoids the looping

first create a function for generating your data

group_fun &lt;- function(n){
  data.frame(group = rep(c(&quot;group1&quot;, &quot;group2&quot;, &quot;group3&quot;), each=n),
             num = c(rnorm(n,5,5), rnorm(n,5,10), rnorm(n,5,15)))

then replicate the data function the desired # of times (i'm using 20 for brevity)

n = 10

1:20 %&gt;%                                     # number of iterations
  map(., ~ group_fun(n)) %&gt;%                 # run the data function once for each iteration
  tibble::enframe(.) %&gt;%                     # collapse for a single list for each iter
  mutate(fit  = map(value, ~lm(num~group, data = .)),
         anov = map(fit, anova),.            # run models
         bart = map(value, ~bartlett.test(num~group, data = .))) %&gt;% 
  mutate(ftest = map(anov, broom::tidy),
         bart = map(bart, broom::tidy),      # process results
         summary = map(fit, broom::tidy)) %&gt;% 
  unnest(ftest)                              # pull out results

since some of the model outputs have the same names you could use names_repair if you want more than one output unnest(c(ftest, bart), names_repair = &quot;universal&quot;)

there are some slightly more efficient ways to do this but this should get you started"


since you are trying to do these analyses on individual groups you need to store your data in lists (or subgroups)

here is a different approach that is dependent on using purrr and dplyr - it avoids the looping

first create a function for generating your data

group_fun &lt;- function(n){
  data.frame(group = rep(c(&quot;group1&quot;, &quot;group2&quot;, &quot;group3&quot;), each=n),
             num = c(rnorm(n,5,5), rnorm(n,5,10), rnorm(n,5,15)))

then replicate the data function the desired # of times (i'm using 20 for brevity)

n = 10

1:20 %&gt;%                                     # number of iterations
  map(., ~ group_fun(n)) %&gt;%                 # run the data function once for each iteration
  tibble::enframe(.) %&gt;%                     # collapse for a single list for each iter
  mutate(fit  = map(value, ~lm(num~group, data = .)),
         anov = map(fit, anova),.            # run models
         bart = map(value, ~bartlett.test(num~group, data = .))) %&gt;% 
  mutate(ftest = map(anov, broom::tidy),
         bart = map(bart, broom::tidy),      # process resulsts
         summary = map(fit, broom::tidy)) %&gt;% 
  unnest(ftest)                              # pull out results

since some of the model outputs have the same names you could use names_repair if you want more than one output unnest(c(ftest, bart), names_repair = &quot;universal&quot;)

there are some slightly more efficient ways to do this but this should get you started

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月21日 01:03:04
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75793230.html



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