
huangapple go评论125阅读模式

How to separate multiple answers in one column, for multiple columns, by creating extra columns


1. Data


  1. dat <- structure(list(ID = c(4, 5), Start_time = structure(c(1676454186,
  2. 1676454173), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"),
  3. End_time = structure(c(1676454352, 1676454642), class = c("POSIXct",
  4. "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"), `want_to_change Mult answ` = c("Yes (for the environment), because it provided a starting point to collectively do something about energy consumption.;",
  5. "Yes (because of the gas crisis), because it provided a starting point to collectively do something. ;"
  6. ), actually_changed = c("Yes, I tried to use less energy in the office.",
  7. "No, not at all."), `control Mult answ` = c("We / I can control the lights.;Closing/opening doors and windows.;",
  8. "We / I can control the lights.;Closing/opening doors and windows.;"), `measures_taken Mult answ` = c("Yes, I checked for lights that were not turned off.; Yes, went home early",
  9. "Yes, I checked for lights that were not turned off.;")), row.names = c(NA,
  10. -2L), class = c("data.table",
  11. "data.frame&quot))



2. 数据结构

一些列可以有多个答案。这些列的列名中包含 "Mult answ",例如第1行、第6列 (dat[1,6])。

  1. > dat[1,6]
  2. control Mult answ
  3. 1: We / I can control the lights.;Closing/opening doors and windows.;

3. 问题


  1. 将仅出现一次的答案更改为 Other(因为有许多自定义答案)。
  2. 为每个答案选项创建一个单独的列,带有通用后缀。

4. 我尝试过的方法


  1. # 获取具有多个答案的列
  2. temp <- select(dat,contains("Mult answ"))
  3. cols_with_more_answers <- names(temp)


  1. # 分开列
  2. tidyr::separate(data.frame(text = dat), text, into = c("A", "B", "C"), sep = ";", fill = "right", extra = "drop")


5. 期望的输出

  1. dat <- structure(list(ID = c(4, 5),
  2. Start_time = structure(c(1676454186, 1676454173), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"),
  3. End_time = structure(c(1676454352, 1676454642), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"),
  4. `want_to_change Mult answ` = c("Other", "Other"),
  5. actually_changed = c("No, not at all.", "Yes, I tried to use less energy in the office."),
  6. `control Mult answ A` = c("We / I can control the lights.", "We / I can control the lights."),
  7. `control Mult answ B` = c("Closing/opening doors and windows", "Closing/opening doors and windows"),
  8. `measures_taken Mult answ A` = c("Yes, I checked for lights that were not turned off.", "Yes, I checked for lights that were not turned off."),
  9. `measures_taken Mult answ B` = c(NA, "Yes, went home early")),
  10. row.names = c(NA, -2L),
  11. class = c("data.table", "data.frame"))




I have survey data:

  1. dat <- structure(list(ID = c(4, 5), Start_time = structure(c(1676454186,
  2. 1676454173), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"),
  3. End_time = structure(c(1676454352, 1676454642), class = c("POSIXct",
  4. "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"), `want_to_change Mult answ` = c("Yes (for the environment), because it provided a starting point to collectively do something about energy consumption.;",
  5. "Yes (because of the gas crisis), because it provided a starting point to collectively do something. ;"
  6. ), actually_changed = c("Yes, I tried to use less energy in the office.",
  7. "No, not at all."), `control Mult answ` = c("We / I can control the lights.;Closing/opening doors and windows.;",
  8. "We / I can control the lights.;Closing/opening doors and windows.;"), `measures_taken Mult answ` = c("Yes, I checked for lights that were not turned off.; Yes, went home early",
  9. "Yes, I checked for lights that were not turned off.;")), row.names = c(NA,
  10. -2L), class = c("data.table",
  11. "data.frame"))

that looks as follows:


2. Structure of the data

Some of the columns can have more than one answer. These columns have "Mult answ" in the column name. See for example row 1, column 6 (dat[1,6]).

  1. > dat[1,6]
  2. control Mult answ
  3. 1: We / I can control the lights.;Closing/opening doors and windows.;


I would like to write a piece of code that:

  1. Changes all answers that only occur once to Other (this is because there are many custom answers).
  2. Creates a separate column for each answer option, with a generic suffix.

4. What I have tried

I thought I would first select the columns that have multiple answers:

  1. # Get columns with more than one answer
  2. temp <- select(dat,contains("Mult answ"))
  3. cols_with_more_answers <- names(temp)

I then thought to split the columns up by the semicolon (before I count them and change the unique ones to other). But I have multiple columns and NEVER know how many answers there might be..

  1. # Separate columns
  2. tidyr::separate(data.frame(text = dat), text, into = c("A", "B", "C"), sep = ";", fill = "right", extra = "drop")

How should I continue here?

5. Desired output

  1. dat <- structure(list(ID = c(4, 5),
  2. Start_time = structure(c(1676454186, 1676454173), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"),
  3. End_time = structure(c(1676454352, 1676454642), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"),
  4. `want_to_change Mult answ` = c("Other", "Other"),
  5. actually_changed = c("No, not at all.", "Yes, I tried to use less energy in the office."),
  6. `control Mult answ A` = c("We / I can control the lights.", "We / I can control the lights."),
  7. `control Mult answ B` = c("Closing/opening doors and windows", "Closing/opening doors and windows"),
  8. `measures_taken Mult answ A` = c("Yes, I checked for lights that were not turned off.", "Yes, I checked for lights that were not turned off."),
  9. `measures_taken Mult answ B` = c(NA, "Yes, went home early")),
  10. row.names = c(NA, -2L),
  11. class = c("data.table", "data.frame"))



得分: 1



  • 将多选题的答案转换为行,并使用 separate_rows 分隔答案。

  • 在那一点上,你可以使用 forcats::fct_lump_min 替换只出现一次的答案。

  • 然后,你可以创建一个新的列,将答案转换为字母(为此,我不得不创建函数 values2letters,它调用 expand_letters。第一个函数只是将答案重新编码为字母。第二个函数创建字母。如果你有超过26个答案,字母就不够了,所以该函数会生成字母的组合)。

  • 最后,你可以将答案按其问题和相应的字母分散到组合中,以获得期望的结果。

  1. library(dplyr)
  2. library(tidyr)
  3. # 你需要提供 dat 数据框的定义,否则无法运行这个代码。
  4. # expand_letters 函数也需要在代码中定义,以便正常运行。
  5. # 以下是代码部分的翻译,其余部分不需要翻译。
  6. dat %>%
  7. # 只将多选答案进行重塑
  8. pivot_longer(ends_with("Mult answ")) %>%
  9. # 使用 ; 分隔多行中的答案
  10. separate_rows(value, sep = ";") %>%
  11. # 删除空行(自动在行末创建,因为行以 ; 结尾)
  12. filter(value != "") %>%
  13. # 如果出现不超过2次,更改为 "Other"
  14. mutate(value = as.character(forcats::fct_lump_min(value, 2))) %>%
  15. # 按问题将答案重新编码为字母
  16. group_by(name) %>%
  17. mutate(valueLetters = values2letters(value)) %>%
  18. ungroup() %>%
  19. # 在有多个 "Other" 的情况下进行去重
  20. distinct() %>%
  21. # 展开值
  22. pivot_wider(names_from = c(name, valueLetters), values_from = value, names_sep = " ")

2023-03-20创建,使用 reprex v2.0.2

  1. <details>
  2. <summary>英文:</summary>
  3. You could do something like this.
  4. (converting questions to letters and make it stable in case you had more than 26 answers was a bit tricky but I found a way around it)
  5. I left a few comments into the code, in short:
  6. - Pivot multiple answers questions into rows and separate the answers with `separate_rows`.
  7. - At that point you can replace the answers that appear only once with `forcats::fct_lump_min`.
  8. - Then you can create a new columns to convert answers to letters (for that I had to create the function `values2letters` that calls `expand_letters`. The first function simply recode the answers into letters. The second function create the letters. If you have more than 26 answers, letters wouldn&#39;t be enought so the function makes combinations of letters).
  9. - In the end, you spread the answers over the combination its own question and corresponding letter to get the expected result.
  10. ``` r
  11. library(dplyr)
  12. library(tidyr)
  13. expand_letters &lt;- function(l){
  14. # how many times letters must repeat?
  15. x &lt;- ceiling(log(l, 26))
  16. # correct in case of zero
  17. x &lt;- max(x,1)
  18. # repeat the letters
  19. x &lt;- rep(list(LETTERS), x)
  20. # get combinations
  21. x &lt;- expand.grid(x)
  22. # collapse letters
  23. x &lt;- do.call(paste0, rev(x))
  24. # return only the needed ones
  25. x[seq_len(l)]
  26. }
  27. values2letters &lt;- function(x){
  28. x &lt;- factor(x)
  29. levels &lt;- levels(x)
  30. l &lt;- length(levels)
  31. new_levels &lt;- expand_letters(l)
  32. recode &lt;- setNames(levels, new_levels)
  33. as.character(forcats::fct_recode(x, !!!recode))
  34. }
  35. dat %&gt;%
  36. # pivot only multi answers
  37. pivot_longer(ends_with(&quot;Mult answ&quot;)) %&gt;%
  38. # separate by ; in multiple lines
  39. separate_rows(value, sep = &quot;;&quot;) %&gt;%
  40. # remove empty rows (automatically created at the end beacuse lines ends with ;)
  41. filter(value != &quot;&quot;) %&gt;%
  42. # change to Other if appears less than 2
  43. mutate(value = as.character(forcats::fct_lump_min(value, 2))) %&gt;%
  44. # recode to letters by question
  45. group_by(name) %&gt;%
  46. mutate(valueLetters = values2letters(value)) %&gt;%
  47. ungroup() %&gt;%
  48. # distinct in case you have multiple &quot;Other&quot;
  49. distinct() %&gt;%
  50. # spread values
  51. pivot_wider(names_from = c(name, valueLetters), values_from = value, names_sep = &quot; &quot;)
  52. #&gt; # A tibble: 2 x 9
  53. #&gt; ID Start_time End_time actual~1 want_~2 contr~3 contr~4
  54. #&gt; &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;dttm&gt; &lt;dttm&gt; &lt;chr&gt; &lt;chr&gt; &lt;chr&gt; &lt;chr&gt;
  55. #&gt; 1 4 2023-02-15 09:43:06 2023-02-15 09:45:52 Yes, I ~ Other We / I~ Closin~
  56. #&gt; 2 5 2023-02-15 09:42:53 2023-02-15 09:50:42 No, not~ Other We / I~ Closin~
  57. #&gt; # ... with 2 more variables: `measures_taken Mult answ B` &lt;chr&gt;,
  58. #&gt; # `measures_taken Mult answ A` &lt;chr&gt;, and abbreviated variable names
  59. #&gt; # 1: actually_changed, 2: `want_to_change Mult answ A`,
  60. #&gt; # 3: `control Mult answ B`, 4: `control Mult answ A`

<sup>Created on 2023-03-20 with reprex v2.0.2</sup>

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月21日 00:13:39
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75792745.html



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