JavaScriptConverter 用于在 JSON 中序列化/反序列化数据的 PowerShell 代码。

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powershell, write a JavaScriptConverter to serialize/deserialize data in JSON


I have a PSCustomObject that I need to serialize on disk in JSON but one property needs to be obfuscated before being written and of course, deobfuscated when read later on.


I found that JavaScriptSerializer could do the trick when customized with a JavaScriptConverter (both ways, read and write), but all the examples I find are in C#, for example this very interesting thread


Is it possible to write such a JavaScriptConverter in PowerShell (maybe using a Class in place of the PSCustomObject)?


As a matter of example, let's say that the PSCustomObject is @{Username:"foo";Password:"bar"} and that I want the JSON file to be:


    "Username": "foo",
    "Password": "01000000d08c9ddf0115d1118c7a00c04fc297eb01000000b83de0765b9a2a4088e073b1166fd67e0000000002000000000003660000c000000010000000790fcfe1dce43342e8d444757f46c8d50000000004800000a0000000100000002d0020ca9088b3d85b27f597847a3dc908000000ca11862bdb95757b1400002e326a0041e039d8ff9c41ff46ec24c1f"

with Password in the JSON file being the SecureString version of the original password property. The need is for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only, not PowerShell 6+.

在JSON文件中,Password将是原始password属性的SecureString版本。此需求仅适用于Windows PowerShell 5.1,而不适用于PowerShell 6+。


I have a PSCustomObject that I need to serialize on disk in JSON but one property needs to be obfuscated before being written and of course, deobfuscated when read later on.

I found that JavaScriptSerializer could do the trick when customized with a JavaScriptConverter (both ways, read and write), but all the examples I find are in C#, for example this very interesting thread

is it possible to write such a JavaScriptConverter in Powershell (maybe using a Class in place of the PSCustomObject)?

as a matter of example, let say that the PSCustomObject is @{Username:"foo";Password:"bar"} and that I want the JSON file to be

    "Username": "foo",
    "Password": "01000000d08c9ddf0115d1118c7a00c04fc297eb01000000b83de0765b9a2a4088e073b1166fd67e0000000002000000000003660000c000000010000000790fcfe1dce43342e8d444757f46c8d50000000004800000a0000000100000002d0020ca9088b3d85b27f597847a3dc908000000ca11862bdb95757b140000002802e326a0041e039d8ff9c41ff46ec24c1f"

with Password in the JSON file being the SecureString version of the original password property. the need is for Windows Powershell 5.1 only, not powershell 6+


得分: 1


<!-- language-all: sh -->

PowerShell 中的实现大致如下,虽然不是完美的,但可能对您有所帮助。请注意,此示例侧重于对 [`PSCredential`]( 对象的序列化和反序列化,而不是 `PSCustomObject`。

- 类

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web.Extensions

class SecureStringConverter : System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptConverter {
    SecureStringConverter() { }

    [System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[Type]] get_SupportedTypes() {
        return [type[]] [pscredential]

    [object] Deserialize(
        [System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary[string, object]] $dict,
        [type] $type,
        [System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer] $serializer
    ) {
        return [pscredential]::new(

    [System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary[string, object]] Serialize(
        [object] $object,
        [System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer] $serializer
    ) {
        $dict = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, object]]::new()
        $dict['UserName'] = $object.UserName
        $dict['Password'] = [System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Serialize($object.Password)
        return $dict
  • 序列化
$obj = [pscredential]::new(
    (ConvertTo-SecureString 'bar' -AsPlainText -Force))

$serializer = [Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer]::new()

$json = $serializer.Serialize($obj)
  • 反序列化
$deserialized = $serializer.Deserialize($json, [pscredential])
$deserialized.GetNetworkCredential().Password # 应该是 `bar`


&lt;!-- language-all: sh --&gt;

The implementation in PowerShell would look more or less like this, clearly not perfect but might help you get started. Note, this example focuses on serialization and deserialization of a [`PSCredential`]( object, not a `PSCustomObject`.

- Class

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web.Extensions

class SecureStringConverter : System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptConverter {
SecureStringConverter() { }

[System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[Type]] get_SupportedTypes() {
    return [type[]] [pscredential]

[object] Deserialize(
    [System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary[string, object]] $dict,
    [type] $type,
    [System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer] $serializer
) {
    return [pscredential]::new(

[System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary[string, object]] Serialize(
    [object] $object,
    [System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer] $serializer
) {
    $dict = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, object]]::new()
    $dict[&#39;UserName&#39;] = $object.UserName
    $dict[&#39;Password&#39;] = [System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Serialize($object.Password)
    return $dict


- Serialization

$obj = [pscredential]::new(
(ConvertTo-SecureString 'bar' -AsPlainText -Force))

$serializer = [Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer]::new()

$json = $serializer.Serialize($obj)

- Deserialization

$deserialized = $serializer.Deserialize($json, [pscredential])
$deserialized.GetNetworkCredential().Password # Should be bar


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月20日 23:48:12
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