How to increase array length? value too long for type character varying(255)
It's possible to increase the length of an array. 我们可以增加数组的长度。
Is it possible to increase the length of an array?
I have tried adding length: 2048
and re-created the migrations (deleted migrations, dropped db, created db, and created new migration). It shows as missing_deposit_dates TEXT DEFAULT NULL
Running Symfony 6, PHP 8.2, PostgreSQL.
#[ORM\Column(type: 'array', length: 2048, nullable: true)]
private ?array $missingDepositDates = [];
> An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[22001]: String
> data, right truncated: 7 ERROR: value too long for type character
> varying(255)
得分: 2
It is setting your property as TEXT because the attribute length
only applies to string columns.
There is no size limit on PostgreSQL arrays. This will make your make:migration command pass successfully:
#[ORM\Column(nullable: true)]
private ?array $missingDepositDates = [];
To limit the array length I would do it when I persist the changes of the entity in my PHP code. You could validate if the length of the current array is less than 2048 before persisting the changes.
It is setting your property as TEXT because the attribute length
only applies to string columns. Doctrine property mapping
There is no size limit on PostgreSQL arrays. This will make your make:migration command pass successfully:
#[ORM\Column(nullable: true)]
private ?array $missingDepositDates = [];
To limit the array length I would do it when I persist the changes of the entity in my PHP code. You could validate if the length of the current array is less than 2048 before persisting the changes.