open 从 Perl 中读取 Windows 程序的数据时出现无效参数错误。

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Invalid argument error from open when reading data from a windows program in perl



我正在使用在运行Windows Server 2019 Standard V 1809的服务器上的Perl,目前遇到一个问题。这是一个基于有效程序的新程序,在运行获取状态的行时产生了“无效参数”错误。


# $command1 = "c:\\Cadence\\LicenseManager\\lmutil.exe lmstat -a -c `c:\\Cadence\\LicenseManager\\license.dat |";
$command1 = ''"C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\bin\lmutil" lmstat -a -c "C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\innovmet.lic"'';

print "Read license status - >$command1<\n\n";
open(STATUS, $command1) || die "Couldn't run $command1: $!\n";

被注释的$command1赋值的版本是前一个程序中有效的。取消注释的版本在运行获取状态的行时产生“C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\bin\lmutil”lmstat -a -c “C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\innovmet.lic”的命令,从命令提示符中运行时是完美的。我能看到的主要区别是我必须使用‘,以便我可以获得处理目录名中的空格所需的引号。我没有指定目录名。取消注释的版本在命令中没有管道。我想确保这不是问题的原因,但它在命令行中无法运行。


读取许可状态 - >"C:/Program Files/InnovMetric/PolyWorks MS License Server 2022/bin/lmutil" lmstat -a -c "C:/Program Files/InnovMetric/PolyWorks MS License Server 2022/innovmet.lic"<

无法运行"C:/Program Files/InnovMetric/PolyWorks MS License Server 2022/bin/lmutil" lmstat -a -c "C:/Program Files/InnovMetric/PolyWorks MS License Server 2022/innovmet.lic": 无效的参数



I am an intermediate user that has been pressed into service to work with routines that monitor program use by getting license manager status reports.
I am using perl on a server that is running Windows Server 2019 Standard V 1809

I am presently having a problem with a new program (based on ones that work) which produces an “Invalid argument” error when it runs the line to get the status.

The lines in the program that I am having trouble with are:

# $command1 = &quot;c:\\Cadence\\LicenseManager\\lmutil.exe lmstat -a -c `c:\\Cadence\\LicenseManager\\license.dat |&quot;;
$command1 = &#39;&quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\bin\lmutil&quot; lmstat -a -c &quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\innovmet.lic&quot;&#39;;

print &quot;Read license status - &gt;$command1&lt;\n\n&quot;;
open(STATUS, $command1) || die &quot;Couldn&#39;t run $command1: $!\n&quot;;

The commented version of the $command1 assignment works from a previous program.
The uncommented version produces &quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\bin\lmutil&quot; lmstat -a -c &quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\innovmet.lic&quot; which runs perfectly as a command from a command prompt.
The big difference that I can see is that I had to use so that I could get the quote marks needed to handle the spaces in the directory names. I did not get to specify the directory names.
The uncommented version does not have the pipe in the command. I wanted to be sure that this was not the cause of the problem and it cannot run from the command line with it.

The output that I get from this part of the code is:
> Read license status - >"C:/Program Files/InnovMetric/PolyWorks MS License Server 2022/bin/lmutil" lmstat -a -c "C:/Program Files/InnovMetric/PolyWorks MS License Server 2022/innovmet.lic"<
> Couldn't run "C:/Program Files/InnovMetric/PolyWorks MS License Server 2022/bin/lmutil" lmstat -a -c "C:/Program Files/InnovMetric/PolyWorks MS License Server 2022/innovmet.lic": Invalid argument

Anyone have ideas why perl doesn’t like the command line I am asking it to run?


得分: 2


读取许可证状态 - &gt;&quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\bin\lmutil&quot; lmstat -a -c &quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\innovmet.lic&quot;&lt;

无法运行 &quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\bin\lmutil&quot; lmstat -a -c &quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\innovmet.lic&quot;: 无效的参数

这与您的情况相符。正如 @user20284150 已经提到的,如果在open中传递没有尾随|的文件名,它将尝试打开文件&quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\bin\lmutil&quot; lmstat -a -c &quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\innovmet.lic&quot;。该文件不存在,因此出现错误。不清楚为什么会给出无用的错误 - 本应该期望它显示找不到文件或目录


use strict ;
use warnings;

# 命令中没有尾随的&quot;|&quot;
my $command1 = &#39;perl -v&#39;;

print &quot;读取许可证状态 - &gt;$command1&lt;\n\n&quot;;
open(STATUS, $command1) || die &quot;无法运行 &#39;$command1&#39;: $!\n&quot;;

    print &quot;GOT --  $_&quot;;


读取许可证状态 - &gt;perl -v&lt;

无法运行 &#39;perl -v&#39;: 找不到文件或目录


use strict ;
use warnings;

# 注意这次有尾随的&quot;|&quot;
my $command1 = &#39;perl -v |&#39;;

print &quot;读取许可证状态 - &gt;$command1&lt;\n\n&quot;;
open(STATUS, $command1) || die &quot;无法运行 &#39;$command1&#39;: $!\n&quot;;

    print &quot;GOT --  $_&quot;;


读取许可证状态 - &gt;perl -v |&lt;

GOT --  
GOT --  This is perl 5, version 32, subversion 1 (v5.32.1) built for MSWin32-x64-multi-thread
GOT --  
GOT --  Copyright 1987-2021, Larry Wall
GOT --  
GOT --  Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GOT --  GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.
GOT --  
GOT --  Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
GOT --  this system using &quot;man perl&quot; or &quot;perldoc perl&quot;.  If you have access to the
GOT --  Internet, point your browser at, the Perl Home Page.
GOT --  

After fixing the code to compile in the original question, I get this when I run it

Read license status - &gt;&quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\bin\lmutil&quot; lmstat -a -c &quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\innovmet.lic&quot;&lt;

Couldn&#39;t run &quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\bin\lmutil&quot; lmstat -a -c &quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\innovmet.lic&quot;: Invalid argument

That matches what you have. As @user20284150 already mentioned, passing open a filename without a trailing | means it will attempt to open the file &quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\bin\lmutil&quot; lmstat -a -c &quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\innovmet.lic&quot;. That file doesn't exist, thus the error. No idea why it gives the unhelpful error though - would have expected it to say No such file or directory.

To show the distinction, here is a quick demo. Firstly doing the equivalent of what you did and run the open without the trailing |

use strict ;
use warnings;

# Not no trailing &quot;|&quot; in the command
my $command1 = &#39;perl -v&#39;;

print &quot;Read license status - &gt;$command1&lt;\n\n&quot;;
open(STATUS, $command1) || die &quot;Couldn&#39;t run &#39;$command1&#39;: $!\n&quot;;

    print &quot;GOT --  $_&quot;;

running gives

Read license status - &gt;perl -v&lt;

Couldn&#39;t run &#39;perl -v&#39;: No such file or directory

That gives a useful error

Now the same code, but with the trailing | included

use strict ;
use warnings;

# note trailing &quot;|&quot; this time
my $command1 = &#39;perl -v |&#39;;

print &quot;Read license status - &gt;$command1&lt;\n\n&quot;;
open(STATUS, $command1) || die &quot;Couldn&#39;t run &#39;$command1&#39;: $!\n&quot;;

    print &quot;GOT --  $_&quot;;

that gives this output

Read license status - &gt;perl -v |&lt;

GOT --  
GOT --  This is perl 5, version 32, subversion 1 (v5.32.1) built for MSWin32-x64-multi-thread
GOT --
GOT --  Copyright 1987-2021, Larry Wall
GOT --
GOT --  Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GOT --  GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.
GOT --
GOT --  Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
GOT --  this system using &quot;man perl&quot; or &quot;perldoc perl&quot;.  If you have access to the
GOT --  Internet, point your browser at, the Perl Home Page.
GOT --


得分: 2

尝试打开名为"C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\bin\lmutil" lmstat -a -c "C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\innovmet.lic"的文件进行读取。没有这样的文件。这甚至不是一个合法的文件名,因此会出现“无效参数”错误消息。


my $cmd = '...';

open( my $pipe, "|-", $cmd )
   or die( "无法启动cmd: $!\n" );


close( $pipe );
die( "关闭管道时出错: $!\n"                   ) if $? == -1;
die( "子进程被信号杀死 " .( $? & 0x7F )."\n" ) if $? & 0x7F;
die( "子进程以错误退出 " .( $? >> 8 )."\n"  ) if $? >> 8;

(@pmqs建议使用open( PIPE, "$cmd |" )而不是open( my $pipe, "|-", $cmd ),但是使用只有两个参数的open是陈旧的,而且使用全局变量作为文件句柄是不好的实践。)


use v5.14;
use warnings;

my $cmd = 'perl -v';

open( my $pipe, "|-", $cmd )
   or die( "无法启动cmd: $!\n" );

while ( <$pipe> ) {
   say "[$_]";

close( $pipe );
die( "关闭管道时出错: $!\n"                   ) if $? == -1;
die( "子进程被信号杀死 " .( $? & 0x7F )."\n" ) if $? & 0x7F;
die( "子进程以错误退出 " .( $? >> 8 )."\n"  ) if $? >> 8;
[This is perl 5, version 32, subversion 1 (v5.32.1) built for MSWin32-x64-multi-thread]
[Copyright 1987-2021, Larry Wall]
[Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the]
[GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.]
[Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on]
[this system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl".  If you have access to the]
[Internet, point your browser at, the Perl Home Page.]

You're trying to open a file named &quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\bin\lmutil&quot; lmstat -a -c &quot;C:\Program Files\InnovMetric\PolyWorks MS License Server 2022\innovmet.lic&quot; for reading. There's no such file. It's not even a legal file name, thus the Invalid argument error message.

The correct approach:

my $cmd = &#39;...&#39;;

open( my $pipe, &quot;-|&quot;, $cmd )
   or die( &quot;Can&#39;t launch cmd: $!\n&quot; );


close( $pipe );
die( &quot;Error closing pipe: $!\n&quot;                   ) if $? == -1;
die( &quot;Child killed by signal &quot;.( $? &amp; 0x7F ).&quot;\n&quot; ) if $? &amp; 0x7F;
die( &quot;Child exited with error &quot;.( $? &gt;&gt; 8 ).&quot;\n&quot;  ) if $? &gt;&gt; 8;

(@pmqs suggests open( PIPE, &quot;$cmd |&quot; ) instead of open( my $pipe, &quot;-|&quot;, $cmd ), but using open with only two arguments is archaïc, and using a global variable for the file handle is a bad practice.)

For example,

use v5.14;
use warnings;

my $cmd = &#39;perl -v&#39;;

open( my $pipe, &quot;-|&quot;, $cmd )
   or die( &quot;Can&#39;t launch cmd: $!\n&quot; );

while ( &lt;$pipe&gt; ) {
   say &quot;[$_]&quot;;

close( $pipe );
die( &quot;Error closing pipe: $!\n&quot;                   ) if $? == -1;
die( &quot;Child killed by signal &quot;.( $? &amp; 0x7F ).&quot;\n&quot; ) if $? &amp; 0x7F;
die( &quot;Child exited with error &quot;.( $? &gt;&gt; 8 ).&quot;\n&quot;  ) if $? &gt;&gt; 8;
[This is perl 5, version 32, subversion 1 (v5.32.1) built for MSWin32-x64-multi-thread]
[Copyright 1987-2021, Larry Wall]
[Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the]
[GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.]
[Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on]
[this system using &quot;man perl&quot; or &quot;perldoc perl&quot;.  If you have access to the]
[Internet, point your browser at, the Perl Home Page.]

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月15日 21:27:35
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