使单击 DOM <input> 参考 React.StrictMode 兼容。

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Make clicking a DOM <input> ref React.StrictMode compliant



"The component below is used to trigger opening a file input dialogue in desktop browsers and opening the camera on mobile devices. It is attached high in the component tree and is thus mounted once at startup, so the input DOM element is (in production) permanent. In React.StrictMode the component will trigger opening the file dialogue twice. This is fine - I know what strict mode is, but I am unsure how I can change the component to avoid triggering the input twice. We click the file input in the shouldComponentUpdate method and I guess there should be some kind of cleanup done to avoid this happening twice. The thing is, I thought we were doing this cleanup already, by triggering closeCamera(), which is dispatching an action that ends up changing state in our Redux store, so that eventually props.openedBy is set to null. This works fine in non-strict mode, so there is something I am missing ..."


The component below is used to trigger opening a file input dialogue in desktop browsers and opening the camera on mobile devices. It is attached high in the component tree and is thus mounted once at startup, so the input DOM element is (in production) permanent. In React.StrictMode the component will trigger opening the file dialogue twice. This is fine - I know what strict mode is, but I am unsure how I can change the component to avoid triggering the input twice. We click the file input in the shouldComponentUpdate method and I guess there should be some kind of cleanup done to avoid this happening twice. The thing is, I thought we were doing this cleanup already, by triggering closeCamera(), which is dispatching an action that ends up changing state in our Redux store, so that eventually props.openedBy is set to null. This works fine in non-strict mode, so there is something I am missing ...

export class CameraTrigger extends React.Component&lt;Props, State&gt; {
  static defaultProps = {
    openedBy: undefined,
  fileInputRef: React.Ref&lt;any&gt;

  constructor(props: Props) {
    this.fileInputRef = React.createRef()
    this.state = {
      lastOpenBy: undefined,

   *  Redux camera.openedBy state is changed to null immediately after displaying file selection window.
   *  Thanks to that we are sure that we have clear state regardless of the canceling or actual image selection.
   *  But we need to keep the information about opener to pass it to the saveImageFileAsObjectURL a short while later.
  static getDerivedStateFromProps(props: Props, _state: State) {
    if (props.openedBy) {
      return {
        lastOpenBy: props.openedBy,

    return null

  /* we never re-render the input button */
  shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: Props, _nextState: State) {
    const { openedBy } = nextProps

    const ref = this.fileInputRef
    if (openedBy &amp;&amp; ref) {
      ;(ref as any).current.click()
    return false

  clearInputBeforeNextUpload = (input: HTMLInputElement) =&gt; {
    input.value = &#39;&#39;

  fileInputChanged = (event: React.ChangeEvent&lt;HTMLInputElement&gt;) =&gt; {
    const input = event.currentTarget as HTMLInputElement

    if (input.files &amp;&amp; input.files.length) {
      const file = input.files[0]

      this.props.handleImageFile(file, this.state.lastOpenBy, this.state.lastEncounterId, this.state.lastConversationId)

  render() {
    return (
        style={{ display: &#39;none&#39; }}

type Props = {
  handleImageFile: Function
  closeCamera: Function
  openedBy?: string

type State = {
  lastOpenBy?: string


得分: 1

我通过检查 React 文档中有关纯函数和非纯函数的部分,找出了问题所在以及原因。

在旧的 React StrictMode 文档中,有一个名为 "检测副作用" 的部分,讨论了渲染阶段与提交阶段,以及在渲染阶段调用的函数应该是“纯”的概念。在这个上下文中,纯度意味着避免副作用:




  • constructor
  • componentWillMount(或 UNSAFE_componentWillMount)
  • componentWillReceiveProps(或 UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps)
  • componentWillUpdate(或 UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate)
  • getDerivedStateFromProps
  • shouldComponentUpdate
  • render
  • setState 更新函数(第一个参数)


为了帮助您找到意外的非纯代码,Strict Mode 在开发中会调用一些函数(仅调用那些应该是纯的函数)两次。

在随后的列表中,它包括 shouldComponentUpdate

这意味着我在 shouldComponentUpdate 中调用的副作用必须移到在渲染阶段之外调用的另一个函数中。正确的方法之一似乎是 componentDidUpdate。正如文档所述

您可以在更新后操作 DOM。这也是进行网络请求的常见地方,只要将当前的 props 与以前的 props 进行比较(例如,如果 props 没有更改,则可能不需要进行网络请求)。通常,您会与 componentDidMount 和 componentWillUnmount 一起使用它:

将点击调用移至 componentDidUpdate 对我解决了问题,也解决了问题。这是差异:

-  /* 我们不会重新渲染输入按钮 */
-  shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: Props, _nextState: State) {
-    const { openedBy } = nextProps
-    const ref = this.fileInputRef
-    if (openedBy &amp;&amp; ref) {
-      ;(ref as any).current.click()
+  componentDidUpdate(_prevProps: Props, _nextState: State) {
+    const ref = this.fileInputRef as { current: HTMLInputElement }
+    if (this.props.openedBy &amp;&amp; ref) {
+      ref.current.click()
-    return false

I found out what was wrong and why through inspecting the React docs on pure vs impure functions.

In the older React docs on StrictMode, they have a section called "Detecting Side Effects" that talks about the render phase vs the commit phase, and that functions that are called in the render phase should be pure. Purity in this context means avoiding side-effects:

> Because the above methods might be called more than once, it’s important that they do not contain side-effects. Ignoring this rule can lead to a variety of problems,

and it lists the following functions as being called in the render phase

> Render phase lifecycles include the following class component methods:
>- constructor
>- componentWillMount (or UNSAFE_componentWillMount)
>- componentWillReceiveProps (or UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps)
>- componentWillUpdate (or UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate)
>- getDerivedStateFromProps
>- shouldComponentUpdate
>- render
>- setState updater functions (the first argument)

The (new) docs also say:
> To help you find accidentally impure code, Strict Mode calls some of your functions (only the ones that should be pure) twice in development

In the list that follows, it includes shouldComponentUpdate.

What this means is that my side-effect above, called in shouldComponentUpdate must be moved to another function that is called outside of the render phase. The correct (at least one way) method seems to be componentDidUpdate. As the docs state:

> You can use it to manipulate the DOM after an update. This is also a common place to do network requests as long as you compare the current props to previous props (e.g. a network request may not be necessary if the props have not changed). Typically, you’d use it together with componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount:

Simply moving the click-invoking to componentDidUpdate fixed the issue for me

and that removed the issue for me. Here's the diff

-  /* we never re-render the input button */
-  shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: Props, _nextState: State) {
-    const { openedBy } = nextProps
-    const ref = this.fileInputRef
-    if (openedBy &amp;&amp; ref) {
-      ;(ref as any).current.click()
+  componentDidUpdate(_prevProps: Props, _nextState: State) {
+    const ref = this.fileInputRef as { current: HTMLInputElement }
+    if (this.props.openedBy &amp;&amp; ref) {
+      ref.current.click()
-    return false

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月15日 19:50:47
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75744313.html



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