Navigating to the screen with dropdown twice, gives the following error: Either zero or 2 or more [DropdownMenuItem] were detected with the same value

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Navigating to the screen with dropdown twice, gives the following error: Either zero or 2 or more [DropdownMenuItem] were detected with the same value



  • "I know what causes this error, but I couldn't figure it out in this case." 翻译为 "我知道导致这个错误的原因,但在这种情况下我无法解决它。"
  • "Here is the scenario, when I navigate to the screen that contains the dropdown for the first time, the dropdown works properly. However, when I navigate back and renavigate to the same screen(for the second time) the following error is thrown. Any suggestion?" 翻译为 "以下是情景,当我首次导航到包含下拉框的屏幕时,下拉框正常工作。然而,当我返回并再次导航到相同的屏幕(第二次)时,出现以下错误。有什么建议吗?"
  • "There should be exactly one item with [DropdownButton]'s value: CategoryDto{ categoryId: cc050c58-876a-4245-9531-be8553c7ae07, name: Masa Oyunları,}. Either zero or 2 or more [DropdownMenuItem]s were detected with the same value" 翻译为 "应该有一个与[DropdownButton]的值完全相符的项目:CategoryDto{ categoryId: cc050c58-876a-4245-9531-be8553c7ae07, name: Masa Oyunları,}。检测到零个或2个或更多[DropdownMenuItem]具有相同的值。"
  • "The following 4 code snippets are in the parent widget where I call the dropdown. (I want to publish only the relevant parts for convenience.)" 翻译为 "以下的4个代码片段位于我调用下拉框的父部件中。 (我只想发布方便的相关部分。)"
  • "This is my parent widget where I call the dropdown. (in parent widget)" 翻译为 "这是我调用下拉框的父部件。 (在父部件中)"
  • "initialize the doprdown value as null. (in parent widget)" 翻译为 "将下拉框的值初始化为null。 (在父部件中)"
  • "if the API returns the list of categories, then set the first value as _selectedCategory. (in parent widget)" 翻译为 "如果API返回类别列表,那么将第一个值设置为_selectedCategory。 (在父部件中)"
  • "selectCategory callback function. (in parent widget)" 翻译为 "selectCategory 回调函数。 (在父部件中)"
  • "And this is my CategoryDropdown." 翻译为 "这是我的CategoryDropdown。"



I know what causes this error, but I couldn't figure it out in this case.
Here is the scenario, when I navigate to the screen that contains the dropdown for the first time, the dropdown works properly. However, when I navigate back and renavigate to the same screen(for the second time) the following error is thrown. Any suggestion?

  1. There should be exactly one item with [DropdownButton]'s value: CategoryDto{ categoryId: cc050c58-876a-4245-9531-be8553c7ae07, name: Masa Oyunları,}.
  2. Either zero or 2 or more [DropdownMenuItem]s were detected with the same value
  3. 'package:flutter/src/material/dropdown.dart':
  4. Failed assertion: line 1584 pos 15: 'items == null || items.isEmpty || value == null ||
  5. items.where((DropdownMenuItem<T> item) {
  6. return item.value == value;
  7. }).length == 1'

The following 4 code snippets are in the parent widget where I call the dropwdown. (I want to publish only the relevant parts for convenience.)

This is my parent widget where I call the dropdown.(in parent widget)

  1. state.categories.isNotEmpty
  2. ? CategoryDropdown(
  3. selectedCategory: _selectedCategory!,
  4. handleSelection: selectCategory,
  5. labelText: "Category",
  6. categories: state.categories)
  7. : Container(),

initialize the doprdown value as null. (in parent widget)
EventCategory? _selectedCategory;

if the API returns the list of categories, then set the first value as _selectedCategory. (in parent widget)

  1. else if (state is CategoryListSuccess) {
  2. _selectedCategory ??= state.categories.first;

selectCategory callback function.(in parent widget)

  1. selectCategory(EventCategory eventCategory) {
  2. setState(() {
  3. _selectedCategory = eventCategory;
  4. });
  5. }

And this is my CategoryDropdown.

  1. class CategoryDropdown extends StatelessWidget {
  2. final String labelText;
  3. final List<EventCategory> categories;
  4. final EventCategory selectedCategory;
  5. final Function handleSelection;
  6. const CategoryDropdown(
  7. {Key? key,
  8. required this.labelText,
  9. required this.categories,
  10. required this.selectedCategory,
  11. required this.handleSelection})
  12. : super(key: key);
  13. @override
  14. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  15. return Column(
  16. crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
  17. children: [
  18. Padding(
  19. padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(6, 0, 0, 0),
  20. child: Text(
  21. labelText,
  22. style: Theme.of(context)
  23. .textTheme
  24. .titleMedium
  25. ?.copyWith(color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondary),
  26. ),
  27. ),
  28. Material(
  29. elevation: 10,
  30. borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
  31. child: DropdownButtonFormField<EventCategory>(
  32. value: selectedCategory,
  33. icon: const Icon(Icons.expand_more),
  34. elevation: 10,
  35. onChanged: (EventCategory? category) => handleSelection(category),
  36. items:<DropdownMenuItem<EventCategory>>(
  37. (EventCategory category) {
  38. print(selectedCategory);
  39. return DropdownMenuItem<EventCategory>(
  40. value: category,
  41. child: Text(!),
  42. );
  43. }).toList(),
  44. ),
  45. ),
  46. ],
  47. );
  48. }
  49. }


得分: 2

感谢 @pskink,我解决了这个问题。实际上,问题不在我的Flutter代码中,而是在我的Java Spring Boot的REST API中。我生成了一个虚拟的类别列表API。



  1. static List<Category> categories = fillList();
  2. @GetMapping
  3. public List<Category> getCategories() throws ResourceNotFoundException {
  4. return categories;
  5. }
  6. private static List<Category> fillList() {
  7. List<Category> list = new ArrayList<>();
  8. list.add(new Category(UUID.randomUUID(), "Category1"));
  9. list.add(new Category(UUID.randomUUID(), "Category2"));
  10. list.add new Category(UUID.randomUUID(), "Category3"));
  11. return list;
  12. }



Thanks to @pskink, I could have solved this. Actually, the problem is not in my flutter code. It's in my rest API, which is written in Java Spring Boot. I generated a dummy category list API.

The following code is wrong. Why? Because each time when I call getCategories from my client(flutter app), it generates a new UUID and sends it to the client. That's why when I first navigate to the screen with dropdown, it makes an API call and selects the first returned element. Then, when I navigate back and, renavigate to the same screen again. I fetch the categories list from the API again. However, since I make a second call this time a new UUID is generated and passed. That's why in the first time the UUID is different from the second time. DropDown throws an assertion error at that point because even though, the name of the two categories are the same, the second one's id is different from the first one. That's why object equality could not be achieved.

  1. @GetMapping
  2. public List&lt;Category&gt; getCategories() throws ResourceNotFoundException {
  3. List&lt;Category&gt; list = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
  4. list.add(new Category(UUID.randomUUID(),&quot;Category1&quot;)); //each call creates a new UUID
  5. list.add(new Category(UUID.randomUUID(),&quot;Category2&quot;));
  6. list.add(new Category(UUID.randomUUID(),&quot;Category3&quot;));
  7. return list;
  8. }

To fix this code I made my list static and pass to the client as follows.

  1. static List&lt;Category&gt; categories = fillList();
  2. @GetMapping
  3. public List&lt;Category&gt; getCategories() throws ResourceNotFoundException {
  4. // throw new ResourceNotFoundException(&quot;Sa&#231;amlaamaa&quot;);
  5. return categories;
  6. }
  7. private static List&lt;Category&gt; fillList(){
  8. List&lt;Category&gt; list = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
  9. list.add(new Category(UUID.randomUUID(),&quot;Category1&quot;));
  10. list.add(new Category(UUID.randomUUID(),&quot;Category2&quot;));
  11. list.add(new Category(UUID.randomUUID(),&quot;Category3&quot;));
  12. return list;
  13. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月15日 19:05:43
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