Botium Connector for Amazon Alexa Skills API “Access Denied”

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Botium Connector for Amazon Alexa Skills API "Access Denied"


我尝试使用"Botium Connector for Amazon Alexa Skills API",按照指南,但我遇到了以下问题:
安装连接器通过Botium-CLI后,我运行命令"npx botium-connector-alexa-smapi-cli init"。
Botium Connector for Amazon Alexa Skills API “Access Denied”


I am trying to use "Botium Connector for Amazon Alexa Skills API" by following the guide, but I am having the following problem:
after installing the connector via Botium-CLI, I run the command "npx botium-connector-alexa-smapi-cli init".
In the first step "Create Amazon Security Profile "I follow all the steps then entering Client-ID and Client-Secret.
In the second step "Get Amazon Authorization Code" once I click on the link provided and allow access I get the following error:

"Error Access Denied"

Botium Connector for Amazon Alexa Skills API “Access Denied”

Does anyone know how to fix this? is this a Botium problem or did I get some steps wrong?
Thank you

Does anyone know how to fix this? is this a Botium problem or did I get some steps wrong?
Thank you


得分: 1

错误访问被拒绝明显暗示了您在通过Botium Connector for SMAPI传递此请求时使用的参数存在问题。我绝对建议您仔细阅读Botium Connector文档,确保在向导步骤中使用正确的客户端ID和密钥。如果问题仍然存在,那么您可以在GitHub上为Botium Connector for SMAPI提交问题。

参考Alexa SMAPI文档 - 客户端是需要获得使用SMAPI执行技能操作权限的开发者、工具或组织。客户端可以是Alexa技能工具命令行界面(ASK CLI)(在底层使用SMAPI),另一个技能构建工具,或使用SMAPI访问技能的开发者。安全配置文件的客户端ID和客户端密钥用于识别客户端。客户端通过使用他们的亚马逊开发者帐户在Login with Amazon(LWA)控制台中配置ID和密钥。


请注意,Alexa已经提供了用于Node.js、Python和Java的SMAPI访问,这是开始使用SMAPI的一种方式。使用SMAPI SDK,您可以使用任何技能管理API来以编程方式管理您的技能 - SMAPI SDK或通过Alexa技能工具命令行界面(ASK CLI)


Error access denied certainly hints at an issue with parameter you are using to pass this request via Botium Connector for SMAPI. I would definitely recommend going over the Botium Connector documentation to ensure you are using the proper client ID and secret in the wizard steps. If issue persists, then you could open an issue with Botium connector for smapi on github

Referring to Alexa documentation for SMAPI – The client is the developer, tool, or organization that needs permission to be able to perform a list of operations on the skill by using SMAPI. The client can be the Alexa Skills Kit Command Line Interface (ASK CLI) (which uses SMAPI under the hood), another skill-building tool, or a developer who uses SMAPI to access the skill. The client ID and client secret of the security profile identify the client. The client configures the ID and secret in the Login with Amazon (LWA) console by using their Amazon developer account.

More details about Alexa Skill Management API

Note that Alexa already provides access to SMAPI available for Node.js, Python, and Java, which is one way to get started with SMAPI. With the SMAPI SDK, you can use any of the Skill Management APIs to programmatically manage your skills -SMAPI SDK or via Alexa Skills Kit Command Line Interface (ASK CLI)

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