应该使用`await Task.WhenAll`而不是在Web API控制器中使用`Task.WaitAll`吗?

huangapple go评论59阅读模式

Should I be using await Task.WhenAll rather than Task.WaitAll in a Web API controller



我有一个Web API控制器,它执行以下操作:

public async Task<Result> Post([FromBody] MyBody postBody)
    // 执行任务
    var doSomethingTask = DoSomethingMethod();
    var doSomethingTask2 = DoSomethingMethod2();

    Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); // 问题出在这一行

    // 以这些任务的结果异步执行某些操作
    await DoSomethingAsyncWithResults(doSomethingTask.Result, doSomethingTask2.Result);

对于您上面的代码,您的问题是是否应该实际使用 await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());,以及如果这样做是否会带来任何好处。请注意,这是一个Web API控制器,没有与此应用程序相关的用户界面,只是从前端异步调用它。




I have a Web API controller that does the following:

    public async Task&lt;Result&gt; Post([FromBody] MyBody postBody)
        // fire tasks
        var doSomethingTask = DoSomethingMethod();
        var doSomethingTask2 = DoSomethingMethod2();

        Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); //line in question

        //do something async with results of these tasks
        await DoSomethingAsyncWithResults(doSomethingTask.Result,doSomethingTask2.Result);

Now my question is in the above code should I actually be using

await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());

and what benefit - if any - would I see if I did that? Baring in mind this is a Web API controller so there is no UI to this application it's just getting called asynchronously from the frontend.

In my live environment there could be maybe 5 instances of this running, serving the front end. would locking up this method prevent it from responding to other requests?


得分: 0



不会;ASP.NET默认是多线程的。不同之处在于在多等待期间,您是希望使用N个线程还是0个线程。请参阅我在ASP.NET上的文章Introduction to async/await on ASP.NET中关于同步与异步请求处理的部分。


> what benefit - if any - would I see if I did that? Baring in mind this is a Web API controller so there is no UI to this application it's just getting called asynchronously from the frontend.

Your web server would use fewer threads to serve more requests. The benefit is scalability. A secondary benefit would be code consistency; the method is already async, so it's very weird to have the async method synchronously block when there is an awaitable alternative right there.

> would locking up this method prevent it from responding to other requests?

No; ASP.NET is multithreaded by default. The difference is whether you want to use N threads or 0 threads during that multi-wait. See Synchronous vs Asynchronous Request Handling in my article Introduction to async/await on ASP.NET.


得分: -2





Task batch = Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());
// 在以后的重构中链接更多任务或逻辑

var batchResults = await batch;

.WaitAll() will block the calling thread and literally wait until everything is complete

.WhenAll() is like a way of wrapping a group of tasks in a singular Task object. As a result you can .Wait() or await them if you want. But there is more you can do, it is not bound by this waiting action if you deem it should do something else. It simply represents a Task that will move on to the next part to execute when all of its composed tasks complete. This version will not block the calling thread

Another key difference is exception handling. .WaitAll() will throw an AggregateException that contains all of the inner throws from faulted Tasks. .WhenAll() instead unwraps the AggregateException on its own and returns only the first exception

Update in response to updated code snippet:
You absolutely need the return before moving on to execute the final line of the method here, so both .WaitAll() and await are valid here because in essence you are doing the same thing. If you need the ability to chain more tasks or logic onto it with later refactoring, then prefer to use the await version as it would be a little bit less re-writing

Task batch = Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());
//chain on more things later
var batchResults = await batch;

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