Dependency injection not working on spring boot app.

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Dependency injection not working on spring boot app


I didn't figure out why this is not working, I am trying to implement a simple end point.
This is my controller:

public class CustomerController {
    private final CustomerService customerService;

    public CustomerController(CustomerService customerService) {
        this.customerService = customerService;

    Customer getCustomer() {
        return customerService.getCustomer();

And this is my service:

public class CustomerService {
    public Customer getCustomer() {
        return new Customer("Anas", 23, "Monday");

When I go to localhost:8000/ I got the next error message: "This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback."

I tried to add another endpoint like this:

String sayHi() {
    return "Hello World";

And it's working. I assume that the getCustomer method on the controller is not working because the object is not injected properly. What am I missing?


i didn't figure out why this is not working , i am trying to implement a simple end point
this is my controller

public class CustomerController {
    private final CustomerService customerService;

    public CustomerController(CustomerService customerService) {
        this.customerService = customerService;

    Customer getCustomer(){
        return customerService.getCustomer();

and this is my service

public class CustomerService {
    public Customer getCustomer(){
        return new Customer("Anas",23,"Monday");


when i go to localhost:8000/ i got the next error message : " This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback. "

i tried to add another endpoint like this

    String sayHi(){
        return "Hello World";

and its working , i assume that getCustomer method on controller not working because the object not injected well , what am missing ?


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Ok that's was my bad, the problem was on the Customer Class, I should have added setters and getters for the fields.


Ok that's was my bad , the problem was on the Custumer Class , i should have add setters and getters for the fields

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月9日 23:11:19
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