
huangapple go评论85阅读模式

Deducing return type of a capturing lambda function `operator()` without an instantiated lambda variable




  1. using AppliedReturnType =
  2. decltype
  3. (
  4. std::apply
  5. (
  6. []( auto& ...items )
  7. {
  8. std::optional< ApplyLambda > lambda; // 这里使用optional来绕过构造
  9. return lambda.value()( items... ); // 在未初始化的情况下使用value
  10. },
  11. t_
  12. )
  13. );





  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <optional>
  3. #include <tuple>
  4. template< typename Callable, typename Tuple >
  5. class C
  6. {
  7. public:
  8. C( Callable&& callable, Tuple&& t )
  9. : t_{ std::move( t ) }
  10. , result_
  11. {
  12. std::apply
  13. (
  14. callable,
  15. t_
  16. )
  17. }
  18. {}
  19. auto result() const { return result_; }
  20. private:
  21. Tuple t_;
  22. using AppliedReturnType =
  23. decltype
  24. (
  25. std::apply
  26. (
  27. []( auto& ...items )
  28. {
  29. std::optional< Callable > callable;
  30. return callable.value()( items... );
  31. },
  32. t_
  33. )
  34. );
  35. AppliedReturnType result_;
  36. };
  37. int main()
  38. {
  39. int i = 10;
  40. auto lambda = [&i]( auto&... items ) { return ( items + ...) + i; };
  41. C c{ std::move( lambda ), std::tuple{ 1, 2, 3 } };
  42. std::cout << c.result() << '\n';
  43. }

What I'm trying to do is to deduce return type of a capturing lambda from inside the class where the lambda is executed (never stored) so that the return type is not required to be part of class signature.

Since lambda is capturing the default constructor is deleted so I wrote such code:

  1. using AppliedReturnType =
  2. decltype
  3. (
  4. std::apply
  5. (
  6. []( auto&amp; ...items )
  7. {
  8. std::optional&lt; ApplyLambda &gt; lambda; // optional used here to work around construction
  9. return lambda.value()( items... ); // value used without initialization
  10. },
  11. t_
  12. )
  13. );

Am I correct in assumption that since I'm using this code only in decltype evaluation I'd say that such code is not a problem no matter the std::optional implementation/UB at runtime?

And out of curiosity, is there a better way to do something like this? (not having the type in class template list is a must)

EDIT: editing simplified implementation a bit (based on the answers) so that it won't hurt so much the eyes of other readers that would copy paste code from such a question...

Below is a simplified implementation (extremely dumbed down as I'm certain that nobody would bother with 300+ lines of code...):

  1. #include &lt;iostream&gt;
  2. #include &lt;optional&gt;
  3. #include &lt;tuple&gt;
  4. template&lt; typename Callable, typename Tuple &gt;
  5. class C
  6. {
  7. public:
  8. C( Callable&amp;&amp; callable, Tuple&amp;&amp; t )
  9. : t_{ std::move( t ) }
  10. , result_
  11. {
  12. std::apply
  13. (
  14. callable,
  15. t_
  16. )
  17. }
  18. {}
  19. auto result() const { return result_; }
  20. private:
  21. Tuple t_;
  22. using AppliedReturnType =
  23. decltype
  24. (
  25. std::apply
  26. (
  27. []( auto&amp; ...items )
  28. {
  29. std::optional&lt; Callable &gt; callable;
  30. return callable.value()( items... );
  31. },
  32. t_
  33. )
  34. );
  35. AppliedReturnType result_;
  36. };
  37. int main()
  38. {
  39. int i = 10;
  40. auto lambda = [&amp;i]( auto&amp;... items ) { return ( items + ...) + i; };
  41. C c{ std::move( lambda ), std::tuple{ 1, 2, 3 } };
  42. std::cout &lt;&lt; c.result() &lt;&lt; &#39;\n&#39;;
  43. }


得分: 4

  1. 你说得对,由于一切都在`decltype`中,没有问题,尽管你可以用以下方式简化:
  2. ```cpp
  3. using AppliedReturnType = decltype(std::apply(std::declval<ApplyLambda>(), t_));


  1. C(ApplyLambda& lambda, Tuple&& t)
  2. : t_{std::move(t)}
  3. , result_{std::apply(lambda, t_)}
  4. {}


  1. <details>
  2. <summary>英文:</summary>
  3. You are correct that since everything is in `decltype`, there is no issue, although you can simplify that stuff with

using AppliedReturnType = decltype(std::apply(std::declval<ApplyLambda>(), t_));

  1. ---
  2. And as pointed out in the comments, you do not need that inner lambda in your constructor either

C( ApplyLambda& lambda, Tuple&& t )
: t_{ std::move( t ) }
, result_{ std::apply( lambda, t_ ) }

  1. [Demo](https://godbolt.org/z/4qsGqY1oW)
  2. </details>
  3. # 答案2
  4. **得分**: 2
  5. ```cpp
  6. 模板参数不要命名为“Lambda”——没有理由要求一个lambda,任何可调用的东西都可以。所以只需“F”、“ApplyF”或“Callable”之类的。
  7. 变量的名称也是同样的情况。
  8. 这:
  9. ```cpp
  10. [&amp;lambda]( auto&amp; ...items )
  11. {
  12. return lambda( items... );
  13. },





  1. using AppliedReturnType =
  2. decltype
  3. (
  4. std::apply
  5. (
  6. []( auto&amp; ...items )
  7. {
  8. std::optional&lt; ApplyLambda &gt; lambda;
  9. return lambda.value()( items... );
  10. },
  11. t_
  12. )
  13. );


  1. using AppliedReturnType = decltype(std::apply(std::declval&lt;F&amp;&gt;(), std::declval&lt;Tuple&amp;&gt;());



  1. C( ApplyLambda&amp; lambda, Tuple&amp;&amp; t )



  1. template &lt;typename F, typename Tuple&gt;
  2. class C
  3. {
  4. using R = decltype(std::apply(std::declval&lt;F&amp;&gt;(), std::declval&lt;Tuple&amp;&gt;()));
  5. public:
  6. Tuple t_;
  7. R result_;
  8. public:
  9. C( F f, Tuple&amp;&amp; t )
  10. : t_{ std::move( t ) }
  11. , result_{std::apply(f, t_)}
  12. {}
  13. R result() const { return result_; }
  14. };


  1. <details>
  2. <summary>英文:</summary>
  3. I have a bunch of comments here:
  4. ---
  5. ```cpp
  6. template&lt; typename ApplyLambda, typename Tuple &gt;

Don't name template parameters Lambda - there's no reason to ever require a lambda, any callable is fine. So just F, or ApplyF, or Callable, or something.

The same thing applies to the name of the variable.


  1. [&amp;lambda]( auto&amp; ...items )
  2. {
  3. return lambda( items... );
  4. },

This is a very long, and incorrect, way of writing just lambda. It works here because you're passing the tuple as an lvalue, but if you forwarded it, then the elements of the tuple would be moved, and auto&amp;... wouldn't compile.

Also if the callable returned a reference type (e.g. int&amp;), you're dropping that on the floor, this spelling returns int.

Just: lambda.

Likewise this:

  1. using AppliedReturnType =
  2. decltype
  3. (
  4. std::apply
  5. (
  6. []( auto&amp; ...items )
  7. {
  8. std::optional&lt; ApplyLambda &gt; lambda;
  9. return lambda.value()( items... );
  10. },
  11. t_
  12. )
  13. );

as above, the lambda passed in here could just be lambda, but you don't have an object of that type yet - so you can make one using declval:

  1. using AppliedReturnType = decltype(std::apply(std::declval&lt;F&amp;&gt;(), std::declval&lt;Tuple&amp;&gt;());

Note the &amp; because you're passing it as an lvalue.


  1. C( ApplyLambda&amp; lambda, Tuple&amp;&amp; t )

Don't take callables by lvalue references - since it (ironically) prohibits passing in lambdas.

Putting it all together:

  1. template &lt;typename F, typename Tuple&gt;
  2. class C
  3. {
  4. using R = decltype(std::apply(std::declval&lt;F&amp;&gt;(), std::declval&lt;Tuple&amp;&gt;()));
  5. public:
  6. Tuple t_;
  7. R result_;
  8. public:
  9. C( F f, Tuple&amp;&amp; t )
  10. : t_{ std::move( t ) }
  11. , result_{std::apply(f, t_)}
  12. {}
  13. R result() const { return result_; }
  14. };

As a final note, I'm not sure why C would be useful, given that std::apply exists.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月9日 22:58:51
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75686321.html



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