HttpClient 分别设置连接超时和响应超时时间。

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Separate timeouts for connection and response on HttpClient


有多种方法可以使 HttpClient 调用超时或被取消:通过设置 HttpClient.Timeout 属性,通过传递 CancellationToken,使用自定义的 HttpMessageHandler 等。所有这些方法的问题是,无论是根本无法连接到服务器还是需要更长时间来响应,超时都会发生并且调用被取消。

我要实现的行为已经存在的示例是 Postman:
例如,当我的 ASP.NET Core Web API 没有运行时,通过 Postman 发送请求后,它会在大约 5 秒后停止。但当我的 Web API 运行时,我通过 Postman 发送请求,然后在我的代码中设置断点或添加延迟等,那么 Postman 将等待其设置中指定的毫秒数(超过 5 秒)。

这就是我想要实现的效果。我想要为我的 HTTP 请求设置两个不同的超时时间:一个用于等待与服务器的连接,另一个用于等待响应。最理想的情况是,当等待响应时,如果与服务器的连接中断,调用也会被取消。在 C# 中(使用 .NET 6),是否有可能实现这样的功能,如果可以,如何实现?


There are multiple ways for HttpClient calls to timeout/be cancelled: by setting the HttpClient.Timeout property, by passing in a CancellationToken, using a custom HttpMessageHandler, etc. The problem with all these approaches is that the timeout is met and the call is cancelled regardless of if the server couldn't be reached at all or if it just takes longer to respond.

An existing example of the behavior I want to implement is Postman:
When (for this example) my ASP.NET Core Web API is not currently running and I send a request via Postman it stops right after just 5 seconds or so. But when my Web API runs, I send a request via Postman and then hit a breakpoint in my code or add a delay or something, than Postman will wait the amount of milliseconds that was specified in its settings (= more than 5 seconds).

And that's kind of what I want to get to work. To have two different timeouts for my HTTP requests. One for waiting for a connection to the server and one for waiting for its response. Perfect would be if the call would also be cancelled when the connection to the server is interrupted while waiting for the response. Is something like this possible in C# (using .NET 6) and if yes, how?


得分: 7



var handler = new SocketsHttpHandler
    ConnectTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)

var client = new HttpClient(handler);

// 正常操作...



When instantiating HttpClient, you're able to provide an implementation of System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler, I believe the default implementation is SocketsHttpHandler.

On the SocketsHttpHandler you're able to provide a connection timeout.

var handler = new SocketsHttpHandler
    ConnectTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)

var client = new HttpClient(handler);

// stuff as usual...

I prefer this to using a sanity check as there's no guarantee that if the first call succeeds that the second one will.


得分: 1





Looks like you can achieve what you want by passing an instance SocketsHttpHandler of to the constructor of HttpClient.

SocketsHttpHandler has a ConnectTimeout property which will cause a timeout in HttpClient if a connection is not established before the specified duration elapses.

See the official Microsoft documentation on setting Timeouts in HttpClient for more details.


得分: 0




If I don't understand you wrong, I resolve this issue in a critital service that I manage with a sanity check.

The sanity check is compose by an sample status method in the API that returns 200. So for every critital call that I need a quick answer, I made a parallel sanity check. So two calls to the service: one for check the service/server and another one for the action itself. In this way I can handle what kind of timeout I'm working of, if server is gone or if action is delayed.

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