如何确定 tkinter Toplevel 小部件是否存在?

huangapple go评论93阅读模式

How to determine if tkinter Toplevel widget exists.?


Sure, here is the translated code:

  1. 我有一个需要在创建 `Toplevel` 窗口之前销毁它如果已经存在的需求我已经研究过这个问题无论是在这里还是其他地方每一个回答都建议使用 `winfo_exists` 方法然而下面的代码演示了它不起作用它会出现错误对象没有属性 'toplevel'
  2. 我可以使用粗暴的 try:/except: 方法来销毁窗口但肯定有更好的方法
  3. 顺便说一下我在运行 Python 3.11.1 Windows 10
  4. ```python
  5. # does_widget_exist.py
  6. import tkinter as tk
  7. class TL_GUI:
  8. def __init__(self):
  9. self.root = tk.Tk()
  10. self.root.geometry('300x100')
  11. self.root.title('Tkinter Test')
  12. button0 = tk.Button(self.root, text='创建 Toplevel', command=self.makeToplevel)
  13. button0.pack(pady=20)
  14. self.toplevel = None
  15. self.root.mainloop()
  16. def makeToplevel(self):
  17. if self.toplevel and self.toplevel.winfo_exists():
  18. self.toplevel.destroy()
  19. self.toplevel = tk.Toplevel(self.root)
  20. self.toplevel.geometry('500x100')
  21. self.toplevel.title('我是一个 TopLevel')
  22. text0 = tk.Label(self.toplevel, text='你好,世界', height=1, width=25, borderwidth=5)
  23. text0.pack()
  24. if __name__ == '__main__':
  25. TL_GUI()

I hope this helps. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please let me know.


I have a need to destroy a Toplevel widget if it already exists before creating it. I've researched this and every response I can find here and elsewhere suggest using winfo_exists; however, the following code demonstrates that doesn't work. It fails with the error: object has no attribute 'toplevel'

I can use a brute force try:/except: to destroy the widget, but surely there's a better way.

BTW: I am on Windows 10 running Python 3.11.1

  1. # does_widger_exists.py
  2. import tkinter as tk
  3. class TL_GUI:
  4. def __init__(self):
  5. self.root = tk.Tk()
  6. self.root.geometry('300x100')
  7. self.root.title('Tkinter Test')
  8. button0 = tk.Button(self.root,text='Create Toplevel',command=self.makeToplevel).pack(pady=20)
  9. self.root.mainloop()
  10. def makeToplevel(self):
  11. if tk.Toplevel.winfo_exists(self.toplevel):
  12. self.toplevel.destroy()
  13. self.toplevel = tk.Toplevel(self.root)
  14. self.toplevel.geometry('500x100')
  15. self.toplevel.title('I am a TopLevel')
  16. text0 = tk.Label(self.toplevel,text='Hello World',height=1,width=25,borderwidth=5).pack()
  17. if __name__ == '__main__':
  18. TL_GUI()


得分: 1


  1. def __init__(self):
  2. self.root = tk.Tk()
  3. self.root.geometry('300x100')
  4. self.root.title('Tkinter Test')
  5. self.toplevel = None # 初始化这个实例变量
  6. button0 = tk.Button(
  7. self.root,
  8. text='Create Toplevel',
  9. command=self.makeToplevel
  10. ).pack(pady=20)
  11. self.root.mainloop()


  1. def makeToplevel(self):
  2. if self.toplevel and self.toplevel.winfo_exists(): # 做这个更改
  3. self.toplevel.destroy()
  4. self.toplevel = tk.Toplevel(self.root)
  5. self.toplevel.geometry('500x100')
  6. self.toplevel.title('I am a TopLevel')
  7. text0 = tk.Label(
  8. self.toplevel,
  9. text='Hello World',
  10. height=1,
  11. width=25,
  12. borderwidth=5
  13. ).pack()


  1. button0 = tk.Button(...) # 现在 'button0' 等于 Button 对象,而不是 None
  2. button0.pack(...)
  3. text0 = tk.Label(...) # 现在 'text0' 等于 Label 对象,而不是 None
  4. text0.pack(...)

You'll need to initialize self.toplevel to some value in your __init__ method so the first call to makeToplevel doesn't fail when it gets to the conditional; as written, self.toplevel doesn't exist when the check is first run. With this fix, subsequent calls to makeToplevel will work as expected

  1. def __init__(self):
  2. self.root = tk.Tk()
  3. self.root.geometry('300x100')
  4. self.root.title('Tkinter Test')
  5. self.toplevel = None # initialize this instance variable
  6. button0 = tk.Button(
  7. self.root,
  8. text='Create Toplevel',
  9. command=self.makeToplevel
  10. ).pack(pady=20)
  11. self.root.mainloop()

You should also update the condition checked by the if statement as follows:

  1. def makeToplevel(self):
  2. if self.toplevel and self.toplevel.winfo_exists(): # make this change
  3. self.toplevel.destroy()
  4. self.toplevel = tk.Toplevel(self.root)
  5. self.toplevel.geometry('500x100')
  6. self.toplevel.title('I am a TopLevel')
  7. text0 = tk.Label(
  8. self.toplevel,
  9. text='Hello World',
  10. height=1,
  11. width=25,
  12. borderwidth=5
  13. ).pack()

Oh, and one final note: using pack() like you are on button0 and text0 can cause trouble if you're not careful! As written, button0 and text0 will both always evaluate to None since that's the value returned by pack(). If you want to refer to these widgets anywhere else, you should pack() them on a separate line, e.g.:

  1. button0 = tk.Button(...) # now 'button0' is equal to the Button object, not None
  2. button0.pack(...)
  3. text0 = tk.Label(...) # now 'text0' is equal to the Label object, not None
  4. text0.pack(...)

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月7日 23:40:18
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
