
huangapple go评论59阅读模式

Hide the visible duplicate cells by using a helper column


下面的代码用于隐藏可见的重复单元格(行)。 <br>
它有效,但是如果我稍后在任何列上使用自动筛选,那么所有隐藏的行将再次显示。 <br>
我的目标是使用辅助列并在值上设置过滤器,例如(False)。 <br>
提前感谢任何帮助。 <br>

    Function Hide_visible_duplicate_cells(procRng As Range)
        Dim arng As Range, rngU As Range, C As Range, dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
        Set arng = procRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
        If arng Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Not a valid Range": Exit Function
        For Each C In arng.Cells
            If Not dict.Exists(C.Value) Then
                dict.Add C.Value, vbNullString       'Keep the first occurrence
              If rngU Is Nothing Then                'Create a Union range for the next occurrences:
                 Set rngU = C
                 Set rngU = Union(rngU, C)
              End If
            End If
        Next C
       If Not rngU Is Nothing Then rngU.EntireRow.Hidden = True    'Hide the rows at once
    End Function

The below code is used to hide the visible duplicate cells (rows). <br>
It works , But If I later used autofiletr on any column then all the hidden rows are shown again. <br>
My aim is to use a helper column and set filter on value e,g (False). <br>
In advance, thanks for any help. <br>

Function Hide_visible_duplicate_cells(procRng As Range)
    Dim arng As Range, rngU As Range, C As Range, dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
    Set arng = procRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    If arng Is Nothing Then MsgBox &quot;Not a valid Range&quot;: Exit Function
    For Each C In arng.Cells
        If Not dict.Exists(C.value) Then
            dict.Add C.value, vbNullString       &#39;Keep the first occurrence
          If rngU Is Nothing Then                &#39;Create a Union range for the next occurrences:
             Set rngU = C
             Set rngU = Union(rngU, C)
          End If
        End If
    Next C
   If Not rngU Is Nothing Then rngU.EntireRow.Hidden = True    &#39;Hide the rows at once
End Function


得分: 1


Sub Hide_visible_duplicate_cells_(procRng As Range)
    Dim arng As Range, C As Range, dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
    Dim arrMark, colMark As Range, lastC As Long, sh As Worksheet, lastR As Long, i As Long
    Const markName As String = "Marker_column"
    Set arng = procRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    If arng Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Not a valid Range": Exit Sub
    Set sh = procRng.Parent 'the sheet where the range belongs to

    lastR = sh.UsedRange.Rows(sh.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row 'last row OF THE SHEET
    ReDim arrMark(1 To lastR, 1 To 1) 'redim the markers array
    'determine the column where the marker to be placed (or it already exists):
    Set colMark = sh.Rows(procRng.Cells(1).Row).Find(What:=markName, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not colMark Is Nothing Then
        lastC = colMark.Column 'for the case when the marker column exists
        lastC = sh.Cells(procRng.Cells(1).Row, sh.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column + 1 'next empty column if marker column does not exist
        'to correct the last column number, IF LAST COLUMN IS HIDDEN (it MUST HAVE A HEADER):
        If sh.Cells(procRng.Cells(1).Row, lastC).Value <> "" Then lastC = lastC + 1
    End If
    For Each C In arng.Cells
        If Not dict.Exists(C.Value) Then
            If i > 0 Then                                            'to skip the first cell, which should be on the headers row
                dict.Add C.Value, vbNullString       'Keep the first occurrence
                arrMark(C.Row - procRng.Cells(1).Row, 1) = "True"      'place the marker for the first occurrence
            End If
            If C.Value <> "" Then i = i + 1 'for the case of empty cells above the header...
        End If
    Next C
    'place the marker column header, if not already existing:
    If colMark Is Nothing Then sh.Cells(procRng.Cells(1).Row, lastC).Value = markName 'place the marker column name, IF NOT EXISTS
    If sh.AutoFilterMode Then sh.AutoFilterMode = False  'eliminate the filter, if any
    'drop the markers array content:
    sh.Cells(procRng.Cells(1).Row + 1, lastC).Resize(UBound(arrMark), 1).Value2 = arrMark
    'filter by the marker column
    sh.Range(sh.Cells(procRng.Cells(1).Row, 1), sh.Cells(sh.UsedRange.Rows.Count, lastC)).AutoFilter lastC, "True"
End Sub



Please, try the next way. But you need to use the column range which you need to be processed, taking care that its first row to be the column headers one:

Sub Hide_visible_duplicate_cells_(procRng As Range)
    Dim arng As Range, C As Range, dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
    Dim arrMark, colMark As Range, lastC As Long, sh As Worksheet, lastR As Long, i As Long
    Const markName As String = &quot;Marker_column&quot;
    Set arng = procRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    If arng Is Nothing Then MsgBox &quot;Not a valid Range&quot;: Exit Sub
    Set sh = procRng.Parent &#39;the sheet where the range belongs to

    lastR = sh.UsedRange.rows(sh.UsedRange.rows.count).row  &#39;last row OF THE SHEET
    ReDim arrMark(1 To lastR, 1 To 1) &#39;redim the markers array
    &#39;determinte the column where the marker to be placed (or it already exists):
    Set colMark = sh.rows(procRng.cells(1).row).Find(What:=markName, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not colMark Is Nothing Then
        lastC = colMark.column  &#39;for the case when the marker column exists
        lastC = sh.cells(procRng.cells(1).row, sh.Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).column + 1 &#39;next empty column if marker column does not exist
        &#39;to correct the last column number, IF LAST COLUMN IS HIDDEN (it MUST HAVE A HEADER):
        If sh.cells(procRng.cells(1).row, lastC).Value &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then lastC = lastC + 1
    End If
    For Each C In arng.cells
        If Not dict.Exists(C.Value) Then
            If i &gt; 0 Then                                            &#39;to skip the first cell, which should be on the headers row
                dict.Add C.Value, vbNullString       &#39;Keep the first occurrence
                arrMark(C.row - procRng.cells(1).row, 1) = &quot;True&quot;      &#39;place the marker for the first occurrence
            End If
            If C.Value &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then i = i + 1 &#39;for the case of empty cells above the header...
        End If
    Next C
    &#39;place the marker column header, if not already existing:
     If colMark Is Nothing Then sh.cells(procRng.cells(1).row, lastC).Value = markName &#39;place the marker column name, IF NOT EXISTS
    If sh.AutoFilterMode Then sh.AutoFilterMode = False  &#39;eliminate the filter, if any
    &#39;drop the markers array content:
    sh.cells(procRng.cells(1).row + 1, lastC).Resize(UBound(arrMark), 1).Value2 = arrMark
    &#39;filter by the marker column
    sh.Range(sh.cells(procRng.cells(1).row, 1), sh.cells(sh.UsedRange.rows.count, lastC)).AutoFilter lastC, &quot;True&quot;
End Sub


得分: 0


(Note that on my computer the parameter separator is a semicolon)

if you want to write this value via VBA:

If Not dict.Exists(C.value) Then
dict.Add C.value, vbNullString ' Keep the first occurrence
C.Offset(0, 1).value = True ' Signal: This is the first occurrence
C.Offset(0, 1).value = False


You can easily create such helper column with a formula. Put the following formula into your helper column. The example assumes that the values that needs to be checked for duplicates are in column A and that your data starts in row 2.



(Note that on my computer the parameter separator is a semicolon)


if you want to write this value via VBA:

If Not dict.Exists(C.value) Then
    dict.Add C.value, vbNullString       &#39; Keep the first occurrence
    C.Offset(0, 1).value = True          &#39; Signal: This is the first occurrence
    C.Offset(0, 1).value = False

You just need to adapt the Offset so that the data is written into the correct column.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月7日 22:30:21
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75663287.html



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