PostgreSQL – 在不同的WAL级别下的checkpoint间隔行为

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PostgreSQL - checkpoint interval behaviour in different WAL levels



Long story short:
我们需要对大约 4 亿行执行 UPDATE 命令。我知道可以将命令修改为批处理方式,但这是另一个话题。我们的问题是 WAL(Write-Ahead Logging)文件太大,导致磁盘空间不足。我想知道不同 WAL 级别下检查点间隔的工作原理。简而言之,文档中提到较长的检查点间隔会触发较少的完整页写入,从而导致较小的 WAL 文件。我找不到的是这种变化在不同的 wal_level 设置下会如何表现。

DB 版本: Postgres14.4

1. 在 minimal wal_level 设置下是否相关?(考虑到它几乎删除了所有日志记录。)

2. 当 wal_level 设置为 replica 或更高时,是否会影响复制?(根据不同的文章和文档,这对我来说不太明显,但我认为复制应该不受影响,因为所有更改都已记录,尽管完整页/块写入较少,并且这可能有益,例如减小 WAL 文件的大小。)

我们处于可以进行完全备份和相关应用程序关闭的位置,因此 minimal wal_level 设置可能有效,但我对其他解决方案也感兴趣,欢迎分享一些想法。



I couldn't find a definite answer for my concerns, so I might as well ask it from you guys!

Long story short:
We need to perform an UPDATE command on roughly 400M rows. The command could be modified to work in batches I know, but that is a different topic. Our problem is that the WAL gets too big and we run out of disk space.
I'm wondering how the checkpoint intervals work with different WAL levels. To put it simply the documentation says that a longer checkpoint interval "triggers" less full page writes, which results in a smaller WAL. What I can't find is how this change behaves with different wal_level settings.

DB version: Postgres14.4

1. Does it have any relevance with a minimal wal_level setting? (Considering it removes almost all logging.)

2. Does it break the replicas when the wal_level is set to replica or higher? (It isn't obvious to me based on different articles and the documentation, but I assume the replicas should be fine since all the changes are logged despite of fewer full page/block writes, and it also can be benefitial i.e. decreased WAL size.)

We are in a position where a full backup and shutdown of related application is possible, so the minimal wal_level setting could work, but I'm interested in different solutions as well, feel free to share some thoughts on it.



得分: 1

wal_level = minimal 不会有影响。只要不将其设置为 logical,PostgreSQL 应该会产生大致相同数量的WAL。如果将 wal_level 设置为低于 replica,它将破坏复制。

明显的解决方法是增加更多的磁盘空间。如果问题是WAL 归档,您可以禁用 archive_mode。如果问题是检查点完成时间太长,您可以运行手动 CHECKPOINT 命令。

增加 max_wal_size 以减少写入的WAL量。是的,我知道这听起来很奇怪,但 max_wal_size 实际上并不控制 pg_wal 的大小,而是触发检查点(从而增加完整页图像的数量)。


wal_level = minimal won't make a difference. As long as you don't set it to logical, PostgreSQL should produce about the same amount of WAL. It will break replication if you set wal_level to something lower than replica.

The obvious solution is to add more disk space. If the problem is WAL archiving, you can disable archive_mode. If the problem is that checkpoints take too long to complete, you could run a manual CHECKPOINT command.

Increase max_wal_size to reduce the amount of WAL written. Yes, I know that it sounds strange, but max_wal_size does not govern the size of pg_wal, but it triggers checkpoints (which increase the number of full page images written).


得分: 0


Does it have any relevance with a minimal wal_level setting? (Considering it removes almost all logging.)

It doesn't. With minimal, you only skip WAL logging of a few things, like COPY into a table which was created or truncated in the same transaction, or the creation of indexes. Those special cases wouldn't apply to a bulk UPDATE.

To solve the problem, you first need to figure out what the root problem is. Are you so close to the out-of-space condition under normal conditions than any stress at all can push you over? Do you have replication slots, and the standbys can't keep up? Do you have an archive_command that can't keep up? Is your IO system so overwhelmed that the checkpoints can't finish in time despite trying as fast as they can? Is you max_wal_size writing checks your harddrive can't cash?


> Does it have any relevance with a minimal wal_level setting? (Considering it removes almost all logging.)

It doesn't. With minimal, you only skip WAL logging of a few things, like COPY into a table which was created or truncated in the same transaction, or the creation of indexes. Those special cases wouldn't apply to a bulk UPDATE.

To solve the problem, you first need to figure out what the root problem is. Are you so close to the out-of-space condition under normal conditions than any stress at all can push you over? Do you have replication slots, and the standbys can't keep up? Do you have an archive_command that can't keep up? Is your IO system so overwhelmed that the checkpoints can't finish in time despite trying as fast as they can? Is you max_wal_size writing checks your harddrive can't cash?


得分: 0


  • checkpoint_timemax_wal_size 不要设置得太小。
  • 确保您的 archive_command 正常工作。



make sure about some points:

  • that checkpoint_time and max_wal_size are not too small.
  • that you your archive_command is working.

These point are importants to avoid flooding the I/O system.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月7日 20:37:10
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