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How to automatically subset a dataframe based on certain columns and store in separate dfs in R



df <- data.frame(A=c(1,2,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,4,4),
        C=c(rep(0:1, each=3, times=2)),
        D=round(rnorm(12, mean=50, sd=10), 2),
        City1=c(rep(0:1, each=6)),
        City2=c(rep(c(1, 0), c(6,6)))




df1 <- df[df$City1==1,]
df2 <- df[df$City2==1,]



I am working with a dataset in R. This dataset contains some columns of values and some columns of cities, each city as dummy variable (0 and 1). The dataset is something like this:

    		B=c(4,4,2,3,4,2,1,5,2,2,5,1) ,
    		C=c(rep(0:1, each=3, times=2)),
    		D=round(rnorm(12, mean=50, sd=10), 2) ,
    		City1=c(rep(0:1, each=6)),
    		City2=c(rep(c(1, 0), c(6,6))))

The above dataset is a prototype. The real datasets have varying number of "City" variables, i.e. sometimes a dataset has 2 "City" column, sometimes it has 10 "City" column.
I want a solution that I can create separate datasets based on the values of each "City". For example, the codes creates a dataset based on the "1" values (not "0" values) in column "City1" and store in a dataframe with the name of "City1". Then, goes to the column "City2" and creates a dataset based on the "1" values (not "0" values) in column "City2" and store in a separate dataframe with the name of "City2". And so on.

I know that some codes like the below can do the job, but in this way I have to write the codes each time based on the name of "City" variables, and also the number of cities are varying in each dataset.

df1 &lt;- df[df$City1==1,]
df2 &lt;- df[df$City2==1,]

Does anybody can kindly help me in this problem?
Thank you in advance.


得分: 3

Identify city columns, then loop through them and split:

#cc &lt;- which(grepl(&quot;^City&quot;, colnames(df)))
# when cities start on 4th column.
cc &lt;- 4:ncol(df)
lapply(cc, function(i){ split(df[, -cc], df[ i ]) })

Edit: to output list as separate dataframes into the environment, we need to name the list items then use list2env:

result &lt;- unlist(
  lapply(cc, function(i){ split(df[, -cc], df[ i ]) }),
  recursive = FALSE)
# make unique names
names(result) &lt;- make.names(names(result), unique = TRUE)

list2env(result, globalenv())

Identify city columns, then loop through them and split:

#cc &lt;- which(grepl(&quot;^City&quot;, colnames(df)))
# when cities start on 4th column.
cc &lt;- 4:ncol(df)
lapply(cc, function(i){ split(df[, -cc], df[ i ]) })

Edit: to output list as separate dataframes into the environment, we need to name the list items then use list2env:

result &lt;- unlist(
  lapply(cc, function(i){ split(df[, -cc], df[ i ]) }),
  recursive = FALSE)
# make unique names
names(result) &lt;- make.names(names(result), unique = TRUE)

list2env(result, globalenv())


得分: 2




grep("City", names(df), value = TRUE) %>%
  set_names() %>%
  map(~ df[df[[.x]] == 1, ]) %>%
  env_bind(.GlobalEnv, !!! .)


df <- data.frame(A = c(1,2,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,4,4),
                 B = c(4,4,2,3,4,2,1,5,2,2,5,1),
                 C = c(rep(0:1, each=3, times=2)),
                 D = round(rnorm(12, mean=50, sd=10), 2),
                 City1 = c(rep(0:1, each=6)),
                 City2 = c(rep(c(1, 0), c(6,6)))

创建于2023年03月07日,使用reprex包 (v2.0.1)。


Here is one approach using purrr::map and rlang::bind_env. This creates df1 and df2 in the global environment, watch out to not overwrite existing objects! If you just want a list of data.frames then just stop with map.


grep(&quot;City&quot;, names(df), value = TRUE) %&gt;% 
  set_names() %&gt;% 
  map(~ df[df[[.x]] == 1, ]) %&gt;% 
  env_bind(.GlobalEnv, !!! .)

Data from OP

df &lt;- data.frame(A = c(1,2,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,4,4),
                 B = c(4,4,2,3,4,2,1,5,2,2,5,1),
                 C = c(rep(0:1, each=3, times=2)),
                 D = round(rnorm(12, mean=50, sd=10), 2),
                 City1 = c(rep(0:1, each=6)),
                 City2 = c(rep(c(1, 0), c(6,6)))

<sup>Created on 2023-03-07 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)</sup>


得分: 1


Citys <- startsWith(colnames(df), "City")
split(df, do.call("paste", df[Citys]))


df %>%
  pivot_longer(starts_with("City"), names_to = "Cities") %>%
  filter(value == 1) %>%

如果你想将列表转换为多个数据框在你的全局环境中使用list2env(your_list, .GlobalEnv)


You can paste the columns and then split:

Citys &lt;- startsWith(colnames(df), &quot;City&quot;)
split(df, do.call(&quot;paste&quot;, df[Citys]))

Or, with pivot_longer:

df %&gt;% 
  pivot_longer(starts_with(&quot;City&quot;), names_to = &quot;Cities&quot;) %&gt;% 
  filter(value == 1) %&gt;% 

Use list2env(your_list, .GlobalEnv) if you want to convert the list into multiple data frames in your global environment.


得分: 0


You can subset df for the columns starting with City using startsWith, test them if they are equal 1 == 1 and get the column where this is the case with max.col. Paste df infront of the column ans use this to split df. Use list2env to get the data.frames in the global environment.

list2env(split(df, paste0("df", max.col(df[startsWith(names(df), "City")] == 1))), globalenv())

#   A B C     D City1 City2
#7  1 1 0 65.30     1     0
#8  1 5 0 45.81     1     0
#9  2 2 0 43.37     1     0
#10 3 2 1 55.14     1     0
#11 4 5 1 59.21     1     0
#12 4 1 1 50.55     1     0

#  A B C     D City1 City2
#1 1 4 0 62.32     0     1
#2 2 4 0 45.78     0     1
#3 2 2 0 54.80     0     1
#4 3 3 1 44.96     0     1
#5 4 4 1 61.42     0     1
#6 5 2 1 51.26     0     1

In case to keep it in a list and assuming City is only coded with 0 or 1 you can try:

split(df, max.col(df[startsWith(names(df), "City")))

Or using lapply and subset df.

lapply(df[startsWith(names(df), "City")], \(i) df[i == 1,])


bench::mark(check = FALSE,
zx8754 = {cc &lt;- which(grepl("^City", colnames(df)))  #Returns something different
  lapply(cc, function(i){ split(df[, -cc], df[ i ]) })},
TimTeaFan = {grep("City", names(df), value = TRUE) %>% 
  set_names() %>% 
  map(~ df[df[.x] == 1, ])},
Maël = split(df, do.call("paste", df[startsWith(colnames(df), "City")])),
GKi = split(df,  max.col(df[startsWith(names(df), "City"))),
GKi2 = lapply(df[startsWith(names(df), "City")], \(i) df[i == 1,])
#  expression      min median itr/s…¹ mem_al…² gc/se…³ n_itr  n_gc total…⁴ result
#  <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:>   <dbl> <bch:by>   <dbl> <int> <dbl> <bch:t> <list>
#1 zx8754        495μs  548μs   1621.  11.27KB    10.3   788     5   486ms <NULL>
#2 TimTeaFan     226μs  247μs   3863.       0B    12.3  1877     6   486ms <NULL>
#3 Maël          250μs  264μs   3754.       0B    12.3  1824     6   486ms <NULL>
#4 GKi           302μs  321μs   3051.     240B    12.4  1480     6   485ms <NULL>
#5 GKi2          161μs  177μs   5575.   6.36KB    14.5  2694     7   483ms <NULL>

You can subset df for the columns starting with City using startsWith, test them if they are equal 1 == 1 and get the column where this is the case with max.col. Paste df infront of the column ans use this to split df. Use list2env to get the data.frames in the global environment.

list2env(split(df, paste0(&quot;df&quot;, max.col(df[startsWith(names(df), &quot;City&quot;)] ==
                                        1))), globalenv())

#   A B C     D City1 City2
#7  1 1 0 65.30     1     0
#8  1 5 0 45.81     1     0
#9  2 2 0 43.37     1     0
#10 3 2 1 55.14     1     0
#11 4 5 1 59.21     1     0
#12 4 1 1 50.55     1     0

#  A B C     D City1 City2
#1 1 4 0 62.32     0     1
#2 2 4 0 45.78     0     1
#3 2 2 0 54.80     0     1
#4 3 3 1 44.96     0     1
#5 4 4 1 61.42     0     1
#6 5 2 1 51.26     0     1

In case to keep it in a list and assuming City is only coded with 0 or 1 you can try:

split(df, max.col(df[startsWith(names(df), &quot;City&quot;)]))

Or using lapply and subset df.

lapply(df[startsWith(names(df), &quot;City&quot;)], \(i) df[i==1,])


bench::mark(check = FALSE,
zx8754 = {cc &lt;- which(grepl(&quot;^City&quot;, colnames(df)))  #Returns something different
  lapply(cc, function(i){ split(df[, -cc], df[ i ]) })},
TimTeaFan = {grep(&quot;City&quot;, names(df), value = TRUE) %&gt;% 
  set_names() %&gt;% 
  map(~ df[df[[.x]] == 1, ])},
Ma&#235;l = split(df, do.call(&quot;paste&quot;, df[startsWith(colnames(df), &quot;City&quot;)])),
GKi = split(df,  max.col(df[startsWith(names(df), &quot;City&quot;)])),
GKi2 = lapply(df[startsWith(names(df), &quot;City&quot;)], \(i) df[i==1,])
#  expression      min median itr/s…&#185; mem_al…&#178; gc/se…&#179; n_itr  n_gc total…⁴ result
#  &lt;bch:expr&gt; &lt;bch:tm&gt; &lt;bch:&gt;   &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;bch:by&gt;   &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;int&gt; &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;bch:t&gt; &lt;list&gt;
#1 zx8754        495&#181;s  548&#181;s   1621.  11.27KB    10.3   788     5   486ms &lt;NULL&gt;
#2 TimTeaFan     226&#181;s  247&#181;s   3863.       0B    12.3  1877     6   486ms &lt;NULL&gt;
#3 Ma&#235;l          250&#181;s  264&#181;s   3754.       0B    12.3  1824     6   486ms &lt;NULL&gt;
#4 GKi           302&#181;s  321&#181;s   3051.     240B    12.4  1480     6   485ms &lt;NULL&gt;
#5 GKi2          161&#181;s  177&#181;s   5575.   6.36KB    14.5  2694     7   483ms &lt;NULL&gt;

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月7日 16:34:25
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75659592.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
