Coderpad的新C++示例有点神秘:`auto`和`const char* const&`的含义是什么?

huangapple go评论74阅读模式

Coderpad's new C++ example is cryptic: meaning of `auto` and `const char* const&`


  1. auto words = { "Hello, ", "World!", "\n" };中,变量words的类型是std::initializer_list<const char*>

  2. 在各种for循环中,变量word的类型是const char*,不是const char* const&const char*表示指向常量字符的指针,而const char* const&表示引用到常量指针指向的常量字符。使用const char*更简单,并且在这种情况下更常见。你的最后一个示例代码中就使用了const char*,而不是const char* const&


Two questions about the code below:

  1. What is the type of the variable words in auto words = { &quot;Hello, &quot;, &quot;World!&quot;, &quot;\n&quot; };?
  2. What are the types of the variable word in the various for loops?

Coderpad's (an online coding tool used to write code live in front of an interviewer--test it yourself at and then select the language at the left) default C++ example used to be this:

#include &lt;iostream&gt;
using namespace std;

// To execute C++, please define &quot;int main()&quot;
int main() {
  auto words = { &quot;Hello, &quot;, &quot;World!&quot;, &quot;\n&quot; };
  for (const string&amp; word : words) {
    cout &lt;&lt; word;
  return 0;

It's output is:

> Hello, World!

The meaning of auto is pretty complicated there. words is of type std::initializer_list&lt;std::string&gt; (right?--I mean, doing the replacement just below does run), so you can do this:

// replace this
auto words = { &quot;Hello, &quot;, &quot;World!&quot;, &quot;\n&quot; };

// with this
std::initializer_list&lt;std::string&gt; words = { &quot;Hello, &quot;, &quot;World!&quot;, &quot;\n&quot; };

This is why I hate auto so much. I think this Coderpad example is terrible.

Well, it just got worse. Their new C++ example within the last several months is now:

#include &lt;iostream&gt;
using namespace std;

// To execute C++, please define &quot;int main()&quot;
int main() {
  auto words = { &quot;Hello, &quot;, &quot;World!&quot;, &quot;\n&quot; };
  for (const char* const&amp; word : words) {
    cout &lt;&lt; word;
  return 0;

The type of words now seems to be std::initializer_list&lt;const char*&gt;, right? That runs.

But, what the heck is const char* const&amp; in the for loop? I'm not familiar with this. The website, the common-person's translator of "C gibberish" to "English", says that const char* const&amp; word means:

> declare word as reference to const pointer to const char

I guess that makes sense. But, why a reference to a const pointer to const char instead of just a pointer to a const char?

Using for (const char* word : words) { instead of for (const char* const&amp; word : words) { seems to work just fine too, and is much simpler.

Here's my final, more-explicit version which runs just fine too:

#include &lt;iostream&gt;

// To execute C++, please define &quot;int main()&quot;
int main() {
  std::initializer_list&lt;const char*&gt; words = { &quot;Hello, &quot;, &quot;World!&quot;, &quot;\n&quot; };
  for (const char* word : words) {
    std::cout &lt;&lt; word;
  return 0;

<sub>Note: Coderpad is a shared coding interview tool I type into when taking or giving an interview. It's not for learning; it's for interviewing. It shares the coding screen so two people can see the same code while interviewing remotely over a Zoom chat or phone call.</sub>


得分: 1


  1. 变量words的类型在auto words = { "Hello, ", "World!", "\n" };中是什么?

    答案是 std::initializer_list<const char*>


    > 要从编译器中获取实际类型,请添加这行代码 struct {} words2 = words;,然后查看错误消息:error: conversion from ‘std::initializer_list<const char*>’ to non-scalar type ‘main()::<unnamed struct>’ requested。所以实际类型是 std::initializer_list<const char*>


    #include <iostream>
    // 要执行C++代码,请定义 "int main()"
    int main() {
      auto words = { "Hello, ", "World!", "\n" };
      struct {} words2 = words;
      return 0;
  2. 在各种for循环中,变量word的类型是什么?

    for (const string& word : words) 中,它的类型是 const string&,所以 const char* 类型转换为 const string 引用。


    for (const char* const& word : words) {
    // 和(同样的事情):
    for (const auto& word : words) {
    // 和(同样的事情):
    for (auto const & word : words) {

    … 它的类型是 const char* const&,这是通过常量引用传递的 const char*


    for (const char* word : words)
    // 或(同样的事情):
    for (auto word : words)

    … 其中 word 是一个 const char*,通过从初始化列表 words 复制指针元素到变量 word 来传递指针的副本(将 const char* 指针元素从初始化列表 words 复制到变量 word),因为复制指针与通过C++引用传递一样有效。

    然而,正如 @chris_se 在评论中所指出的:

    for (const auto word : words)
    // 或(同样的事情):
    for (auto const word : words)
    // 或(同样的事情,但显式):
    for (const char* const word : words)

    …与上面的略有不同,因为这里的 const 应用于整个 auto 类型,而 auto 类型是 const char*,使得 const autoauto const 类型因此为 const char* const,这使得指针本身也是 const,而不仅仅是指向的内容是 const。正如 @chris_se 所表述的:

    > 至于你的最后一个代码块:从技术上讲,for (const auto word : words) 的类型将是 const char * const 而不是 const char*。这意味着在 for 循环中,你可以让 word 指向不同的C字符串(word = "Goodbye!";),但在 const auto word: words 变体中,由于指针本身也是 const,所以你不能这样做。

    还有来自 @NathanOliver 的评论,[已编辑以添加标点符号]:

    > [在 const auto& word : words 中,] 变量 word 的类型将是对 const 的引用 <无论元素类型 words 是什么>。在这种情况下,const auto& 将是 const char* const&,而 const auto 将是 const char* const [因为 words 中的元素类型已经是 const char*]。


还有来自 @chris_se 的内容,在这里

> 对于这些问题,请查看非常有用的C++洞察网站:


#include <iostream>

void a()
  auto words = { "Hello, ", "World!", "\n" };
  for (auto const& word : words) {
    std::cout << word;

void b()
  auto words = { "Hello, ", "World!", "\n" };
  for (auto const word : words) {
    std::cout << word;

// 要执行C++代码,请定义 "int main()"
int main() {
  return 0;

通过 提供的示例“洞察”和代码展开:

#include <iostream>

void a()
  std::initializer_list<const char *> words = std::initializer_list<const char *>{ "Hello, ", "World!", "\n" };
    std::initializer_list<const char *> & __range1 = words;
    const char *const * __begin1 = __range1.begin();
    const char *const * __end1 = __range1.end();
    for(; __begin1 != __end1; ++__begin1) {
      const char *const & word = *__begin1;
      std::operator<<(std::cout, word);

void b()
  std::initializer_list<const char *> words = std::initializer_list<const char *>{ "


Here&#39;s the best I could come up with, looking at feedback thus far. My questions are: 

1. **What is the type of the variable `words` in `auto words = { &quot;Hello, &quot;, &quot;World!&quot;, &quot;\n&quot; };`?**

    The answer is `std::initializer_list&lt;const char*&gt;`

    [@pts has a great tip to figure this out](

    &gt; To get the actual type from the compiler, add the line `struct {} words2 = words;`, and look at the error message: `error: conversion from std::initializer_list&lt;const char*&gt; to non-scalar type main()::&lt;unnamed struct&gt; requested`. So the actual type is `std::initializer_list&lt;const char*&gt;`.

    Here&#39;s a full example which does that:
    #include &lt;iostream&gt;

    // To execute C++, please define &quot;int main()&quot;
    int main() {
      auto words = { &quot;Hello, &quot;, &quot;World!&quot;, &quot;\n&quot; };
      struct {} words2 = words;

      return 0;

1. **What are the types of the variable `word` in the various `for` loops?**

    In `for (const string&amp; word : words) {` it is `const string&amp;`, so the `const char*` types are converted to `const string` references.


    for (const char* const&amp; word : words) {
    // and (same thing):
    for (const auto&amp; word : words) {
    // and (same thing):
    for (auto const &amp; word : words) {
    ``` is `const char* const&amp;`, which is a `const char*` passed by const reference.

    There&#39;s no real advantage in this case over the following:

    for (const char* word : words)
    // or (same thing):
    for (auto word : words)
    ``` which `word` is a `const char*`, passed by copy of a pointer (copying `const char*` pointer elements from the initializer list `words` to the variable `word`), since copying a pointer is as efficient as passing by C++ reference.

    As [pointed out by @chris_se in the comments](, however: this: 
    for (const auto word : words)
    // or (same thing):
    for (auto const word : words)
    // or (same thing, but explicit):
    for (const char* const word : words)
    ``` slightly different from just above, as the `const` here gets applied to the whole `auto` type, and the `auto` type is `const char*`, making the `const auto` or `auto const` type therefore `const char* const`, which makes the _pointer itself_ also `const`, not just the contents it points to `const`. As @chris_se puts it:

    &gt; With regards to the last code block you have: technically `for (const auto word : words)` will have a type `const char * const` instead of `const char*`. This means that with `for (const char* word : words)` you can let `word` point to a different C string within the for loop (`word = &quot;Goodbyte!&quot;;`), but you can&#39;t do that with the `const auto word: words` variant, as the pointer itself is also `const` there.

    And [from @NathanOliver]( [edited for punctuation]: 

    &gt; [In `const auto&amp; word : words`,] the type [of the variable `word`] will be a reference to a `const` \&lt;whatever element type `words` has&gt;. In this case, `const auto&amp;` would be `const char* const&amp;`, and `const auto` would be `const char* const` [since the element type for elements in `words` is already `const char*`].

## Going further: understanding C++ gibberish and black boxes; gaining &quot;insight&quot; into C++ code expansion to see what the compiler sees

Also from @chris_se, [here](

&gt; Take a look at the very useful C++ insights website for these kinds of questions:

Example source:
#include &lt;iostream&gt;

void a()
  auto words = { &quot;Hello, &quot;, &quot;World!&quot;, &quot;\n&quot; };
  for (auto const&amp; word : words) {
    std::cout &lt;&lt; word;

void b()
  auto words = { &quot;Hello, &quot;, &quot;World!&quot;, &quot;\n&quot; };
  for (auto const word : words) {
    std::cout &lt;&lt; word;

// To execute C++, please define &quot;int main()&quot;
int main() {
  return 0;

Example "insights" and code expansion provided by

#include &lt;iostream&gt;

void a()
  std::initializer_list&lt;const char *&gt; words = std::initializer_list&lt;const char *&gt;{&quot;Hello, &quot;, &quot;World!&quot;, &quot;\n&quot;};
    std::initializer_list&lt;const char *&gt; &amp; __range1 = words;
    const char *const * __begin1 = __range1.begin();
    const char *const * __end1 = __range1.end();
    for(; __begin1 != __end1; ++__begin1) {
      const char *const &amp; word = *__begin1;
      std::operator&lt;&lt;(std::cout, word);

void b()
  std::initializer_list&lt;const char *&gt; words = std::initializer_list&lt;const char *&gt;{&quot;Hello, &quot;, &quot;World!&quot;, &quot;\n&quot;};
    std::initializer_list&lt;const char *&gt; &amp; __range1 = words;
    const char *const * __begin1 = __range1.begin();
    const char *const * __end1 = __range1.end();
    for(; __begin1 != __end1; ++__begin1) {
      const char *const word = *__begin1;
      std::operator&lt;&lt;(std::cout, word);

// To execute C++, please define &quot;int main()&quot;
int main()
  return 0;

Their default example:


#include &lt;cstdio&gt;

int main()
    const char arr[10]{2,4,6,8};

    for(const char&amp; c : arr)
      printf(&quot;c=%c\n&quot;, c);


#include &lt;cstdio&gt;

int main()
  const char arr[10] = {2, 4, 6, 8, &#39;\0&#39;, &#39;\0&#39;, &#39;\0&#39;, &#39;\0&#39;, &#39;\0&#39;, &#39;\0&#39;};
    const char (&amp;__range1)[10] = arr;
    const char * __begin1 = __range1;
    const char * __end1 = __range1 + 10L;
    for(; __begin1 != __end1; ++__begin1) {
      const char &amp; c = *__begin1;
      printf(&quot;c=%c\n&quot;, static_cast&lt;int&gt;(c));
  return 0;


得分: 0










我在谈论像clang-tidy这样的工具,至少要控制编译标志(-Wall -Wextra)。


Coderpad的新C++示例有点神秘:`auto`和`const char* const&`的含义是什么?




From the discussion, it seems you are pointing out how the language interacts with users and vice versa more than any particular technical point.
For example, through these interactive sites.
I think many of these interactive sites bias the experience of learning.

I agree that the particular code you show can lead to confusion; it probably wouldn't even pass code review or linter analysis.
C++ code in the wild is usually bad, including books and snippets.

I could explain the origin of the confusion: strings in C++, initializer_list iteration, etc.
But I think a more proactive strategy is not buying into these easy-to-use tools online.
And instead, make an effort to find serious tools that help you with these easy-to-reach dark corners of the language.
Unfortunately, "Fisher-Price"-type interfaces to "learn C++/Python/etc." do not offer these tools because they put ease of use first and correctness second.

These extra tools and configuration options are (unfortunately) fundamental to development.
I am talking about tools like clang-tidy and, at the least, controlling compiling flags. (-Wall -Wextra).

See what happens when I use flags that need to be active to compile any new project:

Coderpad的新C++示例有点神秘:`auto`和`const char* const&`的含义是什么?

You will probably learn more from modern compiler warnings than any expert.
Also, this experts-friendly site has links to cppinsights, mentioned in the discussion (and benchmark tools).

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月7日 06:28:46
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