Robots.txt – 阻止搜索引擎爬虫在WooCommerce中添加到购物车。

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Robots.txt - blocking bots from adding to cart in WooCommerce



**阻止一些引起资源问题的网络爬虫(是否需要为每一个都单独添加"Disallow: /"?)

User-agent: Baiduspider
User-agent: Yandexbot
User-agent: MJ12Bot
User-agent: DotBot
User-agent: MauiBot
Disallow: /


User-agent: *
Allow: /


Disallow: /*add-to-cart=*
Disallow: /cart/
Disallow: /checkout/
Disallow: /my-account/
Disallow: /cart/
Disallow: /checkout/
Disallow: /my-account/
crawl-delay: 10



I'm not sure how good Google's robots.txt tester is and wondering if the following example of my robots.txt for me WooCommerce site will actually do the trick for blocking bots from adding to cart and crawling cart pages, while allowing good bots like Google to crawl the site and also block some bots that have been causing resource usage. Here's my example below with my **comments (comments are not included in the actual robots.txt file):

**block some crawlers that were causing resource issues (do I need a separate "Disallow: /" for each one?)

User-agent: Baiduspider
User-agent: Yandexbot
User-agent: MJ12Bot
User-agent: DotBot
User-agent: MauiBot
Disallow: /

**allow all other bots

User-agent: *
Allow: /

**drop all allowed bots from adding to cart and crawling cart pages

Disallow: /*add-to-cart=*
Disallow: /cart/
Disallow: /checkout/
Disallow: /my-account/
Disallow: /cart/
Disallow: /checkout/
Disallow: /my-account/
crawl-delay: 10

I put this through Google's robots.txt checker and it came out with 1 warning on the crawl delay, telling me it would be ignored.


得分: 1

Baidu 和 Yandex 分别是来自中国和俄罗斯的实际搜索引擎。我不建议阻止它们,因为它们可以向您的网站发送合法的流量。我会删除以下内容:

User-agent: Baiduspider
User-agent: Yandexbot

您的允许规则是完全不必要的。默认情况下,允许爬取,除非有匹配的 Disallow 规则。Allow: 应该只用于向 Disallow: 添加更具体的例外情况。大多数机器人不能处理它,因此如果不需要它,应该将其删除,以免混淆它们。

crawl-delay: 10 对于除了只有少数页面的站点以外的任何站点来说都太慢了。大多数电子商务网站需要机器人能够每秒爬取多个页面,以便将其网站索引到搜索引擎中。虽然 Google 会忽略这个指令,但设置这样的长时间爬取延迟将阻止其他搜索引擎如必应有效地爬取和索引您的网站。

大多数机器人不会将 * 视为 Disallow: 规则中的通配符。主要的搜索引擎机器人将理解该规则,但很少有其他机器人会理解。

除此之外,您的 robots.txt 看起来应该能够满足您的需求。Google 的测试工具是验证 Googlebot 是否会按您的要求执行的好地方。


Baidu and Yandex are actual search engines from China and Russia respectively. I wouldn't recommend blocking them because they can send legitimate traffic to your site. I would remove

User-agent: Baiduspider
User-agent: Yandexbot

Your allow rule is totally unnecessary. By default crawling is allowed unless there is a matching Disallow rule. Allow:should only be used to add a more specific exception to aDisallow:` Most robots can't deal with it, so if you don't need it, you should take it out so that you don't confuse them.

crawl-delay: 10 is way too slow for anything other than sites with just a handful of pages. Most ecommerce sites need bots to be able to crawl multiple pages per second to get their site indexed in search engines. While Google ignores this directive, setting a long crawl delay like this will prevent other search engines like Bing from effectively crawling and indexing your site.

Most robots don't treat * as a wildcard in Disallow: rules. The major search engine bots will understand that rule, but few other bots will.

Other than that, your robots.txt looks like it should do what you want. Google's testing tool is a good place to verify that Googlebot will do what you want.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月7日 06:04:32
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