
huangapple go评论62阅读模式

How to convert foreach into a function?


I am using a foreach to calculate the correlation coefficients and p values, using the mtcars as an example ( foreach is overkill here but the dataframe I'm using has 450 obs for 3400 variables). I use combn to get rid of duplicate correlations and self-correlations.

combo_cars <- data.frame(t(combn(names(mtcars),2)))

cars_res <-  foreach(i=1:nrow(combo_cars), .combine=rbind, .packages=c("magrittr", "dplyr"))     %dopar% {
  out2 <-  broom::tidy(cor.test(mtcars[, combo_cars[i,1]],
                                method = "spearman")) %>%
    mutate(Var1=combo_cars[i,1], Var2=combo_cars[i,2])

I would like to convert this into a function, as I would like to try using the future package because I need to run correlations on subsections of the original dataframe and it's more efficient than running in parallel. When trying to devise a function that replicates the above, I can use:

car_res2 <- data.frame(t(combn(names(mtcars), 2, function(x)  
           mtcars[[x[2]]], method="spearman"), simplify=TRUE)))

Ultimately, I would like to be able to have four futures running in parallel, each computing the above on a different fraction of the dataset.

However, the car_res2 output has 8 columns instead of 7 (the second one is completely empty). I had to use the output from the cars_res to know what the values were, and these were in the order of statistic, blank, p-value, estimate, etc., while the car_res had labeled columns with estimate, statistic, p-value.

  1. was wondering why the output is in different orders and not labeled with the second approach?
  2. can I use one of the apply functions in place of the above function?

Any comments would be appreciated.


I am using a foreach to calculate the correlation coefficients and p values, using the mtcars as an example ( foreach is overkill here but the dataframe I'm using has 450 obs for 3400 variables). I use combn to get rid of duplicate correlations and self-correlations.

combo_cars &lt;- data.frame(t(combn(names(mtcars),2)))

cars_res &lt;-  foreach(i=1:nrow(combo_cars), .combine=rbind, .packages=c(&quot;magrittr&quot;, &quot;dplyr&quot;))     %dopar% {
  out2 &lt;-  broom::tidy(cor.test(mtcars[, combo_cars[i,1]],
                                method = &quot;spearman&quot;)) %&gt;% 
    mutate(Var1=combo_cars[i,1], Var2=combo_cars[i,2])

I would like to convert this into a function, as I would like to try using the future package because I need to run correlations on subsections of the original dataframe and its more efficient them running in parallel. When trying to devise a function that replicates the above, I can use:

car_res2 &lt;- data.frame(t(combn(names(mtcars), 2, function(x)  
           mtcars[[x[2]]], method=&quot;spearman&quot;), simplify=TRUE)))

Ultimately I would like to be able to have four futures running in parallel, each computing the above on a different fraction of the dataset.

However, the car_res2 output has 8 columns instead of 7 (the second one is completely empty). I had to use the output from the cars_res to know what the values were and these were in the order of statistic, blank, p-value, estimate etc, whilst the car_res had labelled columns with estimate, statistic, p value.

  1. was wondering why the output is in different orders and not
    labelled with the second approach?
  2. can I use one of the apply functions in place of the above function?

Any comments would be appreciated.


得分: 1


res <- RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(names(mtcars), 2, FUN=function(x) {
  data.frame(cor.test(mtcars[, x[1]], mtcars[, x[2]], method="spearman")[c(4, 1, 3, 7, 6)], t(x))
}, Parallel=TRUE, nThreads=7) |> do.call(what=rbind) |> `rownames<-`(NULL)

#     estimate statistic      p.value                          method alternative  X1   X2
# 1 -0.9108013 10425.332 4.690287e-13 Spearman's rank correlation rho   two.sided mpg  cyl
# 2 -0.9088824 10414.862 6.370336e-13 Spearman's rank correlation rho   two.sided mpg disp
# 3 -0.8946646 10337.290 5.085969e-12 Spearman's rank correlation rho   two.sided mpg   hp
# 4  0.6514555  1901.659 5.381347e-05 Spearman's rank correlation rho   two.sided mpg drat
# 5 -0.8864220 10292.319 1.487595e-11 Spearman's rank correlation rho   two.sided mpg   wt
# 6  0.4669358  2908.399 7.055765e-03 Spearman's rank correlation rho   two.sided mpg qsec


ncomb <- as.data.frame(combn(names(mtcars), 2))

parallel::mclapply(ncomb[, c(1:2, 11:12)], function(x) {
  data.frame(cor.test(mtcars[, x[1]], mtcars[, x[2]], method="spearman")[c(4, 1, 3, 7, 6)], t(x)) 
}, mc.cores=7) |> do.call(what=rbind) |> `rownames<-`(NULL)
#     estimate  statistic      p.value                          method alternative  X1   X2
# 1 -0.9108013 10425.3320 4.690287e-13 Spearman's rank correlation rho   two.sided mpg  cyl
# 2 -0.9088824 10414.8622 6.370336e-13 Spearman's rank correlation rho   two.sided mpg disp
# 3  0.9276516   394.7330 2.275443e-14 Spearman's rank correlation rho   two.sided cyl disp
# 4  0.9017909   535.8287 1.867686e-12 Spearman's rank correlation rho   two.sided cyl   hp



CL <- makeCluster(detectCores() - 1)
clusterExport(CL, c('ncomb', 'mtcars'))  ## `mtcars`代表您的数据

parLapply(CL, ncomb[, c(1:2, 11:12)], function(x) {
  data.frame(cor.test(mtcars[, x[1]], mtcars[, x[2]], method="spearman")[c(4, 1, 3, 7, 6)], t(x)) 
}) |> do.call(what=rbind) |> `rownames<-`(NULL)




Without parallelization you can try RcppAlgos::comboGeneral first, which works very similar to combn but is implemented in C++ and therefore may be faster (it also has a Parallel= option, however it is ignored when FUN is used). Moreover I don't load broom and dplyr.

res &lt;- RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(names(mtcars), 2, FUN=\(x) {
  data.frame(cor.test(mtcars[, x[1]], mtcars[, x[2]], method=&quot;spearman&quot;)[c(4, 1, 3, 7, 6)], t(x))
}, Parallel=TRUE, nThreads=7) |&gt; do.call(what=rbind) |&gt; `rownames&lt;-`(NULL)

#     estimate statistic      p.value                          method alternative  X1   X2
# 1 -0.9108013 10425.332 4.690287e-13 Spearman&#39;s rank correlation rho   two.sided mpg  cyl
# 2 -0.9088824 10414.862 6.370336e-13 Spearman&#39;s rank correlation rho   two.sided mpg disp
# 3 -0.8946646 10337.290 5.085969e-12 Spearman&#39;s rank correlation rho   two.sided mpg   hp
# 4  0.6514555  1901.659 5.381347e-05 Spearman&#39;s rank correlation rho   two.sided mpg drat
# 5 -0.8864220 10292.319 1.487595e-11 Spearman&#39;s rank correlation rho   two.sided mpg   wt
# 6  0.4669358  2908.399 7.055765e-03 Spearman&#39;s rank correlation rho   two.sided mpg qsec

Alternatively, if you're on Linux (or Mac, but not tested), you could use parallel::mclapply, which works like lapply but with multiple cores, and use combn beforehand. This gives you the freedom to choose an arbitrary subset of combinations.

ncomb &lt;- as.data.frame(combn(names(mtcars), 2))

parallel::mclapply(ncomb[, c(1:2, 11:12)], \(x) {
  data.frame(cor.test(mtcars[, x[1]], mtcars[, x[2]], method=&quot;spearman&quot;)[c(4, 1, 3, 7, 6)], t(x)) 
}, mc.cores=7) |&gt; do.call(what=rbind) |&gt; `rownames&lt;-`(NULL)
#     estimate  statistic      p.value                          method alternative  X1   X2
# 1 -0.9108013 10425.3320 4.690287e-13 Spearman&#39;s rank correlation rho   two.sided mpg  cyl
# 2 -0.9088824 10414.8622 6.370336e-13 Spearman&#39;s rank correlation rho   two.sided mpg disp
# 3  0.9276516   394.7330 2.275443e-14 Spearman&#39;s rank correlation rho   two.sided cyl disp
# 4  0.9017909   535.8287 1.867686e-12 Spearman&#39;s rank correlation rho   two.sided cyl   hp

On Windows you can use parallel::parLapply.


CL &lt;- makeCluster(detectCores() - 1)
clusterExport(CL, c(&#39;ncomb&#39;, &#39;mtcars&#39;))  ## `mtcars` symbolizes you data

parLapply(CL, ncomb[, c(1:2, 11:12)], \(x) {
  data.frame(cor.test(mtcars[, x[1]], mtcars[, x[2]], method=&quot;spearman&quot;)[c(4, 1, 3, 7, 6)], t(x)) 
}) |&gt; do.call(what=rbind) |&gt; `rownames&lt;-`(NULL)


See this answer for more details on the use of parLapply vs mclapply.


得分: 1

首先,你可以轻松地使用现有的 foreach() 构造来通过 future 框架进行并行化。只需添加 doFuture::registerDoFuture() 并使用 plan() 选择你的并行后端,例如:

doFuture::registerDoFuture() ## 让 %dopar% 使用 futureverse
plan(multisession)           ## 并行后台工作进程

combo_cars &lt;- data.frame(t(combn(names(mtcars),2)))

cars_res &lt;- foreach(i=1:nrow(combo_cars), .combine=rbind, .packages=c(&quot;magrittr&quot;, &quot;dplyr&quot;)) %dopar% {
  broom::tidy(cor.test(mtcars[, combo_cars[i,1]],
                       method = &quot;spearman&quot;)) %&gt;% 
  mutate(Var1=combo_cars[i,1], Var2=combo_cars[i,2])

其次,类似于 jay.sf 的解决方案,你可以使用 future.apply,如下所示:


ncomb &lt;- as.data.frame(combn(names(mtcars), 2))

res &lt;- future_lapply(ncomb[, c(1:2, 11:12)], \(x) {
  data.frame(cor.test(mtcars[, x[1]], mtcars[, x[2]], method=&quot;spearman&quot;)[c(4, 1, 3, 7, 6)], t(x)) 
}) |&gt; do.call(what=rbind) |&gt; `rownames&lt;-`(NULL)

plan(multisession) 对应于 parallel 包的 PSOCK 集群,类似于 parallel::makeCluster()。如果你切换到 plan(multicore),并行化将通过 forked 进程使用与 parallel::mclapply() 相同的框架完成。

parallel::mclapply()parallel::parLapply() 相比,使用 futureverse 的优势在于获得更好的错误处理,以及消息和警告的传递。例如,如果你运行上述代码,你会得到以下警告:

1: 在 cor.test.default(mtcars[, x[1]], mtcars[, x[2]], method = "spearman") 中:
  无法计算带有并列的确切 p 值
2: 在 cor.test.default(mtcars[, x[1]], mtcars[, x[2]], method = "spearman") 中:
  无法计算带有并列的确切 p 值
3: 在 cor.test.default(mtcars[, x[1]], mtcars[, x[2]], method = "spearman") 中:
  无法计算带有并列的确切 p 值
4: 在 cor.test.default(mtcars[, x[1]], mtcars[, x[2]], method = "spearman") 中:
  无法计算带有并列的确切 p 值

请注意,这些警告在 R 中的其他并行化框架中会被完全抑制。


First, you can easily use your existing foreach() construct for parallelizing via the future framework. Just add doFuture::registerDoFuture() and pick your parallel backend with plan(), e.g.

doFuture::registerDoFuture() ## make %dopar% use futureverse
plan(multisession)           ## parallel background workers

combo_cars &lt;- data.frame(t(combn(names(mtcars),2)))

cars_res &lt;- foreach(i=1:nrow(combo_cars), .combine=rbind, .packages=c(&quot;magrittr&quot;, &quot;dplyr&quot;)) %dopar% {
  broom::tidy(cor.test(mtcars[, combo_cars[i,1]],
                       method = &quot;spearman&quot;)) %&gt;% 
  mutate(Var1=combo_cars[i,1], Var2=combo_cars[i,2])

Second, analogously to jay.sf's solutions, you can use future.apply as:


ncomb &lt;- as.data.frame(combn(names(mtcars), 2))

res &lt;- future_lapply(ncomb[, c(1:2, 11:12)], \(x) {
  data.frame(cor.test(mtcars[, x[1]], mtcars[, x[2]], method=&quot;spearman&quot;)[c(4, 1, 3, 7, 6)], t(x)) 
}) |&gt; do.call(what=rbind) |&gt; `rownames&lt;-`(NULL)

plan(multisession) corresponds uses a PSOCK cluster of the parallel package, similarly to parallel::makeCluster(). If you switch toplan(multicore), the parallelization will be done via forked processing using the same framework as parallel::mclapply().

The advantage of using futureverse compared to parallel::mclapply() and parallel::parLapply() is that you get better error handling, and messages and warnings are relayed. For example, if you run the above, you'll get:

Warning messages:
1: In cor.test.default(mtcars[, x[1]], mtcars[, x[2]], method = &quot;spearman&quot;) :
  Cannot compute exact p-value with ties
2: In cor.test.default(mtcars[, x[1]], mtcars[, x[2]], method = &quot;spearman&quot;) :
  Cannot compute exact p-value with ties
3: In cor.test.default(mtcars[, x[1]], mtcars[, x[2]], method = &quot;spearman&quot;) :
  Cannot compute exact p-value with ties
4: In cor.test.default(mtcars[, x[1]], mtcars[, x[2]], method = &quot;spearman&quot;) :
  Cannot compute exact p-value with ties

Note that those warnings are completely muffled by other parallelization frameworks in R.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月3日 22:33:36
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75628372.html



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