在Spring Data JPA中获取第一行

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Getting first row in Spring Data JPA



  1. select * from (
  2. select C.*, Row_number() OVER ( partition BY B.b_id ORDER BY C.c_id DESC ) as rn
  3. from C
  4. join B on B.b_id = C.b_id
  5. join A on A.a_id = B.a_id
  6. where A.other_field = 1234
  7. ) as subquery where rn = 1

简言之,有1-N关系A -> B和B -> C;对于给定的实体A,对于每个B,获取最后一个C。应该可以实现一个本地查询,就像这个答案中所述,但我希望有更好的方法。这是唯一的方法吗,就像这个旧答案所说的那样?


I'm trying to implement a simple query that is logically equivalent to

  1. select * from (
  2. select C.*, Row_number() OVER ( partition BY B.b_id ORDER BY C.c_id DESC ) as rn
  3. from C
  4. join B on B.b_id = C.b_id
  5. join A on A.a_id = B.a_id
  6. where A.other_field = 1234
  7. ) as subquery where rn = 1

In words: there are 1-N relations A -> B and B -> C; given an entity A, for each B get the last C. It should be possible to implement a native query, as in this answer, but I was hoping for a better approach. Is this the only way, as this old answer said?


得分: 1




  1. SELECT c FROM C c WHERE c.c_id IN (
  2. SELECT MAX(aux.c_id)
  3. FROM A a JOIN a.classesB b JOIN b.classesC aux
  4. WHERE a.other_field = 1234
  5. GROUP BY b.b_id)


  1. @Entity(name = "A")
  2. public class ClassA {
  3. @Id
  4. private long a_id;
  5. private long other_field;
  6. @OneToMany(mappedBy = "classA")
  7. private Set<ClassB> classesB;
  8. /* getters and setters omitted */
  9. }
  10. @Entity(name = "B")
  11. public class ClassB {
  12. @Id
  13. private long b_id;
  14. @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "a_id")
  15. private ClassA classA;
  16. @OneToMany(mappedBy = "classB")
  17. private Set<ClassC> classesC;
  18. /* getters and setters omitted */
  19. }
  20. @Entity(name = "C")
  21. public class ClassC {
  22. @Id
  23. private long c_id;
  24. @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "b_id")
  25. private ClassB classB;
  26. /* getters and setters omitted */
  27. }
  28. @Stateless
  29. public class Service {
  30. @PersistenceContext
  31. EntityManager em;
  32. public void execute() {
  33. em.createQuery("""
  34. SELECT c FROM C c WHERE c.c_id IN (
  35. SELECT MAX(aux.c_id)
  36. FROM A a JOIN a.classesB b JOIN b.classesC aux
  37. WHERE a.other_field = 1234
  38. GROUP BY b.b_id
  39. )
  40. """, ClassC.class)
  41. .getResultStream()
  42. .map(c -> "A: %05d B: %05d C: %05d".formatted(
  43. c.getClassB().getClassA().getA_id(),
  44. c.getClassB().getB_id(),
  45. c.getC_id()))
  46. .forEach(System.out::println);
  47. }
  48. }

Service.execute() 方法按照 1 中描述的理解打印结果。


首先,根据规范,你不能将子查询写入 FROM 子句。因此,即使窗口函数被接受,也不可能在 FROM 子句中的子查询中使用它们,就像你在你的例子中所做的那样。

然而,为了理解,让我们尝试执行仅具有内部查询的代码 - 没有外部查询的 WHERE 子句 - 以及其窗口函数:

  1. /* 为了以类型化方式检索结果而创建的虚拟对象 */
  2. public record QueryRecord(long c_id, long rn) {
  3. }
  4. @Stateless
  5. public class Service {
  6. @PersistenceContext
  7. EntityManager em;
  8. public void execute() {
  9. em.createQuery("""
  10. SELECT NEW package.QueryRecord(c.c_id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY b.b_id ORDER BY c.c_id DESC) AS rn)
  11. FROM C c JOIN c.classB b JOIN b.classA a
  12. WHERE a.other_field = 1234
  13. """, QueryRecord.class)
  14. .getResultStream()
  15. .forEach(System.out::println);
  16. }
  17. }


  1. org.hibernate.query.sqm.StrictJpaComplianceViolation: Encountered non-compliant non-standard function call [ROW_NUMBER], but strict JPA compliance was requested; use JPA's FUNCTION(functionName[,...]) syntax name instead

在这一点上,我陷入了死胡同。我可以在 persistence.xml 中插入 <property name="hibernate.jpa.compliance.query" value="false"/> 或使用本地查询。两者都可以正常工作,但我不知道它们是否合格作为规范答案。


Alright, I guess I found a solution for your problem, but without using window functions.

If I understand your question correctly, you want to retrieve the bigest C for each group of distinct B (1) - joining with A was done for filtering purposes.

This is the JPQL I wrote:

  1. SELECT c FROM C c WHERE c.c_id IN (
  2. SELECT MAX(aux.c_id)
  3. FROM A a JOIN a.classesB b JOIN b.classesC aux
  4. WHERE a.other_field = 1234
  5. GROUP BY b.b_id)

And this is the code I wrote to verify the solution:

  1. @Entity(name = &quot;A&quot;)
  2. public class ClassA {
  3. @Id
  4. private long a_id;
  5. private long other_field;
  6. @OneToMany(mappedBy = &quot;classA&quot;)
  7. private Set&lt;ClassB&gt; classesB;
  8. /* getters and setters omitted */
  9. }
  10. @Entity(name = &quot;B&quot;)
  11. public class ClassB {
  12. @Id
  13. private long b_id;
  14. @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = &quot;a_id&quot;)
  15. private ClassA classA;
  16. @OneToMany(mappedBy = &quot;classB&quot;)
  17. private Set&lt;ClassC&gt; classesC;
  18. /* getters and setters omitted */
  19. }
  20. @Entity(name = &quot;C&quot;)
  21. public class ClassC {
  22. @Id
  23. private long c_id;
  24. @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = &quot;b_id&quot;)
  25. private ClassB classB;
  26. /* getters and setters omitted */
  27. }
  28. @Stateless
  29. public class Service {
  30. @PersistenceContext
  31. EntityManager em;
  32. public void execute() {
  33. em.createQuery(&quot;&quot;&quot;
  34. SELECT c FROM C c WHERE c.c_id IN (
  35. SELECT MAX(aux.c_id)
  36. FROM A a JOIN a.classesB b JOIN b.classesC aux
  37. WHERE a.other_field = 1234
  38. GROUP BY b.b_id
  39. )
  40. &quot;&quot;&quot;, ClassC.class)
  41. .getResultStream()
  42. .map(c -&gt; &quot;A: %05d B: %05d C: %05d&quot;.formatted(
  43. c.getClassB().getClassA().getA_id(),
  44. c.getClassB().getB_id(),
  45. c.getC_id()))
  46. .forEach(System.out::println);
  47. }
  48. }

The Service.execute() method prints the result according to the understand described in 1.

Now, about the window functions.

First of all, as per the specification, you can't write subqueries into the FROM clause. So, even if window functions were accepted, it wouldn't be possible to use them in a subquery into the FROM clause - as you did in your example.

However, for the sake of understanding, let's try to execute just the inner query - without the WHERE clause of the outer query - and its window function:

  1. /* dummy object created to retrieve the result in a typed way */
  2. public record QueryRecord(long c_id, long rn) {
  3. }
  4. @Stateless
  5. public class Service {
  6. @PersistenceContext
  7. EntityManager em;
  8. public void execute() {
  9. em.createQuery(&quot;&quot;&quot;
  10. SELECT NEW package.QueryRecord(c.c_id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY b.b_id ORDER BY c.c_id DESC) AS rn)
  11. FROM C c JOIN c.classB b JOIN b.classA a
  12. WHERE a.other_field = 1234
  13. &quot;&quot;&quot;, QueryRecord.class)
  14. .getResultStream()
  15. .forEach(System.out::println);
  16. }
  17. }

But, executing the previous code, gives the following exception:

  1. org.hibernate.query.sqm.StrictJpaComplianceViolation: Encountered non-compliant non-standard function call [ROW_NUMBER], but strict JPA compliance was requested; use JPA&#39;s FUNCTION(functionName[,...]) syntax name instead

At this point, I was finding myself in a dead end. I could either insert &lt;property name=&quot;hibernate.jpa.compliance.query&quot; value=&quot;false&quot;/&gt; into the persistence.xml or use native queries. Both works fine, but I don't know if they would qualify as canonical answer.


得分: 0


  1. 你可以像以下这样使用选项
  2. @Entity
  3. @Immutable
  4. @Subselect(
  5. "SELECT " +
  6. " functions.*" +
  7. "FROM (" +
  8. " SELECT " +
  9. " C.*, " +
  10. " Row_number() OVER ( partition BY B.b_id ORDER BY C.c_id DESC ) as rn " +
  11. " FROM " +
  12. " C " +
  13. " JOIN " +
  14. " B " +
  15. " ON " +
  16. " B.b_id = C.b_id " +
  17. " JOIN " +
  18. " A " +
  19. " ON " +
  20. " A.a_id = B.a_id " +
  21. " WHERE " +
  22. " A.a_id = 1234 " +
  23. ") AS functions "
  24. )
  25. public class YourData {
  26. @Id
  27. private Integer propertieOfC1;
  28. private String propertieOfC2;
  29. // and more other for C table...
  30. private String propertieOfC3;
  31. private int rn;
  32. //getters and setters bellow
  33. //hashcode and equals
  34. }
  35. @Repository
  36. public interface YourDataRepository extends JpaRepository<YourData, Integer> {
  37. YourData findByRn(int rn);
  38. }


  1. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW your_functions_viewer AS
  3. functions.*
  4. FROM (
  6. C.*,
  7. Row_number() OVER ( PARTITION BY B.b_id ORDER BY C.c_id DESC ) as rn
  8. FROM
  9. C
  10. JOIN
  11. B
  12. ON
  13. B.b_id = C.b_id
  14. JOIN
  15. A
  16. ON
  17. A.a_id = B.a_id
  18. WHERE
  19. A.a_id = 1234
  20. ) AS functions;


  1. @Entity
  2. @Immutable
  3. @Table(name = "your_functions_viewer")
  4. public class YourData {
  5. @Id
  6. private Integer propertieOfC1;
  7. private String propertieOfC2;
  8. // and more other for C table...
  9. private String propertieOfC3;
  10. private int rn;
  11. //getters and setters bellow
  12. //hashcode and equals
  13. }
  14. @Repository
  15. public interface YourDataRepository extends JpaRepository<YourData, Integer> {
  16. YourData findByRn(int rn);
  17. }

更多信息可以查看 vladmihalcea 的网站。

  1. <details>
  2. <summary>英文:</summary>
  3. You can do something like this options

" functions."
"FROM (" +
" SELECT " +
" C.
, " +
" Row_number() OVER ( partition BY B.b_id ORDER BY C.c_id DESC ) as rn " +
" FROM " +
" C " +
" JOIN " +
" B " +
" ON " +
" B.b_id = C.b_id " +
" JOIN " +
" A " +
" ON " +
" A.a_id = B.a_id " +
" WHERE " +
" A.a_id = 1234 " +
") AS functions "
public class YourData {

  1. @Id
  2. private Integer propertieOfC1;
  3. private String propertieOfC2;
  4. // and more other for C table...
  5. private String propertieOfC3;
  6. private int rn;
  7. //getters and setters bellow

//hashcode and equals


public interface YourDataRepository extends JpaRepository<YourData,Integer>{

  1. YourData findByRn(int rn);


  1. or you can creat a viwer on database like this

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW your_functions_viwer AS
Row_number() OVER ( partition BY B.b_id ORDER BY C.c_id DESC ) as rn
B.b_id = C.b_id
A.a_id = B.a_id
A.a_id = 1234
) AS functions;

  1. And then you can use on Java like this

@Table(name = "your_functions_viwer")
public class YourData {

  1. @Id
  2. private Integer propertieOfC1;
  3. private String propertieOfC2;
  4. // and more other for C table...
  5. private String propertieOfC3;
  6. private int rn;
  7. //getters and setters bellow

//hashcode and equals


public interface YourDataRepository extends JpaRepository<YourData,Integer>{

  1. YourData findByRn(int rn);


  1. for more you can see the [vladmihalcea][1]
  2. [1]: https://vladmihalcea.com/map-jpa-entity-to-view-or-sql-query-with-hibernate/
  3. </details>

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月3日 22:25:20
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75628289.html



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