
huangapple go评论93阅读模式

How can I use function or loop to simplify my program?


1.3(The values needed to create Lo-Mendell-Rubin likelihood ratio test) and 1.4(Calculate Lo-Mendell-Rubin likelihood ratio test p-value) 步骤的程序可以使用循环和函数来简化。以下是简化后的代码:

# 1.3 使用函数和循环简化
lca_models <- list(lca1, lca2, lca3, lca4)
lca_ll <- lca_param <- lca_classes <- numeric(length(lca_models))

for (i in 1:4) {
  lca_ll[i] <- lca_models[[i]]$llik
  lca_param[i] <- lca_models[[i]]$npar
  lca_classes[i] <- length(lca_models[[i]]$P)

n <- lca1$Nobs

# 1.4 使用函数和循环简化
calc_lrt_for_k <- function(k) {
  calc_lrt(n, lca_ll[k - 1], lca_param[k - 1], lca_classes[k - 1],
           lca_ll[k], lca_param[k], lca_classes[k])

lrt_results <- sapply(2:4, calc_lrt_for_k)

clutabletest <- as.data.frame(t(as.data.frame(lrt_results)))

这段代码首先将1.3 中的值提取到向量中,并使用循环创建 1.4 中所需的 LRT 结果。最后,将结果存储在 clutabletest 中。


I am doing this:

# LCA data
f &lt;- f &lt;- cbind(A, B, C ,D ,E, F, G) ~ 1 

#1.1 Create LCA model k=1~4
lc &lt;-list()
for(i in 1:4){
    lc[[i]] &lt;- poLCA(f, carcinoma, nclass=i)

#1.2 Separate list
lca1 &lt;- lc[[1]]
lca2 &lt;- lc[[2]]
lca3 &lt;- lc[[3]]
lca4 &lt;- lc[[4]]

#1.3 The values needed to create Lo-Mendell-Rubin likelihood ratio test 
lca1_ll &lt;-             lca1$llik  #k=1
lca1_param &lt;-          lca1$npar
lca1_classes &lt;- length(lca1$P)

lca2_ll &lt;-             lca2$llik  #k=2
lca2_param &lt;-          lca2$npar
lca2_classes &lt;- length(lca2$P)

lca3_ll &lt;-             lca3$llik  #k=3
lca3_param &lt;-          lca3$npar
lca3_classes &lt;- length(lca3$P) 

lca4_ll &lt;-             lca4$llik  #k=4
lca4_param &lt;-          lca4$npar
lca4_classes &lt;- length(lca4$P)

n &lt;- lca1$Nobs


#1.4 Calculate Lo-Mendell-Rubin likelihood ratio test p-value
calc_k12 &lt;- 
           lca1_ll, lca1_param, lca1_classes,   # k-1
           lca2_ll, lca2_param, lca2_classes)     # k

calc_k23 &lt;-
           lca2_ll, lca2_param, lca2_classes,   # k-1
           lca3_ll, lca3_param, lca3_classes)     # k

calc_k34 &lt;-
           lca3_ll, lca3_param, lca3_classes,   # k-1
           lca4_ll, lca4_param, lca4_classes)     # k

clutabletest &lt;- as.data.frame(cbind(calc_k12, calc_k23,   # Create table

clutabletest &lt;- as.data.frame(t(clutabletest))

How can i use function or loop to simplify the program of 1.3(The values needed to create Lo-Mendell-Rubin likelihood ratio test) and 1.4(Calculate Lo-Mendell-Rubin likelihood ratio test p-value) steps.
Thank you!


得分: 1


First, use `lapply`.

lc &lt;- lapply(1:4, \(i) poLCA::poLCA(f, carcinoma, nclass=i, verbose=0))

Then loop over `lc` with `sapply`,
t(sapply(seq_along(lc)[-length(lc)], \(i) {
  lrt &lt;- tidyLPA::calc_lrt(lc[[i]]$Nobs, lc[[i]]$llik, lc[[i]]$npar, length(lc[[i]]$P),
                           lc[[i + 1]]$llik, lc[[i + 1]]$npar, length(lc[[i + 1]]$P))
#             lr    lmr_lr df        lmr_p
# [1,] 414.41596 387.35127  8 9.496374e-79
# [2,]  47.10372  44.02747  8 5.622002e-07
# [3,]   2.42389   2.26559  8 9.717677e-01

or to get the rownames:
lapply(seq_along(lc)[-length(lc)], \(i) {
  lrt &lt;- tidyLPA::calc_lrt(lc[[i]]$Nobs, lc[[i]]$llik, lc[[i]]$npar, length(lc[[i]]$P),
                           lc[[i + 1]]$llik, lc[[i + 1]]$npar, length(lc[[i + 1]]$P))
  `rownames&lt;-`(t(lrt), sprintf(&#39;%s:%s&#39;, i, i + 1))
}) |&gt; do.call(what=rbind)
#            lr    lmr_lr df        lmr_p
# 1:2 414.41596 387.35127  8 9.496374e-79
# 2:3  47.10372  44.02747  8 5.622002e-07
# 3:4   2.42389   2.26559  8 9.717677e-01


If you do that often, you could wrap it all in a function:

fun &lt;- \(f, data, n) {
  lc &lt;- lapply(seq_len(n), \(i) poLCA::poLCA(f, data, nclass=i, verbose=0))
  tests &lt;- lapply(seq_along(lc)[-length(lc)], \(i) {
    lrt &lt;- tidyLPA::calc_lrt(lc[[i]]$Nobs, lc[[i]]$llik, lc[[i]]$npar, length(lc[[i]]$P),
                             lc[[i + 1]]$llik, lc[[i + 1]]$npar, length(lc[[i + 1]]$P))
    `rownames&lt;-`(t(lrt), sprintf(&#39;%s:%s&#39;, i, i + 1))
  do.call(&#39;rbind&#39;, tests)

fun(f, carcinoma, n=4)
#             lr    lmr_lr df        lmr_p
# 1:2 414.415961 387.35127  8 9.496374e-79
# 2:3  47.103717  44.02747  8 5.622002e-07
# 3:4   4.880175   4.56146  8 8.032532e-01



f &lt;- cbind(A, B, C, D, E, F, G) ~ 1

请注意,我已经将HTML实体代码(如 &lt;&gt;)转换为正常的标签,以便更好地理解和使用。


First, use lapply.

lc &lt;- lapply(1:4, \(i) poLCA::poLCA(f, carcinoma, nclass=i, verbose=0))

Then loop over lc with sapply,

t(sapply(seq_along(lc)[-length(lc)], \(i) {
lrt &lt;- tidyLPA::calc_lrt(lc[[i]]$Nobs, lc[[i]]$llik, lc[[i]]$npar, length(lc[[i]]$P),
lc[[i + 1]]$llik, lc[[i + 1]]$npar, length(lc[[i + 1]]$P))
#             lr    lmr_lr df        lmr_p
# [1,] 414.41596 387.35127  8 9.496374e-79
# [2,]  47.10372  44.02747  8 5.622002e-07
# [3,]   2.42389   2.26559  8 9.717677e-01

or to get the rownames:

lapply(seq_along(lc)[-length(lc)], \(i) {
lrt &lt;- tidyLPA::calc_lrt(lc[[i]]$Nobs, lc[[i]]$llik, lc[[i]]$npar, length(lc[[i]]$P),
lc[[i + 1]]$llik, lc[[i + 1]]$npar, length(lc[[i + 1]]$P))
`rownames&lt;-`(t(lrt), sprintf(&#39;%s:%s&#39;, i, i + 1))
}) |&gt; do.call(what=rbind)
#            lr    lmr_lr df        lmr_p
# 1:2 414.41596 387.35127  8 9.496374e-79
# 2:3  47.10372  44.02747  8 5.622002e-07
# 3:4   2.42389   2.26559  8 9.717677e-01


If you do that often, you could wrap it all in a function:

fun &lt;- \(f, data, n) {
lc &lt;- lapply(seq_len(n), \(i) poLCA::poLCA(f, data, nclass=i, verbose=0))
tests &lt;- lapply(seq_along(lc)[-length(lc)], \(i) {
lrt &lt;- tidyLPA::calc_lrt(lc[[i]]$Nobs, lc[[i]]$llik, lc[[i]]$npar, length(lc[[i]]$P),
lc[[i + 1]]$llik, lc[[i + 1]]$npar, length(lc[[i + 1]]$P))
`rownames&lt;-`(t(lrt), sprintf(&#39;%s:%s&#39;, i, i + 1))
do.call(&#39;rbind&#39;, tests)
fun(f, carcinoma, n=4)
#             lr    lmr_lr df        lmr_p
# 1:2 414.415961 387.35127  8 9.496374e-79
# 2:3  47.103717  44.02747  8 5.622002e-07
# 3:4   4.880175   4.56146  8 8.032532e-01


f &lt;- cbind(A, B, C, D, E, F, G) ~ 1

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月3日 19:42:12
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75626647.html



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